
Maji de Tada no Futsuu na Kenshi datte!

This is a story of a self-proclaimed mediocre swordsman named Yōta, a swordsman-in-training with mediocre face, he and his gang are ready to take any challenge to be the best. And wherever they go, all they do is to create troubles.

Mr_Gorilla1 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 04 - Wankoism

"Oh, what is this? What are you guys talking about?" Momoyo suddenly asked from Yōta's behind.

After she finally satisfied on looking at the sexy photo in Yōta's phone and get the number of the said girl saved in her phone, she's sauntering to the swordsman's back and put her chin on his shoulder before she gives his phone back.

"Nothing. We just talked about Yōta's last year national championships." Yamato is the one who answered it.

"Oh?" Momoyo raised one of her eyebrows, "The final match, I'm guessing?"


"Yeah, that was a good one. That Black Swordsman is really live up to his nickname. I would like to fight him too if given the chance."

"Do you think he could give you a good fight?" Jun couldn't helped but to ask that.

While that Kazuto guy is really strong in his eyes, but when you compare him to the like of Kawakami Momoyo?

No. He's nothing near her.

"What do you think, Yōta?" Takuya asked the only man who had fought Kazuto in this group.

"It depends to be honest." Yōta replied with a shrug.

"Depends? On what exactly?" Yamato narrowed his eyes. He doesn't like that type of vague answers.

"It depends on what he's fighting for." Yōta crosses his arms and continue, "I've been crossing my blade with him several times and I've realized something. That man blade is for protecting. He's the type of person who's getting stronger when protecting something. In certain condition, he could certainly gives Momo-senpai a good fight or even cornered her."

"So, basically a Shōnen protagonist, huh." Jun commented from the side. That's just basically describing a Shōnen protagonist to a T.

"So, just like Miyako? She's getting stronger too when she uses her love for you as energy." Takuya said while glancing at Miyako who raises a red round board with 'I love Yōta' written on it.

"If that Kirigaya guy's blade is representing that, what about you?" Yamato curiously asked.

"It's Charity." The one who answered this isn't Yōta but Momoyo instead.

Everyone raised their eyebrows at that, "Charity?"

Momoyo nods her head, "Just like how my martial art's representing Honesty, Miyako is Benevolence, Kazuko is Courage, that first year girl in your dorm blade is representing Temperance, the Black Swordsman's blade represents Chastity, and Yōta's blade represents Charity."

"A sword of righteous devotion with no intent of gaining anything." Yōta quoted as he taps Higekiri's pommel with his index finger.

Yamato hummed thoughtfully, "I guess that sounds about right."

"Well, it's nice talking with you guys, but we need to go now, Boss is calling." Jun said as he shows his phone, showing a bunch of messages from Touma. "We'll go first, Yōta, Shiina. Let's go, Yuki."

"Okay~" Koyuki nods her head before she turns to Yōta's direction and hugs him tightly, letting a cute 'gyuuu~' sound, "I'll go first~ I'll wait for you both in class~"

"Okay." Yōta smiles and pats Koyuki's head, sliding his fingers smoothly through her beautiful white hair. He loves touching her hair for some reason.

"Ran Ran Ru~" Koyuki crosses her arms to touch her shoulders, then claps her hands before she raises it high. It's a sign of showing how happy she is right now.

She learns this from McDonald's commercial on TV.

And with that Koyuki starts skipping in joy while humming children song with Jun following her from behind.

"I just love her energy." Momoyo said while smiling at Koyuki's antics. It's really hard to hate or get angry at cute and energetic girl like her.

Just like Kazuko, she's one of the people who's really good at brighten the mood people around them.

And just when the group was about to continue their way to the school, they could heard a sound of a rickshaw approaches from behind and followed by a boisterous laugh.


"The biggest weirdo is coming. Don't look at him." Yamato sighed tiredly.

Yōta narrowed his eyes, "Don't say that, Yamato-san. That's not nice."

"Yeah, right. You're that weirdo friend and classmate, now I remember."

The rickshaw that's moving as fast as a bicycle suddenly stops, and the laughter stop at the same time.

"Good morning, commoners!!!" A loud voice belonged to a man with scar on his forehead and yellow eyes and short spiky grey hair bellowed in an energetic manner from inside of the rickshaw.

"I!" He suddenly jumps out and stands on the roof of the rickshaw.

"Am!" He raises his right hand high above.

"Kuki!" He then turns his back to the group while looking over his shoulder with a big smile.

"Hideo!!!" He finished it with a big thumbs up pointed on his broad back. "Everybody's hero!"

Just like he's already stated, this man is Kuki Hideo, a student of Kawakami Academy and the class rep of 2-S. The future heir of Kuki Corporation, the biggest company in the world nowadays.

"Engrave this sign of glory into your eyes!!"

"You're so wonderful, Hideo-sama!" Another voice belonged to a woman wearing a maid clothes with brown eyes and short brown hair chimed in from below while clapping her hands in fanatical way at Hideo's figure before she turns her way to the group with the biggest fake smile on her face, "Good morning, everyone!"

Oshitari Azumi, also a student in Kawakami Academy from class 2-S. She is a kunoichi and the personal maid of Kuki Hideo.

"Good morning, Hideo-san. Azumi-san." Yōta is the only one who greeted the two back, while the others don't know what to say with Miyako simply nods her head back in a way to greet them back.

"Oooh! If it isn't my friend, Yōta!" Hideo shouted in joy before he jumps down to the pavement in perfect balance and give Yōta a big manly hug.

Yōta and Hideo were a childhood friend, they've been acquainted with each other since the young age.

Yōta's family, the Sugimura is one of the noble family in Japan, just like Kuki and Fushikawa family.

That's why he always forced by his grandparents to attended some big party in Tokyo. In that party he met Hideo as a kid and became best friend since.

Hideo also owed his life to Yōta for saving him from terrorist attack in the past.

Yōta had been telling Hideo that he doesn't need to pay back for what he did back then since it's only natural things to do to help your friend in help.

Yōta's selfless nature is what makes Hideo respected the man and consider him and Aoi Touma as his equal and friend, making him listens to what both of them have to say.

"I'm sorry I couldn't celebrated your victory in your national tournament, my friend!"

Yōta smiled wryly and pats Hideo's back, "It's okay. You've been busy with Kōshien too, don't you? By the way, let me say it once again, congratulation on your first victory in Kōshien Tournament, Hideo-san."

"Fuhahaha! It's all thanks to you, my friend! If not for you saving me back then, I won't be able to play like this and fulfilled my dream! That's why you'll always have my eternal gratitude, Yōta! Fuhahaha!" Hideo laughed and smacks Yōta's back repeatedly.

"Sheesh, didn't I already told you? I'm saving you back then was not because I want something in return. Me saving you is simply natural thing as a friend would do in that situation anyway. So, there's nothing for you to feel gratitude for, okay?"

"What a great and humble man as usual, Yōta! I love that selfless trait of yours! Never change, my friend!" Hideo once again laughing in very boisterous way, ignoring Yōta's tired expression.

"You have my respect, Yōta-sama!" Azumi chimed in from the side with brightened eyes while giving the man a salute.

He gives up.

"I'm getting amped up now! Azumi, start the rickshaw!" Hideo ordered before he jumps in to the rickshaw, "Let's meet in class later my friend! Farewell!!! Fuhahahaha!!!!"

The rickshaw crosses the bridge at incredible speed, leaving a tired Yōta behind.

"Man, it must be hard to have him as your friend." Gakuto pats the swordsman's shoulder in sympathy.

"I'm really glad that I'm not in the same class as him." Takuya said while scratching the back of his head.

"Same here." Yamato joined in.

"Just ignore him, and you'll be fine." Miyako chimed in while twirling her hair. She's pretty much doing that to other people except for her friends and Yōta.

She only listens to them. She doesn't really care about someone she considered as stranger.

"I'm already getting used to it." Yōta sighed in response.

Hideo indeed can be pretty obstinate sometimes, but even so, he's a good friend to have as he's pretty loyal to someone he considered friend and family. It's really a great trait to have despite his imperious personality.

Momoyo on the other side whistled at the direction where the rickshaw went, "That maid's good as always. You guys may not be able to tell, but she doesn't have an opening."

"Hm?" Yōta raised his eyebrows at that, "Her navel, instep and calf are pretty much wide-opened though?"

"What?" Yamato voiced out his confusion.

Momoyo on the other side stares Yōta with a half-lidded eyes, "Not gonna lie, that Karakusamoyō of yours is pretty bullshit."


"Damn, even Momo-senpai couldn't helped but to say that. That's just showing how crazy your technique is, Yōta." Takuya couldn't hide his shock when he hears what Momoyo just said.

If the one of the strongest martial arts who's basically having all kind of bullshit techniques saying your technique is bullshit is something that you should take pride of.

It means the strongest just approved your technique.

As they crossed the bridge, they could see the Tokyo metropolitan area in the distance and a lone figure running in their direction.

"Good morning, everyone!!!" The figure who revealed to be a cute girl with amber eyes and waist-length, red hair that tied into a ponytail jumps high and energetically greeting the group with big smile on her face.

This is Kawakami Kazuko, the younger sister of Momoyo. She's one of the founders of the Kazama Family along with Yamato and Shõichi during their childhood.

"Good morning, Kazuko-chan." Yōta greets Kazuko, who comes running over, with a gentle smile before he pats the girl's head, "You are working hard as usual. Good girl."

Kazuko rumbles happily at the attention and giggles, "Ehehe. I need to if I want to be an Assistant Instructor after all."

She loves Yōta's pat the most.

"Right. I know you can do it. And if you need help, don't be shy to ask, okay? I'll be sure to help you." Yōta said with strong determination laced in every words he spits.

If the girl's seriously asking for his help in the future, he'll do everything to help her achieve her dream. That's for sure.

Kazuko couldn't stopped a big smile to form on her face when she heard that, her eyes brightened with so much intensity that it's slightly blinding everyone around her.


"Haha, you're spoiling her too much, Yōta." Gakuto commented from the side while chuckling at the sight.

"Well, it's Yōta we're talking about." Takuya smiled while shrugging his shoulders. Everyone's already knew about Yōta's tendency to spoils Kazuko a lot during their childhood.

"I want to be spoiled too." Miyako pouted.

"If he's doing that to you, you'll take it for him making advances on you, that's why he doesn't treats you like he treats Kazuko." Yamato deadpanned at Miyako.

She knows that. But even so! She's still jealous! Is it wrong!?

"By the way, I saw many people unconscious not far away by the riverside. Did you do that, Onee-sama?" Kazuko curiously asked while tilting her head towards Momoyo's direction.

"Nah." Momoyo casually waved her hand, "Since they're looking so boring to fight with, so I let Yōta to do the honor."

"Aha, I knew it. The bruise on their faces and bodies doesn't match up with how Onee-sama would usually inflicted." Kazuko smiled and swaying her ponytail before she looks at Yōta, "You are amazing, Yōta! By looking at the damage on their bodies, I can say that you're defeating them all in efficient way and in instant too. How many hits you deliver?"

"69 slashes in 8 steps." Yōta said with a shrug.

"Wow!" Kazuko clapped her hands in amazement with stars swimming in her eyes.

"Wanko, are you pulling two tires today?" Gakuto asked when he noticed the tires behind Kazuko.

Kazuko nodded her head, "Yeah, but to make up for it, I went to the Tokyo metropolis along the river."

Takuya lets out an awkward chuckle, "You ran to Shizuoka yesterday too with Yōta. You're so energetic..."

"I have to train a lot, after all!" She clenches her fist up her chest, "Because I still have ways to go before I can match Onee-sama."

"Isn't she admirable? She's my prized younger sister." Momoyo couldn't stopped herself from cooing at her cute sister as she presses her cheek on Kazuko's, making the youngest Kawakami giggles cutely.

"She's on sale for a hundred trillion yen."

"Eh? Am I going to be sold?" Kazuko shouted in shock before she whimpers, "N-No way..."

"I'll buy her!" Yōta raises the bid paddle in his hand, that's miraculously appeared of nowhere, high up.

"E-Eh...?" Kazuko turns bright red when she saw how serious Yōta was right now.

"Buy me too, Yōta!" Miyako throws her hand high after she positioned herself by Kazuko's side.

Momoyo snorts in response, "I'm joking. Even if you did pay, I'd just take the money and not sell my precious sister to you."

"Hey, that's just unfair!"

"Wow, bro, are you serious about buying her?" Gakuto couldn't helped but to creeped out by that.

"Did you even have that much money in the first place?" Takuya raised his eyebrows at his fellow Otaku friend.

"I'm just gonna work my ass off!" Yōta exclaimed with strong resolve.

Yamato rolled his eyes at that statement, "You're an idiot."

"As expected of Onee-sama. You're so strong and wonderful." While still blushing because of Yōta's blunt statements, Kazuko still found herself hugs Momoyo, "I'm eventually going to be as strong as you."

"Two of her?" Yamato started before he shakes his head to get rid of what he just imagined and massage his nose bridge, "Give me a break."

"Hm?" Momoyo turned her head towards Yamato before squeezing his head, "I can't let that comment go, lil'bro."

"Ow! That hurts!! My vision's blurring!!"

"Just so you know, I'm a kind sister because I don't make you carry my bag, right?"

Yōta couldn't stopped himself from snorting when he heard that. And of course that brings the attention of the Goddess of War to him as she glared at him.

"Ouch! Hey, not my face! Ow! AAAAA!!!!"

Ignoring the sound of demise in the background, Kazuko looks around and notice someone's missing, "Huh? Our leader isn't here."

"We don't know where he is." Yamato replied as he gently massages the part side of his head.

"Well, that's just like always, I guess." Kazuko hummed as she starts walking with the group while pulling the tires behind her.

Gakuto places his hands on his hips before looking flatly at Kazuko, "Let's not train while you're walking."

"Why not?" Kazuko raised her eyebrows, "I train everywhere and everytime I can."

"It's embarrassing for us to walk with a girl pulling tires." Takuya averted his eyes from Kazuko.

They then heard a shout "I am not embarrassed at all! I am proud of her!!!" coming from Yōta in the background.

"No one asked you!!" Takuya shouts back.

Kazuko narrowed her eyes at Takuya in response, "Look at Yōkkun, he's not that bothered at all. You're just too self-conscious. That's why you're Moro."

"It's because that idiot is the biggest Wankoism in Japan!" Takuya pointed his finger at Yōta in the background before looking back at Kazuko, "And I've had the name of Morooka since I was born! Don't deny it!"

"A-Anyway, if I keep training like this, not only would I get strong..." She trails off for a second, trying to control her blush, "But my body's also going to grow like Onee-sama's."

"Do you want to match her in figure too?" Yamato widened his eyes in wonder.

"Yeah!" She nods her head enthusiastically, "Onee-sama is my goal in everything."

"Good luck. My breast size is 90 by the way." Momoyo smirks in pride.


Gakuto couldn't stopped himself from grinning like an idiot, meanwhile Takuya was blushing so hard that steam starts coming out from his ears.

"To start off, I'm going to drink milk at lunch."

"But it's still impossible." Yamato casually waved her off.

Kazuko turned her body to Yamato and glares at him, "Are you picking a fight, Yamato? Do you wanna fight?"

"I mean, you're..." He trails off as he looks at Momoyo behind him.

"Hm?" Momoyo raised her eyebrows in response.

Her firm body has no unnecessary fat, and her big boobs stand out even more because of that. She also has graceful legs and slender waist. Basically she's full of stunning charms.

She's not the most beautiful girl at school for nothing.

He's sure numerous guys would have hit on her if she wasn't also the strongest person at the school.

"Why are you staring at me, Yamato?" Momoyo smiled at her little brother figure when she feels the stares from him.

And before Yamato could answer her, they could clearly hear someone from their behind saying...


Everyone minus Momoyo stilled on their places like they were suddenly turned into a stone. There's only one person, the biggest idiot, in their group who dare to say that to the Goddess of War.

"Oh? Would you like to repeat that once again, Yōta? I didn't hear you clearly..." Momoyo smiled sweetly at the man while swiftly locking his head with her arm.

She's clearly pissed off since they can literally feel her oppressing aura raging out from her body despite her wearing a sweet smile on her face right now.

"W-Wait... I don't mean that... C-Can we talk about this?" Yōta tried to negotiate with Momoyo but by seeing her expression, there's nothing to talk about.

The group could only offer a pray to the biggest idiot in their family.


"I'm really surprise that you still dare to call her that, Yōta..." Yamato sweatdropped at the man.

Yōta started calling Momoyo by that nickname since their middle school, it's because Momoyo's body started blooming in that years. And of course he got beaten so hard back then by Momoyo for calling her that.

While the girl was proud of her assets, it's still pissed her off if someone making fun of her like that.

"Yōta, I love you and all. But I can't help to think that you're an idiot." Miyako chimed in from the side while Kazuko could only laugh awkwardly at the situation.

""Yeah, he's the biggest idiot alright."" Gakuto and Takuya said at the same time.

They're getting loud with their interactions, but nobody cares since this is nothing new to the Kawakami residents.

"Yo, chum group! You all look fine today as always!" The old man called out for the group as he spotted them.

"Yo." Gakuto greeted the old man back with a wave of his hand.

They're pretty much getting along with this old man since he had been known them since their childhood and the fact that he's the owner of the book store where Shõichi works at, helping them knowing the man well too.

"Haha." The oldman barks a laughter, "You guys have been together forever, dammit. How long are you guys going to be together?"

"We're going to be together forever, of course." Kazuko replies innocently.


"They won't sag down! They'll stay firm even when I'm old!"


"Dude! Are you trying to die or something!? Stops provoking her!" Gakuto couldn't helped himself but to shout at Yōta.

This man must be crazy or a masochist, to be honest it doesn't matter. It's still the stupidest thing to do if you're trying to provoke the strongest like that.

"Hahaha. Those two never change, I see." The old man shakes his head in amusement before he's going on his own way.

The group also finally leave with Momoyo's dragging Yōta's beaten body by the collar.

This will be the last upload for today. And I'll take break for next days, about 3 or 4 days.

So, yeah, that's all. Happy Weekend, guys.

Mr_Gorilla1creators' thoughts