
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 56

At this time, 2 vehicles were driving down the road, and inside was a group of people, they were Akira, Ji Qing Wu, Chen Yao, Wang Shuang, and 5 people under Tiger Wang.

Currently, the two vehicles are driving back to the village, not long after they arrive at the village and all of them get out of the car.

Then, Akira looked at the five previous Tiger Wang subordinates and said:

" So, have you guys thought about it? About being my subordinates? If the five of you don't want to, that's fine." (Akira)

After saying that Akira smiled friendly, but for the five subordinates it was a devilish smile and they suddenly remembered one of their friends was killed by Akira.

At that time, Akira had asked them about this before and ended up having one of them die for rejecting it, so the five of them immediately replied quickly:

" I want! I want! From now on I will obey your orders! Mr. Akira! I want to be your subordinate! " (Subordinates)

" Brother Akira, I also want to be your subordinate!! " (Subordinates)

Those five subordinates competed with each other's exclamations, Tiger Wang, the man they were following, was already dead.

They also don't want to die like one of their friends, being able to follow a strong man like Akira is better than dying because they don't want to die.

Suddenly there was an intense gunshot within the village, Akira who heard this immediately smiled and said:

" So the war has started? " (Akira)

Then he looked at Ji Qing Wu and said:

" Qing Wu, take Chen Yao and Wang Shuang back to the small villa, to the place where Yue Zhong's group is, and wait for me there." (Akira)

Ji Qing Wu only nodded and replied:

" Ok." (Ji Qing Wu)

After hearing Ji Qing Wu's answer, Akira looked at his new five subordinates, then he pointed at the tall and thin man among the five who looked to be around 25 or 26 years old as he said:

" If I'm not mistaken your name is Liu Yan right? Right now, I make you the leader of this small squad! This small squad will follow your orders, After entering the village, I want you to protect Ji Qing Wu inside and listen to her words. Since I will go first and do some things, remember if you guys do strange things then I won't be reluctant to clean you when I return." (Akira)

His five subordinates quickly answered:

" Understood boss." (Akira)

Seeing this, Akira nodded in satisfaction and immediately went towards where Tiger Wang and Tiger Wang's group were.

On the way to the resting place of Tiger Wang's group, Akira accidentally saw Lei Zhen, one of Tiger Wang's 3 brothers and several of his underlings.

Akira immediately smiled and said:

" Looks like this person will just go to help the war there." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira turned into a flash of lightning and appeared in front of Lei Zhen with Lei Zhen's subordinates, then said:

" Hi, we meet again." (Akira)

Lei Zhen didn't answer Akira, he just glared at Akira and roared at the people who were under his command.

" Shoot him." (Lei Zhen)

Six armed men were holding rifle type 81 and sub-machine gun-type 79 and spreading fire on the Akira in front of them.

But a few seconds later the gaze of Lei Zhen and his subordinates turned to fear because all the bullets they shot only pierced Akira's body and didn't injure him at all.

Akira just smiled after seeing their expressions and started walking towards them, one of the armed men under Lei Zhen who saw Akira approaching immediately shouted in fear:

" AHHHHH !!! AHHHH !! "

While screaming in fear, the man pulled the trigger of his firearm and frantically shot a bullet at Akira.

A moment later, a blue javelin stuck right into the man's head and the man fell to the ground without seeing any sign of life in his eyes.

Lei Zhen who saw this was getting more and more scared, he turned around and prepared to run away, but for a moment he turned around a blue javelin pierced his body from behind and he heard Akira's voice say:

" Hey, where are you going? Didn't you look so brave before? " (Akira)

Lei Zhen, who heard this, turned his head back stiffly and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, suddenly his body was swallowed up by high-powered lightning and made himself burnt, then fell to the ground and died.

Seeing their team leader die, the remaining five were terrified and had no desire to fight anymore, they then threw away their weapons and raised their hands, then said:

" I give up! Don't kill me! "

" I also give up! Forgive me! "

" Me too! I don't want to die! "

Seeing them giving up, Akira paused for a moment and said:

" I can let you live, but on condition that from now on you are my subordinates. Do you understand? " (Akira)

In his mind, Akira also thought:

' For the time being, I need these people as my army, once I become a Gold Grade Reincarnator I can create or bring troops from another world, without having any trouble finding troops in this world.' (Akira)

On the other hand, the five people who heard Akira's words were immediately happy and answered:

" Of course! From now on I am your subordinate." (Subordinates)

" It's true we are your subordinates now! " (Subordinates)

Akira looked at them and said:

" Then now take your firearms and go to where Yue Zhong's group is, then find a woman named Ji Qing Wu and follow all her orders. Do you understand? " (Akira)

" Yes Boss! " (Subordinates)

" Then go now and remember if you guys dare to do anything weird there, then I will kill all of you! " (Akira)

After that, his five new subordinates started running towards where Yue Zhong's group was, Akira on the other hand began to continue to go to Tiger Wang's group place and tidy up all Tiger Wang's subordinates.