
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 72

In a different dimension space, Akira and Lark's battle was still going on, the hot black flames and the slash of holy light colliding with each other.

Lark kept brandishing the sword in his hand and throwing light slashes, Akira on the other hand controlled his black flames and counterattacked the light slashes with his black flames.

The two people attacked each other, relentlessly, the intense battle made people watching from outside this spatial dimension scream loudly and intensely.

However, there were also, some spectators who weren't cheering, but they were watching the fight seriously.

Like a group of people in a luxurious room watching the battle, Lord Phenex and Sirzechs watching this battle were slightly surprised, then Sirzechs said:

" Great, at first I thought Lark was quite great because for 3 years he trained and had the same strength as Riser. But who would have guessed, if Riser also hid his strength and within 3 minutes he managed to suppress Lark by giving some damage while Lark is trying to breathe." (Sirzechs)

Exactly as Sirzechs said, in contrast to the audience cheering on Akira and Lark's fight, some spectators who were watching the battle closely could see that Lark's healing ability started to slow down which then made the wound from Akira's attack not close completely.

While Akira was not injured at all, due to quickly dodging or striking slashes from Lark easily with black flames, even Akira took the opportunity to harass Lark when he saw an opportunity.

At this moment, a group of girls who were watching the fight while hearing Sirzechs comments, inadvertently all of their mouths started to open wide at this time, on the faces of all the girls wrote a whole expression of unbelievable and disbelief.

On the other hand, Shuri, Akeno, and Jeanne just smiled without saying anything and continued to watch the fight, Yubelluna herself with sparkling excited eyes couldn't help but smile and said to herself:

' I didn't pick the wrong person, I truly didn't pick the wrong person.'

Lord Phenex looked at Akira and Lark who were fighting on the television screen, before he turned to look at Shuri, Akeno, and Jeanne, then said:

" Can you three tell me, why did Riser's appearance suddenly change? " (Lord Phenex)

Hearing Lord Phenex's question, the three looked at each other before Shuri replied:

" That's one of Riser's [Hellfire Phoenix Mode] abilities, every time he uses that ability, Riser's appearance will change to that." (Shuri)

Lord Phenex nodded after hearing this explanation, then he asked again:

" Then, from where did Riser learn that ability? That ability not only changes his appearance, but it can also increase his strength and it makes me curious where he learned that." (Lord Phenex)

Shuri also replied to Lord Phenex's question:

" Riser learned that ability due to a mutation in his Phoenix Bloodline a year ago." (Shuri)

Hearing this Lord Phoenix frowned and muttered:

' Mutations in Bloodlines? ' (Lord Phenex)

After that he went back to watching the fight, Sirzechs also started thinking while watching the fight after hearing Shuri and Lord Phenex's conversation.

Shuri, Akeno, and Jeanne also returned to watch Akira's fight, after seeing Lord Phenex and Sirzechs who returned to watching the fight, on the other hand, a group of girls watching there felt heavy feelings on themselves after seeing Lark being suppressed by Akira.

But out of all the people in the room, there no one noticed right now a girl with long red hair named Rias Gremory who was sitting next to her older brother Sirzechs, have a blush on her Cheeks.

Right now Rias was staring intently at the television screen, or rather her gaze was focused on Akira's changed appearance with a blush on her cheeks.

In a different dimension space, Akira is currently flying in the sky while looking at Lark who is standing with his greatsword to support his body.

On the other hand, in Lark's heart, there was a fire of anger, with the wounds on his body healing very slowly, with an ugly and angry face, Lark looked at Akira in the air and said in his heart with a fire of anger:

' What happened?! How can he be that strong?! I am a Reincarnator! So I should be the strongest if I enter another world! But, why can't I beat a boy from this world! In truth, it was me who was being suppressed by this brat! ' (Lark)

In his heart, Lark felt displeased and angry, because he had trained and increased his strength for the 2 years since obtaining his sword's sacred gear, plus he was also a Reincarnator who should be able to easily defeat any otherworldly character he explored.

However, the reality in front of him made him angry and unacceptable, that he was suppressed by a character who would lose against someone possessor of the Longinus Booster gear in the future.

With that, Lark became angry and displeased in his heart, while looking at Akira who was in the sky with a cold gaze.

Akira just blinked, after feeling Lark's cold gaze and made him want to say something, but suddenly Akira remembered something and he smiled, then said:

" Are you only capable of this? You can't win against me at this rate, my dear little brother." (Akira)

Lark froze hearing this because he remembered that those words were the words that he said to Akira earlier, even though he was injured and healed very slowly it didn't matter to Lark, but after hearing, Akira says the words he said earlier made Lark even angrier with a pale face.

To him this was the same as the great humiliation that Akira had given him, initially Lark wanted to humiliate Akira in front of his father, the Demon Lord Lucifer, and in front of the many nobles of the Underworld, instead of turning himself into being humiliated.

Lark also looked at Akira with ferocity and killing intent, then said:

" I will kill you! Riser Phenex! " (Lark)

Lark's fury soared into the Heaven, from his greatsword an invisible power exploded out, then hundreds of slashes of light were immediately thrown at Akira in the sky, then he once again gathered energy into one which made his sword create a long and huge sword of light before he slashed into the sky and shouted at Akira with killing intent:

" Go die! Riser Phenex! " (Lark)

In midair Akira immediately dodged the hundreds of powerful light slashes thrown at him, he wouldn't choose to use his body to take the attack with difficulty, his flashing figure evaded endlessly.

Just when he thought he managed to dodge all the light slashes thrown by Lark, in his vision Akira suddenly saw a large and long blade of light slashing down right in front of him, Akira mumbled:

" Damn." (Akira)

Hong long!!!

A huge explosion occurred in the sky where Akira was, outside the dimensional space everyone who was watching turned silent and stared at the fog that covered Akira due to the explosion on the television screen without making a sound.

While those inside the luxurious room also did the same thing, like Lord Phenex and Sirzechs who were staring seriously at the fog covering Akira.

While on the other hand Shuri, Akeno, and Jeanne were calm and not too worried, but on their side, Yubelluna and Rias were tensed and worried about Akira, while a group of girls on the other hand were happy to see Lark's strength.

In a different dimension, the exhausted Lark stared intently at the fog and smiled sinisterly.

However, Lark's sinister smile stiffened and his face turned pale because he heard Akira's voice from within the fog saying:

" It never crossed my mind that my little brother had the intention to kill me." (Akira)

After that, the fog dissipated and revealed Akira's appearance who was fine without any cuts or abrasions with a golden barrier in front of him, Lark's eyes shook in surprise upon seeing this and he more or less knew what the golden barrier was.

Outside the dimension space, the audience cheered wildly after seeing Akira's figure, while those inside the room Yubelluna and Rias were happy and calmed down again, along with Shuri, Akeno, and Jeanne who just smiled, but the other group of girls just opened their mouth wide in surprise by this.

On the other hand, Lord Phenex just shook his head with a wry smile and said:

" It seems that in three years not only Lark has become strong, but Riser is the same and even he keeps a lot of cards without me knowing." (Lord Phenex)

Sirzechs who heard Lord Phenex's words just smiled, then he became serious and said:

" Uncle Phenex, don't you want to stop this right now? If I look closely, then Riser will probably kill Lark this time. Due to Lark himself has shown his killing intent to Riser and Riser must have realized that." (Sirzechs)

Hearing Sirzechs' words, Lord Phenex was silent for a moment before saying in a deep voice:

" No! I won't stop them! Lark himself first showed his intention to kill Riser and failed! So let Riser do it too at least one time and if Riser fails, then that's where I will stop the fight." (Lord Phenex)

After saying that, Lord Phenex looked back at the battle with a stern look and a little sadness at his two sons, Sirzechs couldn't help but stare back at the television screen.

The golden barrier in front of Akira disappeared and while looking at Lark with killing intent, he said:

" At first I didn't think of killing you because too many people here would be troublesome, but I changed my mind. Now it's my turn, so be prepared, Lark! " (Akira)

After saying that, Akira stretched his right hand up and materialized a normal size sword made of black flames in his hand, without saying anything else Akira threw the sword at Lark.

Because he was too tired from the previous battle and the speed of the blade being thrown was too fast, Lark couldn't dodge the sword that Akira threw at him.

The black flame sword also stabbed right into Lark's heart and pierced out behind his back, which created a hole in Lark's chest and left a black flame burning in Lark's chest hole.

But it didn't stop there, because the black flame that was left around the hole in Lark's chest started to flare up, then the huge black flame swallowed Lark's whole body alive, until inside the black flame Lark screamed in pain without any sound being heard again.