
Makar's world

Leylin Makar, a young man with high intelligence and a carefree attitude suddenly dropped dead in the middle of the street one day, Waking up, he's greeted by one word, "congratulations!". After calming down, he finds out he was chosen at random to become a god for a new world. _____ I have a lot of ideas for this novel, that some of you might hopefully enjoy. I was very interested in the idea of someone managing a world as a god, I read world keeper for 3 chapters and gave up. Then I tried writing my own Web novel. Any and all ideas, recommendations, pointers, would all be very appreciated. If you see any grammar mistakes, please tell me

Skaii · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

After opening his eye's, Leylin found himself in a white room with nothing inside besides a small window in the middle of the room.


Getting no response in return, he stood up and took a look around. Besides the window, which to his surprise was floating, he couldn't find anything of concern in the room. Walking towards what he thought was a window, he found out it was a type of screen with a yellow outline. There was also a word written in a light yellow.



"You have won the right to create a world."

"Excuse me? Is someone watching me?"

Backing away from the screen and taking another look around, he still couldn't find anything. Looking back towards the screen, he found out the letters changed again.

"Would you like to play the tutorial?"

Under the text, was a {y/n} option, understanding what it meant, but still suspicious of this floating screen, he decided to think about it.

'I have absolutely no idea what's going on, the last thing I remember I was going to buy groceries. Did I get kidnapped? Is that why there's no door? Or is this some sort of tv show? Maybe some sort of prank show? '

"What kind of tutorial?"

Hoping for an answer he decided to ask a question, thinking he would get more answers. The words started changing again after he was done speaking.

"How to manage a world, learning the basics of being a new god."

"Being a new god? Yup I'm on a prank show, right? Alright come out everyone, I don't want to do this anymore."

There was no response, even after waiting a few minutes.

"You know what, sure, I'll play your little tutorial."

"Generating options...."

After about 10 seconds, the screen started changing shapes until it took the form of a human, small enough to fit into leylins hands

'Is this new technology?'

"Please choose a suitable body for the host."

"Can you explain?"

"You need a body, just imagine whatever you want, must be in range of the same species. Your body can also be changed at anytime, so please don't be afraid to experiment.

Time limit: 23 hours 59 minutes"

Suddenly, a large timer appeared on the wall to Leylin's right.

'Holy shit, how did that happen? Was that always there?'

Leylin didn't hear any gears moving, he actually heard nothing, the words came into his brain, which confused him greatly. He looked at the timer for awhile before giving up, although he was interested he just wanted to get out of there.

"So I just need to imagine something?"

Leylin imagined himself, and in return the small body started to morph and stretch until it was a life size version of himself. Leylin was small for a 19 year old, barely standing at 5'5, he had long dark blue hair that went down a little past his shoulders, he also had bangs that went over his eyes. He was mistaken more for a girl than he was called a guy when he was growing up, his parents were both women, and they rarely cut his hair.

"Holy shit, this is fucking cool."

The life size version of himself was naked, and he couldn't find anything that didn't match up with him. Leylin tried making the figure taller and it worked. After half an hour of him messing around, his final version somewhat the same as original him. He was taller, standing around 6'2, his body had a lot more muscles, just enough to look like a Greek god but not enough to look huge. He kept his face more or less the same, which was already pretty good looking. And he also changed another thing...

"Is the host done?"

"Yeah I think this is pretty good."

"Starting next phase..."

Leylin hasnt read any webnovels, which is why he doesnt make any connections with storys. I was inspired by World keeper, so if you see similarities just know im not trying to copy the novel. I absolutely hate writing beginnings, this chapter took me like half an hour. If you have any ideas, tell me please. If you see any errors or grammar mistakes, please tell me.

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