
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix Wielder In Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

CH 1: A new beginning

<Sooo I have already written a chapter of this a few days ago as a novel and not a fanfic, but it doesn't appear in my page, so here we are! Also, I have thought of a nice schedule. I will be continuing my Majesty's Journey 1, 2, 6, and 7, but not daily! I will do it like this instead, I will switch between them, something like this:

One week, I will focus on updating Majesty's Journey 1 and 6 daily, one chapter each day for both of them, which will be 7 chapters each week. Then, when the week is finished, will focus on Majesty's Journey 2 and 7 for a week! This way, there will be a lot of updates, and it will be a nice change for me so I won't get bored from a single story. Hope you like it!

Also, I was planning on making it so MC has twin martial souls in this fanfic, Omnitrix and Majestrix, but I decided to change it and make it so Majestrix is Omnitrix after it evolves.

Because the aliens in Majestrix are either Nigh-Omnipotent or literally Omnipotent, so that would be just boring. But don't worry, MC still has twin martial souls! Another thing, I won't say what aliens MC will have in his Omnitrix, I want it to be a surprise each time one gets unlocked. Now, enjoy!>


Sun was beginning to rise, and it's rays were beginning to illuminate the entire world high, including a certain small village in the countryside. It was morning, and a boy with rather ordinary looks and old clothes was walking towards somewhere in the said village.

The boy had black hair that also looked dark blue when the sun shone on it. Even though the kid was ordinary looking, his clothes were surprisingly clean for a kid, especially a countryside kid.

As the kid walked towards a hill while the sun wasn't completely out, he saw a boy laying down on a smooth rock with a weed in his mouth while he just lazed around. <not the drug or the plant it gets created from, I just couldn't find the word for that plant>

Even though both of these two were from the same village, the looks of the second boy lying on the rock were worlds apart. The boy had jet black hair that could reach his chin, his slightly open eyes that were looking at the sky were blood red eyes that seemed as if they could steal one's soul away.

So red that you would think they would bleed any second. His eyes were very unique, the outer parts were jet black like his hair, but the center was blood red. The pupils were also vertical instead of dots, like a cat's eyes!

Even though he was just a kid of about 5 or 6, he was extremely adorable, with skin more clean and beautiful than pure snow and jade, eyes big and clear that seemed to show more knowledge than a normal child's and rosy lips.

He was wearing a set of black pants and shirt that, just like the first boy, looked quite ordinary. The first boy smiled at the boy laying down with one foot on the other leg's knee, seeming to be comfortable, but bored out of his mind :"Hey, Ali, good morning."

The boy named Ali raised his eyebrow as he glanced at the first boy and smiled :"Hey, Xiao San, good morning." But the first boy sighed helplessly :"Ali, I'm older than you, so why do you call me Xiao San? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

These two boys are Tang San, the MC of the original Douluo Dalu, and Ashborne Ali, the reincarnated youth. Tang San was also a reincarnated, just from a world that was like ancient China, not like Ali who was from the Earth of a world where the technology was a lot more advanced.

But even though Tang San was a reincarnate from an ancient world, he was still an adult before dying, so he would rather train with the martial arts that he had learned in his previous life than try becoming friends with a bunch of immature children.

However, he met Ali one day. Even though neither of them tried becoming friends with each other, they still hit it off since they were both a lot smarter than children their age.

And since the same was true for Ali, he who was bored out of his mind because there was not anything to spend time on, decided that he would rather spend time with Tang San.

Ali shrugged nonchalantly with his hands behind his head as he looked up at the sky again :"No reason, and don't expect me to call you "brother" <as in superior>, Xiao San just has a nice ring to it.

Anyway, forget about that, you're here to do your daily training, right? Well, don't let me stop you. You go ahead and train while I will do what I'm best at, lazing around."

Tang San sighed with a smile as he shrugged :"Alright then, I will see you in a bit." And he started jumping up the rocks and towards the hill while Ali just laid there.

This boy was a reincarnated soul named Ali Ashborne. He was a normal teenager of about 17 years old in his previous life, but unfortunately died and met a R.O.B.

But he didn't remember how he had died, and the R.O.B told him that he had erased that memory so that his nonchalant personality won't be affected by it. The R.O.B said that it was incredibly bored and decided to just randomly reincarnate a dead soul with a few wishes.

He also said that the reason why he chose Ali was completely random and all that bullshit about someone being reincarnated because of good karma and shit were just bullshit.

After all, among the infinite number of people in the infinite number of universes in the infinite number of multiverses, do you really think that good people are unique???

The only reason why the R.O.B decided to reincarnate someone is for his pure fun and amusement, nothing more, nothing less. Anyway, Ali decided that since he had hit the jackpot, he would make the most of it. So he made some ridiculous ass wishes.

Which the omniversal being agreed to actually grant, if the omniverse itself agreed to it since Ali's wishes were a little over the top. What were his wishes? Well, mainly three. That's low, right? Just three, how over the top can they be?

Well, the first was that Ali wanted his soul to be turned into many, MANY pieces so that each piece could go to different multiverses! Meaning that with just a single wish, he was able to travel to whichever multiverse he wanted to!

But these soul pieces weren't really separated. They could sense each other, and could fuse again. The second wish was, being a living paradox... In case you don't know what that is, it's basically you won't be affected by anything time related.

Being a living paradox means that the present Ali is completely separated from the Ali from 1 second ago Ali or just the past Ali, and the future Ali! So if a strong guy was like :"oh, I will just kill his past self so could never even be here now!" He wouldn't succeed.

And the third one, is that every soul piece can make his own wishes... That was the part where it was mostly fucked up. Anyway, won't enter too many details. Omniverse agreed and granted all of Ali's soul pieces' wishes! And this soul piece of Ali was another one that wished to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu. His wishes were:

1: To have the Omnitrix with 9 aliens of his choosing as his martial soul. Also, for the said Omnitrix to be able to evolve in the future and turn into what he called "Majestrix" <either at level 70 or 90, I haven't decided yet> and unlock 9 more aliens while still having the previous 9.

2: To be the soulmate of Bibi Dong and have a martial soul fusion skill with her.

That's all. He didn't really need to make any more wishes since most of the aliens in his Majestrix were either Nigh-Omnipotent or literally Omnipotent. So he didn't need to make any more wishes.

"Ali, I'm finished." After just staying like that for a little while, Tang San finally came down and called out. Ali got up with a groan as they both started walking towards the village as Tang San looked at Ali :"Today is the martial soul awakening day. What do you think our martial souls will be?"

Ali hummed thoughtfully before smirking at Tang San :"Xiao San's martial soul will either be a hammer, or the infamous Blue Silver Grass!" And just as he finished speaking, Tang San nearly tripped as he smiled helplessly :"Ali, are you cursing me? Isn't Blue Silver Grass the most ordinary plant?"

But Ali just shrugged nonchalantly with a smirk :"Hey, you asked, and I answered as my intuition told me." Tang San sighed as he shook his head :"Well, then what about you? What martial soul do you think you will awaken?"

'A martial soul that will allow me to fuck up the God Realm and every single god after it evolves.' Ali mused in his head as he shrugged with a smirk :"I'm not sure, but it will definitely be something interesting."

Tang San shrugged with a helpless smile as Ali noticed that they had already reached the village :"Let's part ways here. You go to your home, your dad will be angry otherwise. Grandpa Jack will pick you up in a while, I will just come with him."

"Alright then, see you later." Tang San smiled jogging away while Ali walked around nonchalantly. Ali didn't have parents, he was an orphan who old Jack, the chief of this village, Spirit Saint Village, picked up one day from the road side. He took pity on the abandoned child and decided to raise him.

As he walked around, he saw his grandpa Jack walking while using his wooden cane as support. :"Grandpa Jack!" He smiled as he called out and waved while walking towards him.

Hearing the familiar and beautiful voice, old Jack smiled as he turned to see Ali walking towards him :"Hey, Ali, good morning. You're not with Xiao San?" Ali shook his head with a smile :"No, grandpa. I knew that you would go fetch him for martial soul awakening, so I decided to go to their home with you."

Old Jack smiled as he patted Ali with a kind smile :"Is that so? Alright then, let's go and get Xiao San together." As they walked, old Jack smiled at Ali walking beside him :"Ali, it will be really nice if you awakened a strong martial soul.

Not only will your future be guaranteed then, but you will also bring honor to our Spirit Saint Village. Sigh, there hasn't been a single soul master from out Spirit Saint Village since the soul saint from 100 years ago..."

Ali patted old Jack's back with a smile as he gave him a thumbs up :"No need to worry, grandpa, I will definitely awaken an awesome martial soul today."

Old Jack chuckled as he nodded :"I hope so too, Ali, I hope so too. We're here." He said before he knocked on the wooden door :"Xiao San, grandpa and Ali are here."


After Tang San came out, they fetched a few more children before they all went to the Martial Soul Temple of the Spirit Saint Village where the children would have their martial souls awakened.

Every village and city would have at least one of these houses made by the Martial Soul Hall themselves. As they walked towards the "temple", old Jack stopped in front of a broken pillar or something with a handprint on it as he spoke proudly :"Kids, this is the handprint left by the soul saint of our village. It represents the glory of our village!"

Just as he finished speaking, a man jumped down from the top of the Martial Soul Temple and landed gently on the ground without any problems. As everyone turned to look at the man, they saw a handsome young man of about 20 years old with black hair and dashing eyebrows wearing white and purple clothes with a crest on the left side of his chest.

It was the blind douluo himself, Su Yuntao! Legend has it that whichever reincarnated person is deemed trash by him, will definitely have a heaven defying talent in the future!

Ali smirked to himself as old Jack walked towards the young man :"Greetings, honored soul master. Sorry to trouble you." Su Yuntao just nodded before glancing at the children :"I don't have much time, let's begin now."

All of the children except Ali and Tang San looked at Su Yuntao with admiration as old Jack turned to them while Su Yuntao stood in place arrogantly with a hand behind him :"Alright, kids.

He's the soul master from Nuoding City. He'll lead you all to awaken your martial souls. Please be cooperative during The awakening. I hope one of you can be a soul master too."

Su Yuntao rolled his eyes as he turned around :"Alright, that's what you said the year before. Do you think it's easy to become a soul master? I've been to six villages, none of them have the soul power, not to mention the martial soul."