
Majestic Rebirth

Riley Simmons is an 18 year old skilled gamer and above average track star with motorphobia. Due to living near an intersection with many car accidents and losing his father in one at the young age of 9; death has frequently plagued his mind. To avoid death at all costs, coupled with his fear of motorized vehicles, he barely leaves his house. Opting instead to devote himself to strategy games, platformers, and MMORPGs. When he does leave his house, he's always running to wherever he needs to go. Now on the verge of graduating high school, his need to go to college and lack of funds prompts him to apply to a government program that is willing to pay for his whole tuition. The only thing he must do; is enter a world full of magic, and retrieve a white flame capable of granting anyone immortality.

CarltonThe · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Magic 101

Riley gulped, he smiled and chuckled a bit, "You need me to what?"

"Riley, I'm telling you this now, if you are not paying attention then you will have an even harder time surviving in this world. So please keep up! Magic 101, origins of magic."

Riley's smile dissipated into a frown as he heard the word, 'origins', "Why do I need to know the origins of magic?"

"Over a thousand years ago," Jesuh began lifting his foot off of the leech, then spun whilst moving backward. "Some shit happened and blah blah blah. The Great White Flame is the only source of light. Blah blah blah, it fuels magic now. OH- That leech is a Galdrman, to sum it up when the Great White Flame appeared, it started eating the very world we are on, Galdorerda is what you humans called my world. I would be considered a Galdorerdian. Anyway, as the Great White Flame ate the world, it started shitting out Galdrmans."

"The flame is alive?"

"Always has been, since the flame is alive it means that you can work out with it."

Riley cocked his head, "What do you mean?"

"Hey! I'm not shit! You damn Galdorerdian. Just wait, once I figure out how to escape from my shackles I will kill the both of you in the most gruesome way possible!" The leech's upper body squirmed around as it talked, splashing the bloody shallow marsh water all over the place.

Riley and Jesuh both ignored him.

"Wait let me finish, the difference between this leech and I is the fact that the Great Flame happened to bless my ancestors. I'm also more handsome than it," Riley nodded his head, "You see," Jesuh resumed, "When you are blessed by the Great Flame you have access to mana. Galdrmans have some innate thingy that I don't really give a damn about. Just expect to see a lot of different creatures in this world. Now I am a firm believer in traditions. So I'll teach you the spells the first of my ancestors created."

Riley nodded, he ran back Jesuh's whole rant, thought about it, cross referenced it with his favorite games and movies, then responded, "I can shoot fireballs? Rewind time? Can I get an invisible cloak?"

A vein popped out of Jesuh's forehead as his right eyebrow twitched. "You ignoramus. Magic was created as a form of healing! Like seriously," Jesuh pointed at riley, wagging his finger at him he said, "do you know how offensive you were just now." Jesuh lowered his finger and started clapping after every word in his following sentence and forced each word out with pain behind his voice, "I'm so tired of seeing kids with their world shattering magic."

He then turned and walked away just enough to be in earshot of Riley. He yelled out, "OOooh so scary. Well let me just shatter your fucking Achilles tendon, try pushing your magic down my throat when you're too busy screaming in pain. If only they learned the basics of the fucking basics. They'd be able to handle themselves enough to not rely on the bonfire bringing them back!" He turned back to Riley who watched stiff as stone, "No matter what Riley! Don't you ever abuse the bonfire."

They both became silent as they watched what the other would do. Unbeknownst to them the leech had come up with an idea. In the time it took for Jesuh to start and complete his rant, the leech's 32 brains went into hyperdrive. It was like an assembly line for ford motors, each part of the idea was passed down from brain to brain. Until finally it was sent off for inspection by the brain of the face within it. "But of course. We can beg for forgiveness," the leech thought. All that was left was to ship was the product or rather the idea.

"Human, Galdorerdian. I have no eye sacs, so I cannot cry, but if I could..." Riley and Jesuh turned to the leech, they both approached it as it attempted to replicate the sounds of a child crying with only it's vocal chords. The cry distorted through the dry cold air around them. The cry was so grotesque in nature, so twisted by right that there is no single English nor Galdorerdian word powerful enough to describe it in its entirety. So distraught it made the pair, that they, for a mere second, felt pity for the poor Galdrman.

"Please," the leech pleaded, "I will do whatever you want. Let me go!"

"Why would we ever-"

Riley got cut off by Jesuh who firmly placed his hand on his shoulder. "Sure," Jesuh said with a devilish smile. Riley brushed Jesuh's hand off his shoulder, "What do you mean sure?"

"Why thank you. Thank you," the leech had a deep desire to laugh, but locked it down at its 5th brain.

"I mean sure. It's time you learn your first bit of magic. You already felt the sensation of healing," Jesuh grabbed Riley's shoulder again and pushed him to the ground, water splashed as he rushed to the leech and grabbed the blade that held him down. "Mr. Leech? Ms. Leech? Go for this human. Eat him right up."

Riley's heart began to race once again. "Seriously, what the fuck. Why would he do this? No way he's doing that bullshit best way to learn is through a life or death situation. What if I don't learn right away. Shit," Riley thought back to all the times he had trouble starting a game. "I suck at learning things for the first time. I can learn facts easily, but action no. I always thought, why do the action if I could die. Never played basketball because I could actually get my ankles broken. I never did figure skating, although my sister does it because I was scared of the blades cutting me," Riley's man outpaced his heart, and eventually his mouth outpaced even his mind.

"Why won't you teach me how to do a fireball? Something that'll help me kill that thing," Riley accidentally shrieked.

Jesuh raised his eyebrow while slowly raising the blade out of the ground, "Huh? I may have become your Angel, but I don't know a damn thing about you. For all I know you're some genocidal serial killer. What would my children's children think if they knew their grandfather gave birth to the worst serial killer in Galdorerdian history."

Riley threw his arms behind his head to grab the back of his head with both of his hands. He charged up his next sentence before throwing his arms in front of him, "I-I don't know who you are! This isn't fair at all! You never gave me a chance to properly introduce myself."

"Welp, sucks to suck," Jesuh shrugged his shoulders, lifting the blade out of the leech, then wiping the blue blood off of it. Riley immediately began running in the direction of the lighthouse. "Oh," Jesuh said as the leech jumped with joy into the water, laughing as he descended. The sound of a drip of water on a pool echoed through Jesuh's ears. "Oh," he blinked twice, "why are they so fast?"

Wordle 229 3/6

I'm so happy I got it in 3. Webnovel doesn't support emojis, but you guys will just have to believe me.

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