
Majikoi: Fix the World Line Seriously!!

Early Summer of 2009 Kawakami Student, Naoe Yamato is an average high schooler attending Kawakai Academy. He fools around, studies, and competes with his friends. He has yet to fall in love. Nevertheless, he enjoys his school life all the same. The single Yamato assumed that he would eventually stumble into a relationship, perhaps with one of his childhood friends, his classmates, or some one else entirely.... BUT!!! A great destiny will present itself to this laidback man! A dream only he could fulfill! The present may branch out into multiple futures, however this is different! He shall grasp this worldline by force and change the course of history forever. ---------- Heya!! New author here! This fanfic will be a lot different than you would expect. I wont be following any rules. A ton of surprises are in store for you if you stick around and read. Don't forget to leave a review! If you have any questions just leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer em. But if its a question about a spoilerish part of a story it'll be just one singular answer. "Keep reading if you wanna find out!" The fanfic is based on a videogame series calld Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! (真剣で私に恋しなさい!, lit., "Love Me, Seriously!!") it's a visual novel developed by Minatosoft and one I hold close to my heart dearly. Along with many Beloved IPs thrown in the mix. Question 1: Why tho? Answer: Why the fuck not dude? Question 2: Is it just Majikoi? Answer: Keep Reading if you wanna find out! :D Question 3: M I Y A K O!?!?!?!? Answer: Y E S!!!!!!!! Question 4: Is it going to follow the storyline? Answer: Timeline wise yes. As for story well.... hehehe! I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out! Question 5: Harem? Answer: Ain't that obvious buddy? A wise man once said How multitudinous are the betas who play the slow game and restrain themselves, only to lose their true love to an alpha male. Is not patience, then, for the fools? A beast rests within you! Free it! free yourself! Become the sigma male. The Ubermensch! Question 6: How many heroines? Answer: ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!! Well I shan't hold you here any longer! Enjoy the fic!

ArlecchinoSIMP · Video Games
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50 Chs

My Training Arc? Seriously!? (III)

As he opened his eyes he saw Juri sitting on top of his stomach. She appears to be taking pictures of his battered body and taking a quick selfie. She then posted the picture of Her and Yamato on the group chat.

Juri: Defeated the Bed Yakuza, as the representative of all woman kind.

[View Attachment.]

She posted as it showed a picture of her blowing a kiss towards the camera above a defeated Yamato.

She had her laugh and stood up from Yamato, giving him a chance to breathe. "Stand up kid." She said making Yamato groan in pain. "You can't be serious."

[Since time is dilated here. You are incapable of feeling complete exhaustion. A few minutes of breathing room would help you back in tip top shape. You won't need sleep either, even if you return back to your reality you wouldn't feel exhaustion but you would feel the fruits of your labor. It won't be instantaneous, but you'll notice the changes.]

Juri laughed, "You heard the man. 5 minutes, that's all yer getting from me." Yamato sighed as he stared at the ceiling. "I chose this path I can't be wussing out now!" He groaned as he closed his eyes, recovering his strength.

[Quest Complete - Rewards will be given after you leave Logos React Neo.]

Five minutes quickly passed by as Yamato's eyes snapped open. He slowly stood up and stretched his body. He could feel his lost vigor completely returned. He opened and closed his fist and he stared at Juri straight in the eyes. He pressed the Kizuna Drive UI and checked Juri's bond with him.

[Juri Han - 50% Interest.]

[A woman who fights purely for the thrill of the battle; her drive is much more vengeful, selfish and ruthless, as she's extremely sadistic, liking to inflict pain on her foes, and she's also extremely hot-tempered, as she can easily lose her temper when she is struck back in retaliation or without warning. However, despite her vengeful and ruthless behavior, she still has some vague sense of honor. Gained the ability to smoothly learn all forms of Taekwondo.]

She smiled at him. "I've decided to stay here for three days, within these three days, if you managed to keep my interest... I'll keep training you occasionally when I'm not busy. I you can't I'll never train you again." She said as she crossed her arms waiting for Yamato's answer.

A screen popped infront of Yamato's eyes.

[Goal - Train with Juri Han for three days without giving up.]

[Rewards - A perfect body more suited for martial arts.]

He inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes. He nodded his head as he exhaled., "I agree. I'll be in your care for the next three days." Juri smiled widely. "Now we're talking! Within these walls you got nowhere to run..." She said as she grinned. As soon as those words left her mouth Yamato immediately regretted his descision. "Bring it on!" He said as he slapped his cheeks.

She licked her lips, "Hahahahaha! Stop kid! You're killing me here. And only one of us is allowed to do the killing." She said as she bent backwards as she beckoned Yamato. He dashed forwards avoiding any kick that came his way. He spent most of the time avoiding her kick as he observed her attacks with lasered focus.

She grinned at the way he looked at her. She flipped backwards gaining some distance between them, she then spun her legs as the purple aura surrounding her leg shone with black and white flames.

She did a roundhouse kick from a distance sending a a purple blade like projectile covered by black and white flames towards Yamato. He immediately snapped his fingers and Arachnid wrapped around his arms to try and mitigate the damage.

All this was for naught however, as soon as the aura coated projectile hit him in the arms he felt a strong impact sending him a few steps backwards. He stared at Juri as she bent forwards and her legs were coated with purple aura.

She then disappeared from her spot as she appeared right next to him. She delivered an upwards kick sending him airborne. She jumped up following him in the air. She flipped midair and delivered an axe kick sending him back down on the ground.

A circular aura appeared beneath her feet midair as she used it to propel her downwards, even faster than Yamato's falling speed. He prepared for impact as he was about to hit the ground, however as soon as he blinked Juri was already back down on the ground waiting for him.

She was on all fours then she raised her right leg and delivered another upwards kick as Yamato fell on her foot. He bent backwards from the impact making Juri smile. She slowly caressed his face as she slammed him on the ground with her foot. Knocking him unconscious.

She shook her head, "Hahahaha! I hate fighting weaklings, but I like your eyes kid!" She said as she sat on the ground waiting for Yamato to recover. A few minutes passed and Yamato's eyes snapped open.

"Damn, Juri-san... You're really relentless." He said as he cracked and stretched his stiff body. He couldn't feel the pain nor the exhaustion. Scaring him even more. Juri on the other hand smiled, "Don't you mean, thank you Juri-sama for spending your time on training me?"

He sighed and slapped his cheeks, "Alright! I'm ready for more!" Juri laughed, "That's more like it kid!" She spent the entirety of the first day beating him down. He manage to last a little longer each time however he was still beaten down with Juri's unparalleled skill and techniques.

On the dawn of the second day. Yamato was thoroughly battered. He now understood the gap of a normal human against a master of her arts. He was breathing roughly as he stood up from his latest thrashing. "I can go on Juri-san!" He said as he grinned towards her. She smiled softly. "I like your gusto kid. However a one sided beatdown won't help you in the long run." He tilted his head, "Then what the hell have we been doing the past day?"

She approached him and stood behind him. "It's called honing your instincts as a fighter. It's frustrating right? You can't manage to land a hit." Yamato sighed as he nodded his head. "That's why we'll be doing a lot of stretching and basic form trainings for the whole day." She said as she pushed him down on the ground. "Now do a split!" She said as she forced his legs apart. Yamato's screams echoed across the sealed room.

"No! Raise you legs higher!" She screamed as she raised the height of Yamato's kick. "GuaaaaahhhH!!! Ow! Ow! Ow!" He yelped in pain, yet Juri seemed to enjoy his screams. To her it sounded more like music.

"No! Bend further! Until you reach your toes!" She said as she pushed his back. At this point Yamato's vocal chords are sore from all the screams of pain. "you should be able to hold on for an entire hour!" Yamato pleaded, "No way in hell I can do that!" Juri only laughed, "Shaddup! No whining!" They did that for twelve hours straight.