
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Ch 28: Brotherly bond and Tang Hao's visit

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"well, we met the first day I arrived at the school. I was assigned to dorm number 7 which is for work study students.

there was a rule in the dorm that all new comers had to fight the boss of the dorm, who has won in a fight against everyone else in the dorm.

so I also had to follow that rule and fight him. it wasn't hard, I easily won. and then another new work study student walked to the dorm.

she was a cute girl wearing pink clothes. that day was when I met Xiao Wu, and because of the rule, I fought her.

but well, because of my mistake of looking down on her and underestimating her, I lost the fight and she won.

and she became the boss of the dorm and everyone but me had to call her sister Wu. after the fight, my teacher, who I will tell you about, sent me a blanket.

because of the dorm being old and for poor students who couldn't afford the tuition, the beds weren't good either. and neither was the blankets.

sigh, so when Xiao Wu saw that the other blankets weren't comfortable, and neither was the other students, she said that she was going to sleep on the same bed as me.

of course I refused, but she was way too persistent and I had to agree in the end. a year later, when it was our break, I wanted to go to our village.

but I found out that Xiao Wu didn't have anywhere to go to. so I offered her to come with me which she agreed.

but well, you know how it went. after she comforted me for a while, I took her to the flower field we used to go to together in the past.

and there, we became brother and sister." he said with a smile, remembering the old days.

"aww~ well isn't that cute and romantic. so you are childhood sweethearts huh?" I told him with my teasing tone.

the corner of his lips and eyes twitched and with a cough to hide his small blush, he said :"ahem, we aren't like that Xiao Ali. we are just brother and sister. and now that you are here, you are also part of it."

"sigh, fiiine. there is no getting through that skull of yours. anyways, so who is this master of yours? is he someone strong? is he famous?"

"well, he is famous. but he isn't strong. you might have heard of him. grandmaster Yu Xiaogang, the inventer of the martial theory{please tell me the name of that theory, I couldn't find it.}

he is the one known as invincible in theory. and he is also the reason why I got this strong."

"Yu Xiaogang? wait... but he is just a spirit grandmaster... why would you choose someone like that?" I looked at him with the "are you an idiot?" look.

"Xiao Ali, don't disrespect him. he has been like a father for me. and the reason why I accepted him is because of his knowledge.

he may not be strong, but he found out that I was a twin martial soul just by reading the letter of acceptance that was given to me by the martial soul hall!

and besides, you can pass on the knowledge that you carry. but you can't pass on the strength that you have."

he said with a calm expression. if anyone else said that, he would have gotten angry. after all, he just said that he is like a father to him, but I am his brother.

"yes strength can't be passed to someone, but it can protect that someone till they have everything they need. knowledge without the power to get what is in that knowledge is useless."

"well... sigh, forget about that, what's done is already done. and I'm happy that I have him as my master."

I looked at his eyes for a few seconds and then said :"sigh, fine. I will respect you wrong opinion and drop the topic."

but well, him being your master won't stop me from making him live a life worse than death. and I have found a very good news, Bibi Dong never fell in love with Yu Xiaogang in this world!

guess this is because of her having a soul mate. but I'm happy either way! since she didn't have the same bad taste as in the original work...

"so, enough about me. how have you been? how was the life in martial soul city? did you make any friends or accept a teacher?" now it was his turn to asks the questions.

"hahaha, yeah it has been awesome! you can't imagine! the person who was sent to escort me to the martial soul city was the chrysanthemum douluo Yue Guan who is level 95!

and I have a great relation with him, enough to call him and his partner that is like a brother to him uncle Guan and uncle Mei! and he is also a tilted douluo, the ghost douluo Gui Mei!"

"what?! is that true?! they sent a titled douluo to escort you?! damn... they must really value you huh?" he said with bewildered and amazed look.

"hehehe! and that's not the best part. you see, when we reached the martial soul city, we went straight to the papal palace.

and the pope wanted to see me alone. so I went alone and what I saw was the most beautiful and perfect woman that I have ever seen!

and after she asked me a few questions and looked at my martial souls, she directly asked if I want to be her disciple!

and of course I agreed without a beat! it's the pope, why would I disagree? and then she directly walked out with me and announced that she accepted me as her second disciple!"

"wow..." that was all he managed to say from how shocked he was.

"and then she took me to our home, and after me sleeping and a night passing, I met my senior sister who is six years older than me.

at that time, she was really close to breaking through to level 30. so my master suggested that I wait so that we will hunt the spirit rings for both me and her at the same time.

I accepted and luckily, she broke through not even after an hour! and so we hunted our spirit rings and after ten days, sigh, I was forced to go to the martial soul academy..."

and then we started talking about our spirit rings and other adventures. but I didn't tell him somethings, such as my external spirit bones and the matter of douluo palace.

and of course I told him to keep this a secret and tell nobody about it. and I told him not to worry about anybody knowing and showed him my ability to change my hair and eye color which surprised him.

I'm not feeling guilty, after all, he also hid the hidden weapons from me. so no hard feelings. while we were talking, we didn't know about the events happening in the forest near the academy.

{nobody's POV}

in the dark forest near the Shrek academy, large trees were broken and huge pits were formed on the ground.

Zhao Wuji was laying on the ground with bruises and some blood flowing from his nose and mouth. sometimes twitching, but there weren't any serious injuries.

"Zhao Wuji, do you understand now?" a man with a big built, wearing a cloak asked.

Flender, the dean of the Shrek school, helped Zhao Wuji stand up. Zhao Wuji was having a little difficulty and he was holding his chest with his hand.

he said with a gasp and a forced smile :"thank you for your guidance, lord Hao tian." he said with clasped fists while bowing as a salute.

yes, that right. the man wearing a cloak, is the father of Tang San and Tang Ali. the Hao Tian/clear sky douluo, Tang Hao!

the reason why he came here, was because he saw that Zhao Wuji had a good time fighting, or more like bullying his sons.

but he was really surprised when he saw Ali and his progress after six years. but he was happy. because he was his son, adoptive or not. and he would be a big help against the martial soul hall.

he never knew where he went after going to nuoding city. but he heard that someone wearing a cloak and giving a very powerful aura accepted him as a disciple and took him away.

he heard this when Tang San was telling about Ali to Xiao Wu. so he was relieved. and he heard that the pope of the martial soul hall has accepted a new disciple with heaven defying talent.

being a twin martial soul master and being born with innate 20 soul power! but he wasn't worried that the boy that the pope accepted was his own son. because:

1: Ali has Snow White hair and blood red eyes, but he has been rumoured to have ink black hair and dark purple eyes

2: Ali was born with innate full spirit power, not innate 20 soul power. after all, Ali hid it from Tang Hao with the use of his CS powers.

so he wasn't worried. Tang Hao turned around and walked towards the alert Zhao Wuji and Flender and whispered something in Zhao Wuji's ear.

and in his surprised eyes, he walked back and said :"consider that as your compensation. thank you in advance." and then he disappeared into the dark.

while both of them were walking back, Zhao Wuji put his hand on a tree to support himself and said while looking at Flender with a weird voice because of being beaten up:

"Flender, you're a non loyal friend. if it weren't for the lord's kindness..." he said as he said down while leaning on the tree.

"what do you know? if he was here to mean and cause harm, even if I fought alongside you, do you think we would escape death?

he dares to attack the pope, he has no fear. you don't even understand that. I just didn't expect him to be..."

"I understand you. you just didn't want to infuriate him. but I was so badly hurt, can't you just let me whine?

his power is really scary. perhaps... not many people in this land... can be his equal."

he is the father of the MC, what do you expect? you ever seen a MC with a weak supporter?

"no grand soul land master/titled douluo should be triggered." Flender said as they continued to walk back with Zhao Wuji limping and coughing a little.

and on Ali and Tang San's side, after they talked about their lives while they were separated till the middle of the night, Tang San said good night and walked back to his and Oscar's dorm.

and after he went back, Ali started his own work. to fix this shit hole called room, and that fucking bed!

well I call it starting to work. but in reality, it was just him putting the bed and tables and other stuff of this room into his majesty's ring, but separated them from his belongings.

the reason for this, is because, he didn't want to give Flender any reasons to try and get smart with him. him saying "oh you changed the school property, you have to compensate" or shit like that.

and when he finished with that, he wished for a very comfortable double bed and some tables and other things to be made in his majesty's ring. which didn't take even a second, they just popped inside of the storage of ring.

but h didn't put them out immediately. no, he needed to fix the walls and the floor! so using his CS powers, he fixed this entire room with just a snap while saying :"this, was inevitable."

he didn't make the room into a five star hotel room, just fixed the cracks and stuff and then pulled out the stuff in his ring and decorated his room to look neat and clean.

and then he jumped on his new bed and started to get comfortable and then slept... or more like fell into a coma.