
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 52

After removing the three items from the inventory, Akira placed them on the bed, without thinking about anything Akira immediately used the Magic Scroll first and a screen notification appeared.

[Congratulations to the Reincarnator Serial N-9273, you have acquired [Fire Dragon Slaying Magic] ability in the [Unknown Power] menu.]

[Congratulations you got a new passive skill [Mana] on the skill menu.]

Akira could only be speechless seeing this, he immediately took the Soul Stone and used it.

[Congratulations to the Reincarnator Serial N-9273, you have acquired [mimicry] ability in the [Unknown Power] menu.]

Seeing this, Akira opened the [Unknown Power] menu.

[ Unknown Power

• Devil Fruit: [Hore Hore No Mi] , [Goro Goro No Mi] , [Empty] , [Empty] , [Empty]

• Dragon Slayer Magic: [Fire Dragon Slaying Magic], [Empty], [Empety], [Empety]

• Mimicry

• None: ]

Akira blinked a few times, before asking himself:

" This ..... Don't tell me that I can use other Dragon Slaying magic as well like Devil Fruits? " (Akira)

He didn't know what to do with this situation, so Akira just shook his head and forgot to think a lot, then chose [Mimicry] ability.

[Mimicry: Mimicry is an ability that can copy skills belonging to someone who has been targeted by the mimicry user by touching the target. Mimicry also has another ability, namely collecting skills that have been mimicked into the property of Mimicry users by exchanging existing skills with skills that have been copied.]

After reading the explanation of Mimicry's abilities, Akira was briefly stunned before smiling and saying:

" Interesting ability." (Akira)

After saying that, he took out a bottle filled with blood.

Akira stared briefly at the bottle and opened the bottle cap, then drank the liquid in the bottle, after drinking the liquid, Akira suddenly felt hot in his body.

After 5 minutes passed, the heat that Akira felt disappeared and he could also feel that his body was getting stronger, suddenly lots of notification screens appeared.

[Congratulations on getting the Golden Dragon Bloodline in your body.]

[Congratulations on getting your new passive skill [Dragon Transformation] on the skills menu.]

[Congratulations you got a new passive skill [Intimidation] on the skills menu.]

[All Dragon-based skills will get an increase of 2 levels.]

[The ability of [Fire Dragon Slaying Magic] on the Unknown Power menu has mutated to [Fire Dragon King Slaying Magic] due to its Dragon Bloodline.]

[Congratulations on getting +50 attribute points in the Strength stat and +70 attribute points in the Endurance stat]

[Congratulations to you, because of the Dragon Bloodline effect, you have unlocked 2 other evolver attributes: the Strength attribute and the Endurance attribute.]

[ Status

Name : Murasaki Akira

Reincarnator : Serial N-9273 (Silver)

Race : [Human], [Devil], [Dragon]

Bloodline : [High-class Devil], [Golden Dragon King]

Title : [Lei Jiang Village Discover]

Level : 22 ( Ranker 2 )

Class : [Dark Knight], [King]

Free Stat : 6 Point

Free Skill Stat : 2 Point

Evolver : 5 Attribute ( Strength, Endurance, Vitality, Stamina, Spirit )

Equipment : [Stinger Pistol] , [Enhanced Footwear] , [White Leather Gloves] , [Rosary Ring], [King Peces], [Nullification Magic Dice]

Strength : 154 (+28)

Agility : 75 (+29)

Endurance : 159 (+26)

Vitality : 95 (+26)

Stamina : 93 (+26)

Spirit : 92 (+26) ]

[ Skill

• Active : [Lv3. Shadow Step], [Lv2. Critical Strike], [Lv3. Bone Sword Creation], [Lv4. Devil Flame]

• Passive : [Lv5. Body Enhancement], [Lv7. Dark Resistance], [Lv6. High Regeneration], [Lv3. Art Of Fear], [Lv3. Night Enhancement], [Lv3. Intimidation], [Lv4. Mana], [Dragon Transformation] ]

After seeing all that, Akira was very happy and said:

" Very good! Never did I think that this Dragon Bloodline would provide many advantages, now that the Evolver attribute has unlocked the 5 evolver attributes, only the remaining Agility evolver attribute remains not unlocked." (Akira)

Feeling that there was nothing more to be done, Akira stood up and walked out of the room.

At the moment he came out, Akira saw that Ji Qing Wu and Gue Yu were looking at him blankly.

Seeing this, Akira immediately smiled and said:

" Why the two of you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face? " (Akira)

The two of them woke up after hearing Akira's question, they began to feel the heat on their faces with a blush on both cheeks, Ji Qing Wu and Guo Yu answered simultaneously:

" Nothing! " (Ji Qing Wu and Guo Yu)

After saying that both of them turned their heads.

Seeing the response of the two girls, Akira could only shake his head and walk out of the villa, Ji Qing Wu and Guo Yu following behind him.

At this time Akira and Ji Qing Wu were standing waiting in the village square, suddenly Akira saw Tiger Wang carrying 36 armed men approaching.

Tiger walked up to Akira's place and said:

" Have you been waiting long? Are you going alone? " (Tiger Wang)

Hearing this question, Akira answered:

" Not too long to wait, I am not alone. Qing Wu will come with me." (Akira)

Tiger Wang only nodded and immediately looked around, then said:

" Looks like Yue Zhong and his group haven't shown up yet." (Tiger Wang)

It didn't take long before Yue Zhong appeared with Chen Yao and Wang Shuang following behind him.

After seeing Yue Zhong's appearance, Tiger Wang started walking over to Yue Zhong and said:

" How are you? Well prepared? Where are the people you want to bring? " (Tiger Wang)

Yue Zhong pointed at Chen Yao and Wang Shuang as he said:

" It's ready! Brother Tiger! I'll just take both of them with me." (Yue Zhong)

Tiger Wang's brows furrowed, looking at Chen Yao and Wang Shuang:

" Is it enough to just bring the two of them? How about bringing Chi Yang too? " (Tiger Wang)

Yue Zhong didn't care about Tiger Wang's words and simply said:

" Don't worry! If the three of us are not well, then Chi Yang and the rest will be of no use if they come." (Yue Zhong)

" Fine, if that's what you want! Then let's go! " (Tiger Wang)

After speaking, Tiger Wang led Akira, Ji Qing Wu, Yue Zhong, and the group out of the village square.

The motorcade turned into a small village, then the path along the village turned into a small mountain surrounded by forest.

After entering the mountain, the road was winding, a small-scale military camp appeared before their eyes.

Looking at the small military camp, Yue Zhong's eyes flashed a cheerful light, on the other hand, Akira smiled strangely after seeing Yue Zhong's cheerful eyes.

Tiger Wang ordered the motorcade to stop after seeing only the shadow of the military stronghold.

Tiger Wang came to Akira and Yue Zhong's side, then said:

" Brother Akira, Brother Yue Zhong, the camp is over there. We can't get close, because the ears of the mutant beast are very sharp so they are quite vigilant. If we pass, they can rush to catch up." (Tiger Wang)

After saying that, Tiger Wang looked at Akira and said:

" As per our agreement, you have to help me take care of the four mutant dogs there." (Tiger Wang)

Hearing this, Akira just shrugged and walked towards the camp.