
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

chapter 8

Hahahaha! Dodge Cheshire dodge!" Buu was using a smaller version of his Human Extinction Attack and firing them all at Cheshire. Miniature explosions were wrecking the landscape as the girl pulled out all the stops to stay alive. He had taken her to the same canyon that he used to train Terra. Only, Terra knew it was training. Cheshire was just running and dodging for her life…

She'd even tried going invisible; to absolutely no effect. Naruto just kept on blasting a continuous meteor shower of energy blasts at her. That little invisibility stunt almost cost Cheshire her arm. Instead she only lost her right sleeve; which was completely vaporized by an energy ball.

She knew her kidnapper wasn't playing around but that she almost lost her arm terrified her. Her kidnapper wasn't playing around. 'Or maybe he is; he certainly seems to be enjoying himself. It doesn't matter though he's still trying to kill me!' Cheshire jumped side to side to dodge the incoming blasts, jumping up onto a boulder and running across cliff walls in an attempt to throw off her attacker's aim. Nothing worked, and even worse, the balls were starting to close in on her even with her full speed and agility.

To be honest Cheshire had no idea what was going on. Hive Academy was just attacked by this… demon. She had tried to escape instead of fighting the inevitable. It seemed to have found her attempts at escaping rather amusing and… interesting. 'Great, a psycho is interested in me; I sure know how to pick `em!'

Cheshire dodged another group of energy balls that left craters in the hard canyon floor. She was getting tired… so tired. Then she misjudged an energy ball came that clipped her and incinerated her left pinky finger along with a good bit of her sleeve. Suddenly she wasn't so tired anymore.

"Ahh you son of a –" Kaboom! Three energy balls hit the spot where she was at the same time. This forced her to jump up, riding the shockwave like she had been taught to increase her jump height. Cheshire gasped. 'I'm a sitting duck. I can't maneuver in mid air!' She waited for the blasts to hit her with her eyes open. She wasn't some scared little girl. She would face the attack head on. But no attack came. As she watched, not a single blast emerged from her attacker's raised arm. Her feet touched the ground and the blasts started coming again, slightly faster than before. Cheshire quickly ran up to the top of a hill and jumped, getting some good airtime and if she was correct, time to think. Like she thought, not a single energy ball followed her up.

'As I thought, his attack only works when you touch the ground. And the longer the attacks go, the faster they get. It wasn't just me being tired. However, from what I saw before jumping up doesn't reset the attack's speed. There for jumping will only buy me more time before the attack gets fast enough to hit me the moment I touch the ground.'

She landed and jumped again, barely avoiding being caught in the explosion.

'It is the ultimate ranged attack. Ranged attack… that's it! If this attack is like artillery then he can't move! The only limb of his body that can still move is his right arm! Crap but his right arm can punch through concrete walls with no trouble. But he can't move… if I can just get close…'

Cheshire hit the ground and began running as fast as she could at a dead sprint towards Naruto, unconsciously taking the running style of the shinobi from Naruto's world. Although she was running the fasted she had ever run, the fact that she was running towards Naruto meant that the energy balls were quick to catch up. She jumped up a slit second before a blast hit where she was. Again she caught the shockwave and rode it towards Naruto. She would have to time this perfectly.

Cheshire landed right in front of Naruto. Almost unconsciously he released two energy balls at her. But Cheshire never stopped moving. She performed a perfect power slide between Naruto's legs, ducking underneath his right cross at the same time. His left arm, which was still straight up, released two more blasts. Finally Cheshire regained her footing and jumped away from the explosion caused by the energy balls hitting their owner.

'Yes I did it!' Cheshire inwardly cheered.

Her elation at defeating the monster who wiped out Hive Academy momentarily drowned out the pain of losing one of her fingers. Of course the adrenaline didn't last forever as she landed and ripped off what was left of her sleeve and bandaged her wound. It revealed that skin on her arm was a tanned brown.


Cheshire froze as she heard the twisted laughter.

"No…" She turned around, slowly; her eyes widened in panic. Not that you could she her expression through her mask. But that one word said it all…

There, walking out of the explosion; completely unharmed, was that demon. Laughing at her as his eyes screamed endless violence. Suddenly his expression became ecstatic, disturbing her even more than the violent eyes.

"Yes… you are exactly what I have looked for. Another potential Majin…"

Cheshire was confused… and absolutely terrified. She just hadn't decided which emotion she felt more. But before she could reach a decision the demon continued speaking.

"I engineered faults and patterns into my attack whilst putting you on timer. If you could find a way for me to be hit before my attacks killed you then you would prove yourself worthy."

'Worthy… worthy of what?'

As if he could read her mind, 'A rather disturbing thought', the demon answered her.

"My name is Majin Naruto Buu, but you can call me Buu-sensei. I will teach you kunai fighting techniques and if you prove yourself worthy, I will teach you the ultimate kunai fighting technique, Hiraishin."

Now Cheshire was truly lost. Her surprise won over her terror, surprisingly. She was so shocked she blurted out the first thing that came to mind; "But why me? And don't I get a say in this?"

Naruto grinned. "You thought on your feet, broke down an opponent's technique, exploited its weaknesses and finally executed your plan flawlessly. That is the way of the ninja. You will become the greatest kunoichi in the world under my guidance. Your training begins now. And no, if you refuse you become a chocolate milkshake." (Ha! Only Majin Buu could make that a legitimate threat)

Cheshire flinched; 'What a way to put me off milk, meow!


Meanwhile Naruto was thinking hard, something he usually didn't have to do. He hadn't joined the dots yet on how he acquired the Sharingan but; what was surprising was that Kushina Uzumaki knew so much about it. 'It seems trying to keep up with fast-moving objects in a battle situation upgrades the Sharingan after the near death situation activates it.

The problem is the fact that I am Majin Naruto Buu! I am the fastest there ever was! So by teaching someone the Hiraishin and then 'sparing' with them, I should be able to upgrade my Sharingan. Maybe not fully but definitely up to two tomoes. I'll probably have to fight someone faster than me for real for the third tomoe. Ahh, my head hurts.'

Naruto disappeared behind a boulder and quickly created a Buu Clone. A Buu Clone was his own invention. A Shadow Clone with a golf ball sized piece of him in its core. Since the ball was technically part of him he could still channel ki through it. A seal was applied based on Minato Namikaze's Eight Trigrams Sealing Style design to the piece of him. Just like the Kyuubi could channel its chakra through Shadow Clones, Naruto could do the same with his Buu Clones.

This gave the clones the added benefit of being invincible unless the piece of him, located in its stomach, was vaporized instantly. And they would never run out of chakra unless he cut them off from him. The only problem with this technique was the speed it took to create them. When someone 'quickly creates a clone' it takes them about a second, maybe less. To create a Buu Clone, Naruto had to pull off a bit of his skin, use two Four Symbols Seals to create the Eight Trigrams Sealing style and finally create a Shadow Clone around the 'core'.

The entire process took about twenty to thirty seconds, making it useless in battle unless he thought ahead. Now for most people they would just sit down and mass produce these guys for later. The problem was that he was Naruto Uzumaki fused with the already impatient Super Buu. He was making this up as he went!

The Buu Clone had its orders… turn a couple of thousand people into Hiraishin kunai and then create multiple Shadow Clones to apply the seals. With a little luck it would be finished before the day was up. The Buu Clone used Instant Transmition to disappear to the nearest out-of-the-way populated area. Meanwhile Naruto would be teaching his apprentice the Hummingbird Taijutsu Style. (Minato's style)

The style was based upon speed, mobility and rapid arm movement. It had no kicks at all, surprising for a speed based taijutsu style. Of course, a hummingbird, no matter how fast it hit you, couldn't really do much unless you were a Hyuuga. But arm it with the Rasengan or the razor sharp melee weapon that was the Hiraishin kunai and you had a much different story. Add to it that the actual Hiraishin jutsu allowed you to move at the speed of light and yah, much different story.

Naruto wasn't sure if he was going to teach Cheshire the Rasengan yet; which was rather laughable since you usually went about it in reverse, learning the Rasengan before the Hiraishin. He just wasn't sure how much chakra Cheshire had. Naruto didn't want to waste his time teaching her mass amounts of chakra control techniques. There was plenty of time for that after she gave him his next tomoe as payment. Besides, she was built for this style.

'Ah speak of the devil. Here… I come? Kind of hard to call it a 'he' since it literally contains a still living part of me. Ahh, stop thinking! I refuse to go all human and soft!

…Damn I need to kill a hundred thousand people…Death death death lunch.' (Lolz where did I get that piece of a quote from? Guess right in the review and I will send you a cookie!)

Meanwhile with Terra and the Teen Titans…

"Move it you pansies! Haut to haut to!" Terra was randomly dressed in a drill sergeant uniform complete with a soldier helmet worn askew on her head. She also had a horse whip in her right hand and was using it to supply motivation to Cyborg and Beast Boy. They were desperately crawling through the mud, mud that was constantly trying to drown them thanks to Terra.

Robin couldn't figure out what they duo had done for them to deserve is but the fire in Terra's eyes told him all he needed to know. Whatever they had done, they deserved it. Also Raven actually seemed amused at the entire scene and it was rare for the girl to smile. 'Besides Terra wouldn't actually kill Beast Boy and Cyborg.' Hands suddenly formed out of the mud and pulled both the duo's heads underneath. 'Would she?' Robin asked himself with a sweat drop.

Time Skip…

"I did it Sensei! I mastered the Hiraishin!" Cheshire was bouncing up and down in excitement, which was doing interesting things to her breasts. Naruto had to suppress his shout of 'finally!'.

"Good my student. Now for the final exam; once you have completed this test you too will have the title Majin."

'Then I'll kill you sensei! I'll avenge all my classmates!' Cheshire had an evil smirk underneath her mask. She never realized that Naruto could feel her killing intent just underneath the surface. He had being forced to train her in the tree climbing exercise before she could learn the Hiraishin. By constantly channeling chakra through her body thanks to the exercise; Cheshire had increased all of her skills.

'Heh, foolish girl. Does she not realize that her strength is nothing compared to mine. None the less I wonder what she will be able to do in ten years time…

To this day she doesn't know a single hand sign.' Naruto shook his head. 'Definitely going soft; but at least I will soon have a new tomoe.'

"Listen well Cheshire. In order to pass the final exam, you must kill me!"

'What!' Cheshire was shocked.

'Kami bless Star Wars! This is great!' "In order for you to assume the title of Majin and take the M upon your mask, you must kill your teacher, like I killed mine!"

Cheshire was shivering violently. All her thoughts for revenge were called into question. 'Is this what he wants? Does he know about the way I really feel? Are these feelings just what he wanted me to have? Am I just another Majin in this chain of hatred?' Suddenly Naruto appeared in front of her, his right fist clocked back. She jumped away just in time, as Naruto's right fist left a crater in the ground.

'Shit that would have killed me!'

Naruto began laughing again; unaware of the psychological trauma it was causing the kunoichi. 'It's the same laugh, the same laugh that killed all my friends!'

Cheshire snapped and launched from her long sleeves hundreds of Hiraishin kunai. They flew at and around Buu, leaving no where for him to run. Naruto just swung his right fist and the invisible ki and air pressure from the punch dispersed the kunai coming at him. Cheshire didn't hesitate and began using Hiraishin. Naruto grinned and activated his Sharingan. Her first attempt had her appearing behind him and trying to stab him. But it was still too slow. Naruto spun around for a perfect spinning kick that would have taken off her head if she didn't Hiraishin away.

"I never said I was going to make it easy for you Cheshire! If you don't impress me I will kill you and find a new apprentice!"

In mid speech Cheshire appeared right in front of him, arm extended for a stab directly for the heart. She actually almost made it before Naruto brought his hands together, turning her entire head into a pancake if she didn't Hiraishin away at the last moment. Naruto was grinning inside his head. 'That's it Cheshire. Examine my weaknesses just like I taught you. If anyone can find a weakness it's a kunoichi like you. Then find a way to make your attacks hit.'

Cheshire's thinking was along the same lines as her master's. 'I almost hit him the second time. Why? It was right in front of him, he should have reacted even quicker than the first attack from behind, mid speech or not… I used Hiraishin when I was in mid stab! That's it! I have to use my moves and a split second before I complete them I Hiraishin to him. It will take every bit of timing I have!'

Meanwhile back at the battlefield Cheshire appeared at the kunai furthest away from Naruto. She jumped straight up and performed a spinning kick. The only problem was the fact that she was more than twenty metres away. 'What is she doing?' Suddenly she disappeared and Naruto was bashed right across the back of his head. When he lashed out in retaliation he caught nothing but air. 'Shit she did find a weakness! My eyes can't keep up with the split second she appears!' Cheshire appeared back where she started and Naruto she was grinning maliciously at him through her mask.

'Oh fuck – ' Cheshire disappeared again and Naruto's shoulder got cut with a Hiraishin kunai. What happened next was a five-minute massacre as Cheshire got more and more used to fighting like this.

It got to the point where Cheshire would cut his cheek by throwing the kunai from behind him. By the time the kunai had cut his cheek and was in front of him Cheshire had cut three more places before appearing again to catch the first kunai. To the naked eye it seemed as though there were hundreds of translucent Cheshire stabbing and cutting the crap out of him.

Naruto was constantly channeling chakra into his eyes, constantly trying to pick up on her moments. That happened to be the only part of his body he defended rigorously. 'This is nuts! But it's also awesome training for my eyes. I wonder if I could go all the way up to three tomoes? Nah, my body knows deep down that I am not giving it my all. I haven't even used ki blasts or jutsu.' And then his second tomoes appeared. Suddenly he could keep up, if only barely. Naruto quickly took advantage of this and in seconds it was over. Cheshire appeared straight into a heavy body blow by Buu. (think SS2 Gohan on Perfect Cell) Her last sight was of the two black tomoes spinning in Buu's eyes before she slipped into unconsciousness.