
CH 13: Family

"I really hope that I have a family." Tang San said with a sad but serious and honest face :"I'm just a peasant. I can give you neither this nor power. But I can give you all my promise. I'll protect my family forever. I won't let any of them get hurt."

Ali smiled fondly as he patted Tang San's back :"Silly goose, you have always been like a brother to me. But if you want to be family, alright then. Consider us brothers from now on."

"Thank you... Brother." Tang San smiled in relief as he and Ali fist pumped before Ali looked at Xiao Wu and Yuena :"What do you two think? Want to become a little family together?"

"Family, huh? Since Ali has already accepted, then I wouldn't disagree either." Yuena nodded with a small smile, causing Tang San's smile to grow bigger as he nodded at her :"Thank you, sister Yuena." Then they all looked at Xiao Wu who looked down before asking :"If one day, many people want to kill me, but you can't defeat them, what would you do?"

"They'll have to kill me first." Tang San said without hesitation, causing Ali to playfully roll his eyes at the slightly cringe line before he smacked his own chest with a smirk and a wink :"Till I'm alive, no one will ever hurt my damn family. You can count on that." <Dom would be proud>

"I also am not planning on letting anyone harm my new family and any of my younger siblings." Yuena said with a cold glint in her eyes before everyone smiled gently and fondly when Xiao Wu nodded :"Brothers and sister."

Ali hummed thoughtfully before he looked at everyone :"So now that we have established that we're a family, what order are we in yet?" And Xiao Wu immediately smiled triumphantly :"Obviously, I'm the eldest sister!"

However, she chuckled nervously when Yuena raised an eyebrow at her :"Ah... Hehehe... I-I will be the second eldest after sister Yuena! Both Xiao San and Ali are younger than us."

The boys rolled their eyes as Tang San spoke with a smile :"We'll go in the order of age. Sister Yuena will be the eldest sister, I will be the second brother, Ali who is younger than me and older than Xiao Wu will be the third brother, and Xiao Wu, who is the youngest, will be the youngest sibling."

Xiao Wu stomped her foot with a pout :"I don't want to be the youngest!" But nobody bothered with her as Ali thought about it with his hand under his chin :'Hmm, the 3rd, huh? In that case, I will be the 5th brother in Shrek school. Well, whatever, 3 and 5 are two of my favorite numbers anyway.' "Alright, I don't have a problem with it."

However, Tang San was a little surprised as he tilted his head at him :"Really? With how much you objected to me calling you Xiao Ali in the past, I thought you would definitely disagree with the order."

Ali shrugged with a nonchalant and neutral face :"That's because "Xiao" doesn't sound good with my name. After all, my name is pretty unique. That's why, I would prefer if you all continued calling me Ali in the future."

Seeing that everybody was ignoring her complaints, Xiao Wu gave up with a sigh before smiling and lying on the ground :"AAHHHH fine! I will be the youngest, you happy now?! Geez..."

They all laid down together, forming a little circle as they looked up at the night sky in a comfortable silence. After that, to show that Tang San had some abilities to protect his family, he showed them his Sleeve Arrow, a hidden weapon from the Tang Sect.

After showing them how it worked, he gave one to each of them. Ali was a little surprised since Tang San only built a single extra one for Xiao Wu, but Tang San said that he had prepared one for each of them since they were all his close friends.

- (1-2 years later)

<Okay, guys, I've decided to change something... Again. Since I could only pick 9 aliens, there were still some pretty aliens that I wanted to put in. For example, Fourarms was stronger than Rath and was a classic one, so I wanted to put it in Rath's place.

But I also really loved Rath, so I was reluctant to do it. So while looking at some cool pictures of the aliens that I've chosen, I found a few very, VERY cool pictures of two or more aliens combined!

So, from now on, all of Ali's aliens will be combinations of two or more aliens! Ali's first alien, which was just Rath, will now be a combination of Rath (Appoplexian), Fourarms (Tetramand), and Kicking Hawk (Unknown). The name will stay as Frenzy.

So basically all just power. The way I will be combining them is if they have a trait in common. For those three, all of them are just power. The reason why I didn't put Humungousaur (Vaxasaurian) is because I have some other plans. Hope you all like this decision! By the way, I will write Ali's stats in the chapter where they go to Shrek school>

"WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!" The sound of a loud cheering was heard in Star Dou Great Forest, the greatest place for soul beasts and one of the most dangerous places for humans.

The owner of the person who was cheering couldn't be seen though. All that could be seen was a blue, black and red blur that would move among the giant trees of the ancient trees.

However, that blue, black and red blur stopped as it slid on the ground before it looked around in excitement :"Fuck yeah! This is badass on a whole nother level!" The being wasn't a human, nor was it a soul beast.

It was mainly blue and black with a humanoid body, but it had black claws and a tail with a blade at the end of it. Also, the red of its body was the wings connected from its wrists to Its waist. Its legs were also quite unique, with what seemed to be wheels in the middle of its feet. There was also one more thing which was pretty noticeable on its chest, the Omnitrix symbol.

There seemed to also be a mask on its face that rolled up and disappeared to nowhere, revealing a blue face with green eyes and spoke with a unique voice :"Oh fuck yeah, baby! Since I absorbed the soul ring of a soul beast famous for its speed, I thought that the second alien would be just a mix of XLR8 (Kineceleran) and Fasttrack (Citrakayah), but who would've thought that Jetray (Aerophibian) would also be in the mix?!

I'm a goddamn mix of all of those three! Not only can I run fast as fuck, I can also fly fast as fuck!" Yup, this was Ali. After reaching level 20, he had come to Star Dou Great Forest to get his second soul ring and unlock his second alien.

Since he had power but lacked speed, he decided to go for a soul beast that would give him a speed alien. And when he found out that his second alien was a mix of three of Ben's fastest aliens, he was excited as hell.

There were of course a few reasons why he had come to Star Dou Great Forest, one of the most dangerous places, of all places when he could go to a less dangerous place.

1: Older and stronger soul beasts could easily be found here.

2: Rarer soul beasts could be found. And the rarer a soul beast, the better the soul skill it would give.

3: Star Dou Great Forest could be entered easily without needing to get a token from the Martial Soul Hall.

Even though his soul rings would automatically get stronger and older thanks to Omnitrix, Ali still wanted to kill a thousand year soul beast. Not to test himself or anything, but because of something else, soul bone.

The older the soul beast, the higher the chances of getting a soul bone from it. And even though the chances of getting a soul bone from a thousand year soul beast was pretty low, it was at least higher than a hundred year soul beast.

And guess what, he actually got a soul bone! And not just any soul bone, an external soul bone! Let's explain. You see, Ali wanted a soul beast that was famous for its speed.

So after searching for quite a while in the giant forest, he managed to find a Thunder Death Spider. A soul beast famous for its speed and poison that is considered as the deadliest poison in the soul beast world. <It's kinda fun to use the character in another fanfic in this one too>

After a life threatening fight between the two where Ali used everything that he had in him, every technique and both of his martial souls, he managed to come out victorious in the end. When he found a secure place where no soul beasts were present, he began to absorb the soul ring.

And after absorbing it and finding out what alien he had unlocked, 8 spider legs also came out of his back. It was a painful experience for him, but an incredibly lucky and fortunate one. In the end, he just named the Spider Spears and decided to use his new alien a little bit. <As I said, I will update a chapter containing Ali's information, including soul rings and soul skills>

But he just ran around, he didn't fly. After all, some soul beasts are extremely territorial. Some bird soul beasts would attack him immediately if they found out someone was invading their territory in the sky.

However, he wasn't complaining at all. After all, just being able to run at supersonic speed was fun as hell! While he continued running in the city towards the edge, he caught sight of a black figure from the corner of his eye.

Upon a closer look, he noticed that it was a girl around his age. She had black hair, was rather tall for a girl, and had started "developing" in some areas. She was bigger than most girls around Ali's age.

Normally, he wouldn't bother with someone else, even if they were a girl, and just mind his own business. But this girl was being chased by a few guys. Again, he didn't care. He was no god damn hero, he was more of a villain to be honest.

He was just gonna go away since it was none of his business, but he hesitated when he felt like the girl looked familiar. While silently following them, Ali thought about it with his hand under his chin :'Black hair, cat martial soul, above average figure for her age, her hair styled to have two little cat ear shaped buns... Is she... Zhu Zhuqing???

Why is she here? And why is she exactly getting chased? ... Ohhh! Oh I get it now! I remember that her sister wanted her dead! What was her name...? Ah forget it, I have more important matters to attend to.

She probably wouldn't get hurt by these people that her sister probably sent even if I don't help, since she was safe and sound in the original a few years later. But still... Should I get her too?

I mean, I've already gotten Yuena, and I DEFINITELY wasn't going to let go of the idea of getting Bibi Dong, so I'm already making a harem. And besides, some girls in Douluo Dalu are seriously too beautiful... Should I get her too?

Well, she is beautiful, has an awesome figure, is confident, hardworking, caring under her exterior. She is really my type, to be honest... AAAHHHHHH, FUCK IT! Why do I bother even thinking about it?! I've always acted based on what my heart wants! I've decided, I will help her out!'

<By the way, here's a list of the harem. I will post an auxiliary chapter later and will post pictures of each of them>

(According to the order of meeting them)

1) Gu Yuena

2) Zhu Zhuqing

3) Qian Renxue <I'm not sure when this one will make an appearance>

4) Liu Erlong

5) Tang Yuehua

6) Huo Wu

7) Bibi Dong <this one is DEFINITELY here>

8) Hu Liena

9) Ah Yin <this one is DEFINITELY gonna be a hard one to get>

10) Bo Saixi

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