
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 92

At this time, Akira and the group were walking for 1 hour aimlessly and on the way, they also killed a group of giant insects that were only the size of an adult cat.

Not long after, Akira and the group arrived at a place like a village with lots of houses, but all the houses were covered with mud with holes made in every window of the house.

Viviana saw holes made of mud in every window of the house, immediately she turned to Akira and asked:

" Why is there so much mud with holes in each of these houses? " (Viviana)

Akira looked at all the houses, after seeing that all the houses had mud with holes, he shook his head and looked at Viviana and the group, then said:

" That's the nest of giant flying insects we first met, all the houses have become nests so no house is safe we'd better leave." (Akira)

Kai Kazuhiko who heard this was shocked and immediately said:

" You must be joking, right!? " (Kai Kazuhiko)

Akira just shrugged his shoulders and pointed at Mutsumi, then said:

" You can ask Mutsumi if you don't believe me because the one who knows the most about insects is Mutsumi." (Akira)

Everyone turned to look at Mutsumi for an answer because they also knew that this woman was a maniac insect in their school with many insect knowledge, while Viviana, Yuno, Kenta, and Jiang Wu didn't care, they would just follow the direction where Akira was going.

Mutsumi who felt the gazes of the people of her school immediately said:

" What Akira said is true, the hole made of mud is the nest made by the giant flying insect before and the giant insect's name is Ammophila." (Mutsumi)

They could only be silent, Jinno Misuzu who saw this immediately said:

" Alright all of you, now is not the time to be silent like this, and as Akira said we better leave this place quickly." (Jinno Misuzu)

Immediately those people were preparing to leave here with Akira and his group, but it was just as Akira and the group had just walked a few steps.

A giant Ammophila insect flew over their heads and headed for the nest while carrying a man in Ammophila's clutches, Kamijo Atsushi who saw the man in the clutches of the giant flying insect was stunned and immediately ran after him shouting:

" Akira!! " (Kamijo Atsushi)

Akira who was walking ignoring the flying insects carrying men over his head suddenly heard people shouting his name, he immediately turned around and said angrily:

" Damn it! If you want to pick a fight with me you don't have to shout my name like that, you bastard! "

Immediately he turned around and saw that the person who was shouting his name was not looking at him at all, but was looking in another direction and Akira heard Viviana's voice saying:

" Akira, I think the person he called wasn't you, but the man who was in the clutches of that flying insect." (Viviana)

After saying that, Viviana pointed at the giant flying insect that had stopped in midair while staring at Kamijo Atsushi and other people.

Akira was silent for a moment because he just remembered that there is someone here who has the name Akira too.

After that, the giant flying bugs that were looking at them started flying downwards attacking the people like arrows, just as Akira ran and was about to get there to kill the giant bugs, but Akira stopped in his tracks.

Not knowing when he saw that Yuno had already appeared in front of the giant flying insect, then with a quick hand movement Yuno easily cut the insect into pieces and Akira could only stare at Yuno silently, then thought:

' Isn't Yuno's hand movement too fast? Looks like I'll have to plan before going to Mirai Nikki's world or else I'll be pieces of meat.' (Akira)

Viviana on the other hand approached Yuno and asked in a low voice:

" Yuno, how many attribute points does this insect get? " (Viviana)

Yuno looked at Viviana and said:

" 7 attribute points and seems to be the same as the mission information says, every time you kill a giant bug you get attribute points and the stronger or bigger the insect, the more points you get." (Yuno)

Jinno Misuzu who was near the two overheard a bit of their conversation and asked Viviana and Yuno:

" What do you mean about the points you get from these bugs? " (Jinno Misuzu)

Viviana and Yuno were silent because since killing the weak giant bug earlier and getting free attribute points, they had become too eager to get a lot of attribute points from killing the giant bug, to the point that they forgot that several people near them were not Reincarnators.

The two of them looked at each other and turned to look at Akira because they didn't know what to say and Akira who felt the gazes of the two women was speechless, then he felt the gazes of Mutsumi, Chitose, and their other members after hearing Jinno Misuzu's words, Akira could only shake his head and look at those people, then said:

" You all don't need to know about it, but if you're still curious then I can only say the more points we get the stronger we will become." (Akira)

After he said that, Akira walked away

and that group of people couldn't say anything else, because all they could do now was follow Akira and his group to protect them.

Immediately everyone started to set off again following Akira, on the other hand, Kamijo Atsushi was carrying a man on his back while following everyone.

Night fell, at this time Akira and everyone stopped at a sandy beach with the ocean in front of them and some large rocks around.

Akira looked around before he said:

" If anyone wants to take a bath and wash in here then do it because we still have to walk again after that until we find a building to sleep in." (Akira)

" The women will bathe here and for the men will bathe behind the big rock." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira looked at the men and said:

" Remember one thing it's forbidden to think peeking at a woman cleaning herself, or you'll get in trouble." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira stood up and Viviana who saw this started to say:

" Do you want to go kill a giant bug? " (Viviana)

Akira just shrugged his shoulders and said:

" That's it and I'm starting to get hungry too, so I'm also looking to see if there are still wild animals or edible fruit here." (Akira)

After that, he left without saying anything else.

After running fast for a while, Akira finally arrived at the previous place where there were a lot of houses with Ammophila nests in every house, then he looked around and said:

" I hope each of these giant insect nests doesn't disappoint me." (Akira)

After saying that, he started to enter the first house and quite a noise was heard in the place.