
Chapter 59

As Cyrus was battling how to handle a powerful emotional mage, his father Ned was dealing with his own problems at hand.

Sitting in the solar of Castle Black and reviewing the reports from beyond the wall, he could see a pattern beginning to emerge.

The army of the dead was becoming smarter and more aggressive.

Many of the smaller groups of adventurers who journeyed north of the wall were killed due to traps being set by the undead and demons.

They had begun luring groups into ambushes and there are reports of a large skeletal dragon flying into the skies in the far north.

To add to his headache the Vale and a few southern houses were causing many issues for the North.

Many Southern Lords had expressed dissatisfaction due to a Northerner being crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms. Luckily many of the more notable southern families didn't share this view. The Tyrells, Martells, Lannister and Baratheon heads were with him but he knew the only reason was because they all had daughters that were close to his son.

He had wanted to find good northern women for his sons originally, but after his second son was named King of the realms that was thrown out the window, at least for Cyrus it was.

If he only allows him to marry a northerner they may lose all support from the rest.

Sure he had other sons but each family wanted a queen, would they truly settle for a king's brother?

Even his own wife had begun to make the suggestion to bring back the ancient tradition of polygamy, something that was done away with hundreds of years ago due to the issues that arise when it comes to succession.

The North too had many instances in the past of taking multiple wives, but that was due to war. The Stark King at that time took hundreds of wives, made up of the sisters and daughters of conquered kings to not only keep the peace but to take in the magic in their bloodlines into their own.

Much like the Targaryens did, they intermarried the children to mix the magic throughout the bloodlines culminating into what the Starks are today. It was why the Stark's were easily recognized, even Jon Snow being of Targaryen lineage still had predominantly Stark features. The magic within their blood was stronger than even the Targaryens.

The biggest change was the birth of Cyrus, he was the first Stark to be born with silver white hair, had he not been there for the birth he too would've thought his wife unfaithful and had slept with a Targaryen. Even his nephew Jon was born dark haired even with Targaryen blood running through his veins.

As he pondered on how to proceed, a knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts.

"You may enter."

After hearing his response Maester Amon walked in.

"A raven from Winterfell arrived Lord Stark, I thought you would want to read it." the Maester said with a playful smile.

"Aye, I see your getting around much better than before Maester Amon."

"Aye tis a wonderful thing to receive the healing from that Baratheon girl, Shireen. Not only did I get my vision back, but I feel much lighter and younger. In fact I also wished to discuss something with you if you have time."

"Of course Maester Amon, you have served the Nights Watch and the North faithfully for longer than I've been alive. What can I do for you?" Ned asked as he finished reading the letter from his wife regarding some issues with her sister in the Vale along requesting his thoughts on Cyrus' marriage.

"I only wish to travel south to Winterfell to see the 'Hall of Champions' myself. I also hear there is a profession granting statue that gives knowledge, now that I have my sight back and can move around I feel a desire for battle and knowledge once again."

Hearing the Maesters request brought a smile to Ned's face, "Aye I grant you permission Maester Amon, and would you also be venturing beyond the wall once you have returned?"

"Nay Lord Stark, but I do feel that if the other's do reach the Wall I would be able to put up a much better fight than I could now."

"Alright, but before you go can I ask for your council on something? I feel you may be able to assist me in making the right decision."

"Of course Lord Stark, what is troubling you?"

"It's regarding my son Cyrus, many of the major houses particularly in the South are wanting marriage and are even pressing for multiple wives if needed which has my Cat also entertaining the idea. That practice has been abolished long ago by your own family due to what it opens the realm to."

"Aye, what you say is true. The Blackfyre Rebellion which led to the Dance of the Dragons had caused many issues for the realm. I see your predicament, should you choose one over the others it could lead to a divide in the realm thus weakening us against the enemies beyond the wall. What the realm needs right now is unity..."

Ned couldn't help but nod his head at Maester Amon's words. He waited patiently for him to continue, as he saw the Maester pondering over his question.

After a few moments Maester Amon continued, "My suggestion Lord Stark would be to unite the realm as much as possible, for if we should lose the unity we already have, this war could take all the realms into a neverending winter. Accepting wives from the other realms would solidify its unity and give our soldiers more comrodery, they would no longer be knights of the Reach or of the Stormlands but knights of the realm. They would have an attachment to the North and to the kingdom as a whole rather than to their own lands only."

"I see your point Maester Amon, currently they are fighting just to keep the war beyond the wall, should the wall fall they would quickly retreat to their own realms to defend rather than continuing to fight here in the North." Ned responded after pondering on what was said.

"Aye, that's exactly right Lord Stark. As for the succession that is something that can be handled at a later time, what use is worrying about succession if there isn't a throne to succeed anymore. Besides once all this is over and we win I'm sure there will be plenty of time to figure out the rest. We must not lose focus on the issues at hand first, and allowing each realm a queen, brings much more immediate benefits to the realm than it brings issues down the line. Besides, isn't more grandchildren a wonderful thing?" Maester Amon couldn't help but smile, he too was looking forward to Daenerys having children of her own.

Hearing Maester Amon's logic caused Ned to chuckle himself, "Aye Maester Amon, you do speak true. Grandchildren are the best, you can spoil them all you want without the need to deal with the repercussions due to them getting returned to their parents. I thank you for your counsel for that matter, and what about this one?" Ned asked as he held the letter from his wife regarding the Vale up.

Immediately Maester Amon's face hardened a bit as he answered, "Do not allow your wife to go Lord Stark. I feel that it be a trap of some kind on the part of that Petyr Baelish. What his goal is, I do not know, but word has reached even here of the issues with the Vale. Many knights have left the Vale and there is whispers of infidelity and usurping of power from House Arryn. Even though Lysa Arryn is still in power, many believe she is but a puppet to Lord Baelish and that he has gone as far as making deals with pirates. I would keep Lady Stark in the North and if anything have Lady Arryn come North instead if she really needs guidance from Lady Stark. Perhaps wedding the boy to a Northern house to help solidify her son's claim as Warden of the East is what she is after, which would be much easier to discuss here in the North rather in the Vale."

"Aye, I do agree with you Maester Amon and I do hope those claims be false regarding Lord Baelish usurping power from House Arryn. I may need to send some spies to confirm this isn't going on. I owe a lot to House Arryn for all Jon Arryn did for me when I fostered under him, I'll not see his house's fall if I can do something about it. You have given me much to think on my friend, I appreciate your council and wish you a safe journey to Winterfell." Then after a thought a smile came to Neds face, quickly grabbing a piece of paper and writing down a short letter he handed it to Maester Amon.

"After you get to Winterfell and have finished what you want to do, take this letter to the armory. I wish to give you a gift for all your years of loyal service to the North."

Taking the note in his hand with a questioning look, Maester Amon read the note himself and had a puzzled look, "What is a Helicopter?"

With a smile that spread almost ear to ear Ned replied, "Oh you'll see Maester Amon, I'm sure you'll love it. Usually we only rent them out, we don't usually sell them unless they are family which you already are thanks to my nephew Jon."

Putting the note into his robes for safe keeping Maester Amon replied, "I think you've been hanging out with Southerners too much Lord Stark, when did you start playing games with words? Fine, I shall play this game with you Lord Stark and look forward to my surprise. I shall leave at first light. If you have a need for me to deliver a response to Lady Stark just have someone bring it by tonight."

Hearing Maester Amon's response caused Ned to laugh as he watched him leave, he wished he could be there when he received his gift. He then began to think on the Maesters council and began writing a letter back to his Cat.

He decided to go with the old Maesters suggestion and allow his wife to arrange the marriages to Cyrus with each of the houses as long as they were willing. He already knew they probably won't due to they being the ones who suggested it to his wife, he was just surprised she actually accepted it so readily.

He also made sure to mention his refusal to allow her and his daughters to go to the Vale and suggested that she invite her sister and son to come into the North and meet her in Winterfell or Moat Cailin or any other Northern city.

He even informed her of his reasons, even though he knew she had once been close to Littlefinger, he felt she would understand of his weariness and see the benefits for having her come to the North if she is looking for a marriage that would solidify House Arryn in the Vale.

They would be able to meet the different houses and choose a bride for Robyn much easier than if she went to the Vale herself. Although she had her own protections given to her by their son, Ned wasn't going to take any chances.

After sealing the letter, Ned called for the guard on duty outside the solar and instructed him to give the letter to Maester Amon and ask that he deliver it to Lady Stark once he arrived in Winterfell.

Just as the guard was about to leave Ned spoke up, "Also have Lord Reed come to see me as soon as he can."

"As you command, Lord Stark."

Ned then returned to the map on his desk of the land beyond the wall as he awaited for Howland Reed to join him, he didn't have to wait long for a knock at the door.

After giving permission for them to enter, Howland Reed entered the solar and closed the door.

"You wished to see me Lord Stark?" Howland asked as he walked up to the desk and took a seat after Ned motioned to the chair.

"Aye my friend, I have a task for a few of the Wargs under you. I want them to gather some information regarding the happenings in the Vale. There are whispers of conspiracy against my foster father's house that I can't ignore, and because this is a time sensitive matter none can gather information faster than a warg."

"Tis true Lord Stark, not even the spider can out do our wargs. I shall send a team of five immediately to the Vale, I already have the ones in mind to send. They have been asking me for many moons to allow them to go to the Vale to catch themselves a shadowcat of their own after seeing the kings." Howland said with a chuckle.

Ned couldn't help but shake his head in amusement, his son really knew how to gather a following.

"I wish them luck in their search and if the Old Gods are willing that they find what we both are looking for. A cat for them and the information on whatever is happening in the Vale for me."

"Aye Lord Stark, you need not worry. They will do their duty first before they go looking for a new animal to bond with."

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