
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 80

One month has passed.

For one month His days at Kuoh Academy were quite good which even made him quite close to all his classmates, especially to Aika Kiryuu since the accidental collision incident, not only Kiryuu even Kiryuu's two friends namely Katase and Murayama also became close to Akira because of Kiryuu who always teasing Akira.

Furthermore, Akira is also quite close to Rias and Sona's peerage members, except for Sona who always raises her glasses and looks at Akira suspiciously, that what made him agitated to approach this woman who always wore a suspicious expression when he approached her.

Not only that, but Akira also felt the days were too calm because for one month there was no plot like where Raynare was looking for Issei and all Akira did for one month was increase his intimacy with his women and women he knows or finds attractive, then performs the usual exercises, and hunting down some stray devils that roamed Kuoh Town.

Akira also didn't forget to look for the owner of the Sacred Gear for a month around Kuoh City, but what he got was only one person, Genshirou Saji, the owner of the Absorption Line Sacred Gear.

Even though Akira won't use it, it doesn't mean that people can't use it, therefore for this one month Akira also hasn't forgotten to look for the owner or user of the Sacred Gear to save besides hunting stray demons.

In the morning.

Today is Sunday which is a holiday, so at this moment Akira is in the city park and sitting at one of the drink stalls while staring at the status and inventory screens.


Name: Murasaki Akira / Riser Phenex

Reincarnator: Serial N-9273 (Silver)

Race: [Human], [Devil], [Dragon], [Phoenix]

Bloodline: [High-class Devil], [Golden Dragon King], [Hellfire Phoenix]

Title: [Lei Jiang Village Discover], [Child of Destiny], [Lord of the Realm of Violet Jade Immortal], [The Heir of the Phenex Family]

Level: 24 ( Ranker 5 )

Class: [Dark Knight], [King]

Free Stat: 0 Point

Free Skill Stat: 2 Point

Evolver: 6 Attribute ( Strength, Agility, Endurance, Vitality, Stamina, Spirit )

Equipment: [Stinger Pistol] , [Enhanced Footwear] , [White Leather Gloves] , [Rosary Ring], [King Pieces] x 3, [Nullification Magic Dice], [Yin-Yang Pendant], [Boosted Gear]

Strength: 416 (+28)

Agility: 388 (+29)

Endurance: 421 (+26)

Vitality: 257 (+26)

Stamina: 255 (+26)

Spirit: 254 (+26) ]

[ Inventory

• [Survival Coin] x 1558

• [Black Pendant] x 1

• [Soul Sealing Orb] x 5

• [Healing Potion] x 95

• [Antidote] x 100

• [Scroll of Purification] x 5

• [Scroll of Silence] x 5

• [Monster Ball] x 39

• [Strength Enhancing Fruits] x 28

• [Agility Enhancing Fruits] x 28

• [Defense Enhancing Fruit] x 28

• [Drunken Fragrance Fruits] x 300

• [Random World Coordination Ticket] x 1

• [Trade of Love Drug] x 3

• [Youth Potion] x 3

• [Sacred Gear Crystal: Luminous Great Sword] x 1

• [Sacred Gear Crystal: Absorption Line] x 1]

After seeing this, Akira started to think in his mind:

' It shouldn't be long before I meet Vali and seize his Sacred Gear after having Issei Boosted Gear.'

After thinking about Issei, he also thought back to the day after Issei's parents searched for their son and got no results, that night Akira went straight to the Hyoudou family's house with Yubelluna.

< Flashback >

After arriving at the Hyoudou family's house, Akira didn't forget to use [Nullification Magic Dice] to create a barrier and then went inside the house.

As he entered the house with Yubelluna, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman, the two middle-aged couples also looked at Akira with a stunning look and wanted to say something.

Akira on the other hand didn't let them talk and told Yubelluna to put them to sleep, then he picked up these two middle-aged couples and brought them into a room then laid them on the bed, then he said once again:

" Yubelluna, help me to erase their memories of their son Hyoudou Issei and then give them both to drink this [Youth Potion]." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira walked out of the room and waited outside for 20 minutes.

Not long after Yubelluna came out of the room and said:

" Akira-sama, all orders have been carried out." (Yubelluna)

Hearing this, Akira nodded and turned to look at the room where the two middle-aged couples were, then muttered in a small voice:

" I won't say sorry or ask for an apology from you two, but for now I can only do this and after completing the mission and then returning to the Main God Dimension, I will try to find an elixir that can help both of you to have a baby quickly." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira and Yubelluna walked out of the Hyoudou family's house, after which Akira pulled back the barrier.

However, just as the barrier [Nullification Magic Dice] disappeared, a small black smoke could be seen flying out of the house into the sky at such a speed that even Yubelluna couldn't see it except for Akira.

Seeing the black smoke Akira frowned because from the beginning until the end he didn't know about the black smoke until now and then heard Yubelluna's voice say:

" Akira-sama? Is there something? " (Yubelluna)

Hearing this, Akira turned to look at Yubelluna and had a serious look on Yubelluna's face, then looked back at the direction of the black smoke before he said:

" Yubelluna, help me to buy a new house for the Hyoudou family and their new house should be not far from the villa where we live." (Akira)

" Yes, Akira-sama." (Yubelluna)

After that, they left and returned to the villa.

< End Flashback >

After he finished remembering that, Akira got up from the seat of the drink stall and walked away, then thought:

' After that night, the next day Yubelluna quickly took care of the assigned task, then Yubelluna quickly made the Hyoudou couple who became young again thanks to [Youth Potion] and lived in a new house that 2 blocks from the villa, but there was no sign of the black smoke for this month. Now think about it, if there have black smoke that appears in a family is usually should be a curse spell. Is it possible that the Hyoudou family is cursed? But who did that? And when was the curse given? ' (Akira)

Just as Akira was thinking, suddenly his gaze accidentally looked towards the garden and stopped at one of the girls, because there he saw that the girl had the appearance of a beautiful young girl with long blonde hair and an outfit consisting of a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, and a brown bag slung over her right hip.

The corner of Akira's mouth rose into a smile and the thought of the previous black smoke disappeared from his mind, then he walked up to the girl because he knew who this girl was, then said in his mind:

' Finally, now you have arrived in Kuoh.' (Akira)

When Akira almost arrived near the girl, suddenly Akira saw the girl standing and preparing to walk which made Akira speed up his pace.

However, when the girl was just about to take a step, the girl's legs suddenly tripped and fell with her long nun skirt at the back which was also lifted, and showed her white panties to Akira who had arrived behind the girl.

On the other hand, Akira who had arrived behind the girl couldn't help but stare slightly at this situation, then Akira's gaze accidentally fell on the girl's white panties which made Akira stare for a long time.

The girl lying on the ground didn't notice that someone was behind her while staring at her panties and just said:

" Why did I fall..." (Girl)

Akira who heard the girl's voice woke up and immediately said:

" Miss, are you all right? " (Akira)

Hearing Akira's voice, the girl turned back and prepared to answer Akira but when the girl wanted to answer, she saw that Akira's gaze was facing downwards and following the direction of Akira's gaze.

After that, the girl noticed that her nun dress lifted and revealed her white panties which Akira was staring at, immediately the girl stood up and fixed her nun dress with both cheeks blushing in embarrassment.

Akira who saw this felt very unfortunate and immediately looked at the girl, then said politely:

" Sorry, I accidentally looked at you, and are you okay? " (Akira)

Even though the girl blushed shyly on both cheeks, she shook her head and smiled kindly, then in a polite voice said:

" You don't have to apologize because it wasn't your fault and thanks for worrying about me, I'm fine." (Girl)

Hearing the words of the girl in front of him, Akira smiled and said:

" Then, I must say thank you and let me introduce myself, my name is Akira, Murasaki Akira." (Akira)

The girl on the other hand quickly bowed and introduced herself, in an embarrassed voice saying:

" My name is Asia, Asia Argento." (Asia)