
Clara Afton

Mike and Will both made their way home, as they pulled into the drive way they saw someone's car outside. As they went inside they started seeing cans and bottles of beer. The whole house smelled of it. William started hearing noises from upstairs but so did Mike.

Will:"hey mike...can you go to your room for me please?, you're not in trouble ok.."


As Michael made his way to his room downstairs, William started heading to his and Clara's room. As he was getting closer, Glitchtrap told William to not worry, and that everything will turn out fine....he hoped. But all that hope was yeeted out the window once William saw the scene before him, Glitchtrap made his was out of William's mind still invisable. As he saw why William wouldn't answer his calls of concern.

W:"so our son dies not long ago, OUR daughter goes missing today and here you are.... messing around with some random fuck...?"

RF:"wait daughter?, you have kids and a husband?!"

The male got dressed while cursing out loud. Before he left he explained to William.

RF:"look man, she told me she was single with no kids, i didn't know. But good luck finding your kid and my condolences for your other kid."

And with that the male rushed out. Clara collected herself as she remembered what William had said.

C:"what do you mean went missing, you were supposed to take care of her!"

W:"no, you were supposed to, i asked you yesterday to take Eli out to clear her mind but you went out to buy more beer. I told you i had some repairs to do so i had mike watch over her-"

c:"you let that mistake take care of my daughter?! what is wrong with you?!"

William snapped.

W:"you will NOT call my son a mistake!"

C:"you know what.... i'm done... i'm done..."

W:" what do you mean "you're done"?"

C:"i want a divorce...."


C:" i want a divorce. Ever since you built those damned robots, things have been going down hill, do you not realize that?! I lost my two children... they were all i had left....."

W:" Michael is your son too whether or like it or not. I built the animatronics to get money to give YOU a better life, the life YOU wanted. If you want a divorce fine, i won't stop you."

William had walked downstairs to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. Once he finshed his coffee he headed to Mike's room, he knocked before he entered. (good parenting)

*knock knock*

W: "hey Mike, can I come in..? "

M: "g-give me a sec.....!"

W: 'what was he doing....?'

M: "come in...!"

W: "how you holding up..?"

William said as he sat down next to his Mike.

M:"n-not good.."

W:"I know it wasn't your fault..."

M: "h-how...? "

W: "you've gotten overprotective of your siblings without you noticing... I noticed a change in your behavior.... It was more hesitant...."

Mike stayed silent as he listened to his dad, he realized that his dad was always paying attention to everyone. Mike saw that William grew hesitant to ask him something.

W:" you were limping.... "

M:" w-what...? "


W:" when we left the office to look for Elizabeth.... You were limping... Did something happen...?"

Mike's eyes widened a little as he realized just how much his dad was able to capture during his time of panic. He made his way towards his wrist and gripped it slightly... William noticed this and got up and walked out. It confused Michael but when he saw his dad come back with a first aid kit, he grew more confused....

M:"w-what's that for...?"

W: "can I see your wrist Mike....?"

Mike panicked and started stumbling on his words.

M: "w-why do you, I-is it necessary..?, d-do I have to...?"

William didn't say anything he just reached out and hugged Michael. Michael sat there frozen for a second before he started crying his eyes out. William only whispered things in his ear.

W:"sshh it's alright, you don't have to show me if you don't want to. You don't have to tell me anything, just let it out, nothing will happen to you...."

They stayed in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before William decided to break it.

W:"your mother wants a divorce....."

Michael froze at those words and shot up with a look of fear in his eyes.

M: "y-y-your n-not leaving me r-right....?"

W:"no I'm not, you're staying with me OK... You're mother drinks a lot and at one point she might hurt you and I can't risk it....."

Michael felt slight relief flow over him. After they had their little talk, William decided to leave Mike alone to sort his thoughts out. He left behind the first aid kit, and told Michael to wrap himself up properly.

Clara stayed with William and Michael for a couple of months before the divorce was finally approved. William stayed with Michael. A couple of weeks after the divorce Clara got drunk and started an argument with Clara.

C:"it's your fault my kids are gone, if you hadn't built those stupid robots we would've been fine, but noooo, you just HAD to build them. So what if you made one for me and Elizabeth, I don't care, I list my children cause of you!"

W:"clara calm down you're drunk, go drink some water and go to sleep, you have to go check your apartment tomorrow"

C:"fuck you! I'm going for a drive.."

W:"clara you're gunna crash, go to bed"

Clara didn't listen and wobbled out the door not forgetting to slam the door behind her. William only left out a quick sigh before hearing Michael.

M:"d-dad... Can I lay down with you....?"

W:"sure come on"

(like this but with dimed lights and a gloomy feel to it)

3 days later William received a call from the police.

"Is this William afton?"

W:"yes, who's asking"

"um... This is the police station near ******** cliff, last night a car drove off the cliff and we searched the vehicle for any identification and we found out that it was your wife Clara afton in the car. I am sorry for your loss"

W:"oh.. She is not my wife, she is my ex-wife, but I'll be able to head down and claim her body, if that's alright"

"o-oh my apologies, and you absolutely can, we'll see you soon"

As they hung up, William called Michael and told him of the situation. His reaction surprised William.. Michael didn't cry, he only said okay and that he wouldn't go to claim her body. When William asked him why, his response made William upset. Michael told him that he heard his mother calling him a mistake, and that she wouldn't even consider him as her child. William gave Michael a quick hug and an 'it's ok' before he left to go claim his ex-wife's body.