
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 59

The next day, Akira was currently standing in the village square with Ji Qing Wu, Liu Yan, Xiao Ming, Guo Yu.

After seeing Chi Yang's group approaching, Akira looked at Guo Yu and said:

" Guo Yu, me and Qing Wu will go to the armory belonging to the small military camp before, because you are not the type that is good at fighting, so you should stay here for your safety." (Akira)

Guo Yu, who listened to Akira's words was silent for a while, before saying:

" Brother Akira, even though I can't participate in the fight, I can be responsible for other tasks and I will work hard."

For a little girl like Guo Yu, in this cruel Z-age, she was determined to get as close to Akira as possible, and to do that, Guo Yu planned to do everything she could to earn Akira's trust.

This opportunity to take charge of miscellaneous affairs is the first step in her plan to earn Akira's trust and stay by Akira's side.

Akira looked at Guo Yu for a moment and shrugged his shoulders, then said:

" Whatever, do what you want, but if you are serious and work hard, in the future you will not regret following me." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira looked at Liu Yan and Xiao Ming, then said:

" That also applies to both of you. As long as you are loyal subordinates and work hard for me, then I can make both of you strong." (Akira)

Liu Yan and Xiao Mang looked at each other, then both of them looked at Akira and said:

" We will always serve you, boss! " (Liu Yan and Xiao Mang)

Akira who heard this nodded his head, then with a serious face he said:

" Then I have a task for you. I want the two of you together with your squad to maintain order and security in this village, then you two must also listen to what Guo Yu said while I am away, understand? " (Akira)

After listening to this, the two of them nodded and said simultaneously:

" Leave it to us, boss! " (Liu Yan and Xiao Mang)

After that, Chi Yang, Chen Yao, Wang Shuang, Lu Wen, and Dagouzi appeared near them.

Seeing the group arrive, Akira said:

" Very well, Guo Yu, Liu Yan, and Xiao Ming. You can go back now and remember what I said before." (Akira)

They nodded and started walking back into the villa, seeing them walking away into the villa, Akira started looking at Chi Yang's group and said:

" Chi Yang, are you taking them all? " (Akira)

Hearing that question, Chi Yang immediately answered:

" Not all of them, who will join only 3 people Wang Shuang, Chen Yao, and Dagouzi." (Chi Yang)

Akira blinked after hearing this answer, then he looked at Chi Yang and said:

" Oh, you are not coming? " (Akira)

Chi Yang just shook his head and said:

" I can't come, because I'm afraid that Yue Zhong will come back and if he comes back, then don't see me the possibility that he will do bad things to the village people." (Chi Yang)

Hearing this answer, Akira could only give Chi Yang a strange glance and said:

" Fine, if that's what you say." (Akira)

After saying that, the vehicle they were in began to move towards the small military camp.

After an hour of driving, they were finally in front of a small military camp, so they stopped and got out of their vehicle.

Akira looked around and said:

" You guys wait here for a while." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira left Ji Qing Wu and the others to wait and maintain the temporary vehicle, then he quickly entered the small military camp.

As soon as he entered the camp, Akira began to observe the camp from every angle to see if there were still mutated animals, but when he did not find anything, Akira continued on his way around the camp.

But not long after, Akira stopped not far from the firearm room, because he saw a lot of zombies around the firearm room and thought:

' How come there are so many zombies? I remember using a barrier to cover the sound when I killed Yue Zhong.' (Akira)

Just as he was thinking, Akira didn't forget to raise his hand and point it at the group of zombies in front of him, then a black fireball came out of his hand and shot at the zombie group.

Then the group of zombies was swallowed by the black flames and turned into ashes after 2 minutes, Akira started walking into the firearm room while the black flames began to disappear.

When Akira was about to enter the firearm room, suddenly a blue-green ghost shot from the side like a laser and clawed at his heart.

Just when the claw was about to hit Akira's heart, a golden barrier appeared and covered Akira inside.

The claw hit the golden barrier and then the blue-green ghost flew backward, then the golden barrier disappeared.

Akira looked at the blue-green ghost and thought:

' Even though I know that an object or person will not be able to attack me and will only pass through my body, I still can't take the risk of encountering a zombie even if it's a normal zombie.' (Akira)

[S2 Type 2 Agility Zombie Lv.30]

After seeing the zombie information in front of him, Akira said:

" If only I and that S2 are far enough away then I can easily dodge the attack using just my speed, too bad because it's too close and I can only use [Angel Shield] to withstand the attack." (Akira)

After saying that, a fire javelin was created in Akira's hand and he threw the fire javelin at the S2 zombie.

The fiery javelin stuck right into the zombie's heart and started to burn the zombie's body from the inside, then within seconds, the S2 zombie was burned to ashes.

Seeing this, Akira started walking forward and picking up all the survival coins, treasure boxes, and skill books that normal zombies and S2 zombies dropped.

After finishing picking it up, Akira went back around to see the surroundings and saw that there were no zombies or mutated animals anymore, he began to return to the place where the vehicles were parked and called everyone to follow him inside to bring all the firearms back to the village.