
Make me feel loved [ON HOLD]

Me or Her?

liaaaa27_ · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Chapter 8

Jennie and the girls groaned in annoyance when they were told that they couldn't go to the carnival. It was Jennie's idea since when she knew that Lia and her friends would be there she quickly told her members to ask their body guard to accompany them, The girls also got excited knowing this is their time to enjoy and do the things that they want but sadly they can't.

Jennie wanted to be with Lia and treat her everything that she wants most specially her best friends also wanted to talk with her and be close to her. As of now, Jennie was in the van having a gloomy night looking at Lia's feed to her phone. The Girl just posted a photo of her and Karina smiling at each other it was taken by Ningning, She found Lia cute when she saw the cute gummy smile again but she was interrupted when the girls tap her back.

"What?" she asked looking at them "Direct Jaesung wanted to meet us at his home, he wanted to discuss something important" the girls furrowed their brows with Jisoo's statement "About what?" Lisa asked "It was about Lia, He knew that Lia and Jennie are getting close and feels like" Jisoo looks at Jennie "He has a clue on your real intention towards his daughter. Jennie's eyes went wide and gulped, she knew to herself that her intention is good she just wants to be Lia to be hers, there's nothing wrong with that right? With that, Jisoo told the driver to drive at Jaesung's home while the girls kept Jennie calm.

They gasped when they saw the front of the house, the automatic gate opened some bodyguards are checking the plate number and checking the car if there are any weapons. Jaesung hired all these men even before he became a famous director weird right? Well to be honest he also manage some crime things he is also like a police he usually turned down all the drug business, kill the rapist in short it was all related to crime. That's also one of the reason why Isabel doesn't want Lia to be with him in the first place but he promised her that he wil protect their daughter.

The girls went out to the cars 2 of the managers showed their I.D. when the 2 mens nodded and lead them inside the house, the girls gasped on how big is it. Well, the girls knew about Jaesung's second work it was all over the world people praise him because he just cared about the world and keep people safe and healthy. When they reached the living room Jennie's eyes darted at the huge family picture in the wall, the girls looks closely at it. They realized that it was 6 months ago because the date was stated in the frame. They are correct Lia is a mixed of her Mom and Dad. Jennie looked at the table seeing Lia's portrait, she admired it she is like a goddess it was a picture of Lia smiling in the camera she's like modeling in front of the camera "Lia is really gorgeous"

"She is" They heard a man's voice while the girls looked at him, they realized it was Jaesung they bowed and Jaesung smiled at them gesturing them to sit down in the couch "I called you all because I wanted you all to know about my daughter's past. I know this is a sudden call but I realized she was getting closer with you Jennie" Jaesung smiled when Jennie nodded "Even though she's just being close with Jennie I know one day she will also be close to the rest of your members because I know you're looking at my daughter with heart eyes" Jaesung smirked teasingly, Jennie widened her eyes "I-I'm s-sorr--"

"Dear, you don't have to say you're sorry. I may be related to crime things but I swear I'm a good person and I have a family to take care of. It's okay to like her, It's okay to love on her as long as she's gonna be alright in your hands" Jaesung looking at the snacks that the maids were serving "How did you know?" The cat-eyed girl asked "The way you look at her when you met her is how I look at my wife 30 years ago, we are college back then when we first met. I know you have a good intentions to my daughter and I could trust you right?" Jennie nodded while the girls smiled "I know this was too early for you all to know but her friends knows this already. That picture of her was taken before she had an accident" The girls eyes went wide while Jennie's sent shivers to her spine. She couldn't believe her precious Lia had an accident.

"How did it happen?" The Aussie accent asked "Her Uncle and cousin decided to go for a road trip in Yonkers. I told them to limit their speed knowing my daughter was there they oblige. Lia was so happy that she finally had the chance to have a road trip but my nightmare happened, when they were about to go home when I got a call from the police that my daughter got in an accident not far away from our home. Me, Isabel and Liam instantly went to the hospital. Lia's leg broke, her arms has a long scar and her head really hit hard and a lot of bruises" Jaesung said looking at Lia's picture, it still hurts for him knowing Lia is still adjusting "Sadly, her uncle and cousin died. Lia survived, she is a very tough girl. She was our tough cookie but our nightmare came when Lia woke up and she couldn't remember anything" Jennie didn't know but tears came out from her eyes, one of her manager handed her some tissue "It was confirmed that she has an amnesia, it was hard for us specially her Mom but to be honest, Lia is still Lia. She's our daughter, her attitude stays the same but became more sweeter. Lia has some problems she is very forgetful, tend to forget to do something that she needs, forget names and sometimes she is feeling dizzy if she is tensed and stressed. Whenever she tried to remember something her head is aching so bad that sometimes she's begging for help already to stop up until now she's on medication but I'm just happy she's doing alright and fine" Jaesung looked at girls Jennie was in tears while the 3 girls felt sad it was visible in their own eyes "I just hope you won't treat her differently" Jennie instantly shake her head.

"Never in a million years that I would, I know I just met her a day ago but I promise you my intentions are too good, I will never change my actions towards knowing she has this past. Lia is still Lia, You can trust me/us that she will be safe in our hands specially my hands. I will love her even more than you think" Jennie said in a tough tone, Jaesung smiled when her members also told her that they'll do everything to make Lia happy at all costs and keep her safe but most of all she was very happy that Jennie still continued to love on her daughter.

Meanwhile, Lia and the girls were currently sitting in the field Ningning bought an ice pack just in case Lia's head hurt. Lia looked at girl who bumped into them, she was apologizing non-stop a while ago but she calmed her down saying that it was okay, Ryujin introduced her to them saying it was their sunbaes. They were 9 members, her conversation with Jennie flew back in her head "Jihyo, her name is Jihyo the leader" It keeps lingering in her mind, she instantly hold her head, groaning in pain the girls instantly went to her side while Ningning press the ice pack "You're gonna be okay" Karina said while Giselle hugged her back and Winter is finding the medicine.

Jihyo on the other hand was looking at her even her members, she felt guilty of course and she wanted to sue the person whoever pushed her causing the precious girl to fall down harshly but she still she's still thinking this is the Lia that she was finding. By just looking at her closely it really has the same features she just needs to know her last name but when Winter was handing her some medicines and helped her to drink it she furrowed her brows 'Why is she drinking some medicine?' she asked, Karina rolled her sleeves up trying to cover the scar but Jihyo saw it. 'If she is Lia, maybe there's a huge reason why she didn't came back' she muttered to herself. By just looking at the scar she knew that this wasn't just a simple scar but it is very different more like she had a bad injury.

"Are you okay?" Giselle asked while Lia nodded "Do you want me to call your Dad?" Lia shook her head "Are you sure?" the girl nodded again "I - can we just go back to your Dorm? Is quite early and I don't want to go home yet" 4 of her friend nodded, Ryujin was talk to her sunbaes when Karina pat her back "Uh, We'll be going first. Her head is aching" Ryujin sigh while the her members looked at them sadly, they really enjoyed their time with Lia "text us if you get there alright?" The kpop idol said causing Karina to nod, Karina was about to go to her car when Jihyo stopped her "Here, tell her I'm sorry again" Jihyo handed her some gummies and a coffee, Karina took it and nodded while she left. Jihyo sigh, maybe someone she will see this girl again.

"I really enjoyed my time with you girls" Jaesung said smiling while he walk the girls to the front door "It's sad Lia is not here yet, she's in the carnival with her friends" The girls smiled "Maybe someday you can schedule a lunch date with us we really want to meet her. Jennie is too possessive she just wants Lia all by herself" Lisa joked causing the cat-eyed girl to glare at her while Jaesung laugh "Of course, I'll tell it to her and" she looked at Jennie "Thank you and please take care of her if ever you're planning to take her out" Jaesung pleadingly said "You have my word" Jennie said as Jaesung patted her shoulder and opened the car door for them as the girls went inside the car as Jaesung closed the door, the girls waved goodbye to Jaesung as Jaesung also did, He sighed "Boys and Guards if a porsche came by here with the plate number ZYT 7324, It's one of the members Jennie Kim" The guards and Boys nodded "Junho and Junri my daughter is at her friends dorm pick her up before 10" Jaesung said leaving as the both bodyguard nodded, Jaesung really trust that guys they were funny and very talkative for sure Lia will be enjoying making fun of these two bodyguards well for sure, this will be Lia's bodyguards for now on.

"So, you're telling us that your head is aching whenever you hear the name Geo? Gio? Giyo?" Karina asked Lia who's currently sitting in the bed Winter is handing her the tea that Jihyo gave "Yeah" Lia said looking at the coffee "How? Like, are you remembering things or familiarizing it again? or some memories are coming back?" Giselle asked turning around her swirling chair with her laptop on her arms she was researching about Amnesias and about memories "This always happen whenever I hear some names whenever my head hurts I know I met them already before my accident but I couldn't remember anything, I'm really trying my best but I can't" Lia said opening the gummies.

"How about if you have evidences? like, a conversation? her/his picture? voice? Is the memory flooding back?" Winter asked sitting beside Lia "Sometimes yes sometimes no but more like no. I'm really struggling a lot with it but I really am trying my best. All my cousins tried to regain my memories it did work by showing me some pictures and the real life place where it was taken" The girls nodded while Giselle closed her laptop "I'm curious what's with that Geo? Gio? Giyo? i don't know but maybe someday you will find him" Lia nodded replying to Jennie's text "You and Jennie are texting?" Winter asked teasingly, Lia blushed causing the girls to look at her "Since when?" Ningning smirked "You didn't tell us" Giselle said "Unfair" Karina said jokingly, The 4 girls went close to Lia while she gulped "I-I'm s-sorry I-I k-know y-you" suddenly Lia laugh out loud when the girls tickled her nonstop. Well, last night they told to themselves that their punishment is to tickle someone whenever they keep secrets to each other and Lia is the first victim. Surely, this friendship will last long.


"Yesterday it was lunch and now your dinner. Is that person okay?" Giselle asked while looking at Lia who's currently fixing the things in her locker while Winter is looking at the gifts she gasped when she saw the hoodie it was Chanel "Woah, I bet that person is hella rich. This person even bought you a shirt and hoodie and oh perfume" Winter said showing it "Whoever that person is I want to meet him/her soon, I kinda want to treat that person back" Lia said closing her locker while she went to Karina's, she told her to put the book in her locker since she was with Ningning to tell the Athletes to stop playing. The 2 girls followed her "Jeez, Karina's locker is messy" Lia said causing the girls to chuckle "But hey, if you ever you met that person and he or she has a crush on you will you let that person take you out on a date" Giselle asked causing Lia to stopped cleaning Karina's locker.

"Hmmm" she went back cleaning " I don't know it depends. I really have a high standards when it comes to dating a person" Winter raised her left brow "Oh really? What is it?" Lia smiled

"He sould have the looks, I'm really attracted to eyes, plump lips and eh nose? I don't really care, he sould be tall and hot but also he should have a nice attitude and smart Giselle frowned "You really do have a high standards but what about girls?" she wiggled her brows causing Winter to laugh, Lia smiled "Wait, before you answer that. Are you into girls?" Winter asked while Lia closed Karina's locker.

"I really don't want to label myself, You know love is love you never know who's the person that you're gonna be with. So, yeah love is love besides my parents already told I can love whoever I want" Lia shrugged so the two girls nodded and gesturing her to tell her ideal girl "I don't know the same as my preference to my ideal man? but more sexy" The girls nodded. The girls talk about Lia and Jennie last night saying that they really look together because Jennie is tall and hot, they also might have an idea Jennie is the one giving her some gifts.

"Would you mind dating an idol?" Winter asked "Hmmm, It depends" Winter and Giselle smiled as they walk away "By the way, where are two girls? Aren't they supposed to be here by now?" Lia asked "oh yeah wait I'll cal--" Winter groaned when she realized Karina and Ningning's phone is at her "I guess we should wait here" Lia and Winter nodded.

Meanwhile, Ning and Karina is at the field because they are roaming around because students might be hiding so they could play again "Jeez, aren't the sports club should be doing this?" Ningning asked, Karina groaned knowing the president's sports club is lazy "We couldn't trust that guy, just don't complain right now. The three girls are already waiting" Ningning just stopped rambling around. After 30 minutes they were done. They decided to sit for a while still not minding that their friends are waiting for them.

The girls are laughing around talking about the crazy stuff that they did when they were High School, they also talked about Lia promising their selves that they take care of her no matter what then finally they decided to stand up and go back to the meeting place.

The two girls are currently laughing in the backstage of the theatre room, they closed the lights since the principal told them too. Ningning is currently holding her tummy because of Karina's story when suddenly someone covered there mouth and pull them inside a room.

The two girls are struggling, the grip on their wrist are hard and they could feel that they were also girls. Ningning was closing her eyes so is Karina when they realized that they were at the dark room then they saw 4 figures as Ningning and Karina gulped.

"W-who a-are y-you?" Karina asked shuttering, she was shaken up even Ningning "y-yeah w-who a-are y-you?" Ningning managed to ask, The girl chuckled and stepped out.

Ningning eyes went wide, Karina was blinking nonstop with her mouth hung open. "W-wha--"

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