
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 31

After asking a few questions, Akira gave the white treasure box to the old man, then he walked towards the exit while thinking.

' So, Reincarnator consists of 5 levels .... But I don't know why I feel like there are still more levels.' (Akira)

After exiting the auction building, Akira took out a white treasure box and walked to the starting place, staring at the treasure box in his hand, he began to think.

' The old man said that items also have grades, namely White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Half-Divine, Divine.' (Akira)

' Then, the reason why the old man was overjoyed after seeing this white treasure box, was because he had seen someone open a white treasure box and inside it had random items, then someone got a Half-Divine item ... but my white treasure box was the trash items from the God and Devil World .... ' (Akira)

[ White Treasure Box

Rank Grade : White

Type : Treasure Box

Durability : -

Description : A treasure box that will give you a level 1 equipment, but if you are unlucky then you will likely get an empty prize.

Source : God and Devil World.]

Seeing the white treasure box information in his hand, Akira could only be silent before he muttered a little:

" Don't tell me, that the Reincarnator can't see the item's status? " (Akira)

But, a flash of idea flashed through his mind, before Akira said in his mind:

' System, can you identify this box? ' (Akira)

After he said that, a screen appeared in his mind.

[ White Treasure Box

Grade : -

Description : A treasure box that can randomly give away equipment and also possibly get nothing.]

Seeing this, Akira blinked his eyes, before he thought hard in his thoughts:

' Huh?! Why is it different from what I see?! Could it be that the other Reincarnators really couldn't identify the item by themselves? and have to use the help of a system that makes misidentification like this ?! ' (Akira)

Even though he seemed to be in deep thought, on his face Akira looked very happy about this situation and said:

" hehehe ..... doesn't that mean this situation is good and profitable for me? .. Okay, let's go back to God and Devil World first and collect a lot of white treasure boxes, then after that just sell all the white boxes here." (Akira)

Even if he said that, Akira didn't return to the God and Devil World right away, but instead walked all over the place like the road to the Blacksmith's place.

Time passed and Akira returned to the previous room, because he didn't have many Exchange points to buy a building or rent a system-made hotel room, so Akira had to return to this gloomy room again if he wanted to return to teleportation to another world.

Before returning to the other world, Akira suddenly thought of something and immediately said:

" System, what do I need to do to level up my Reincarnator level? " (Akira)

The moment Akira asked, a screen appeared in his sight.

[Reincarnator Rank Advancement Mission

- Complete 1 Other World Mission (0/1)

- Has 5,000 Exchange Points (650/5.000)

- Upgraded Ranker 0 to Ranker 1 (0/1)

Complete : Become a Silver Reincarnator.

Failure : - ]

Seeing this, Akira raised his eyebrows and said:

" Looks like the first test didn't count as a mission. System sends me back to God and Devil World." (Akira)

After Akira said that, his body was immediately wrapped in light and he disappeared from there.

< Lei Jiang Bridge >

On the bridge of Lei Jiang, which was full of zombies, suddenly a light appeared there, then after the light disappeared, Akira's figure appeared.

When Akira opened his eyes, suddenly a zombie S1 appeared in front of him who was ready to scratch him, he immediately avoided the side and took Tang Saber out of the inventory, then slashed the S1.

After killing S1, Akira looked around the bridge and saw a bunch of other zombies totaling 20 zombies also began to stagger towards him.

Seeing the zombies walking towards him, Akira just smiled and said:

" Since you want to welcome me who just came back, I will give you a gift to try out my new Devil Fruit ability." (Akira)

After saying that, suddenly his whole body emitted bright lightning, then Akira raised his hands and pointed his palms at the zombies.

From his palm, powerful lightning energy like lasers shot out, then fired at the zombies right in their heads.

All of the zombies eventually died, because their heads were immediately scorched to ashes due to Akira's high-powered lightning attack.

Seeing all the zombies die with one strike, Akira was very happy and said:

" Strong! This Devil Fruit is really strong." (Akira)

After that, he walked towards the corpses of the zombies, from which Akira only got 3 white boxes and many survival coin.

After taking and storing the item into the investory, Akira looked around again and said:

" Looks like there is nothing else, then the sight of the bridge barrier is gone, indicating they have started to go to Long Hai City." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira thought for a while and said:

" I'd better go back to the apartment first to rest." (Akira)

It didn't take long, Akira finally arrived at Chen Yao's previous apartment.

Entering the apartment, Akira did not see anyone in it, he walked away to the dining room.

By the time he arrived at the dining room, Akira saw a piece of paper on the table.

He also walked to the dining table and took the paper, then read it.

After finishing reading the paper message, Akira knew that it was Ji Qing Wu who wrote the paper message, he put the paper back on the table, Akira smiled and said:

" Looks like they really are heading for Long Hai City." (Akira)

A few moments later Akira felt hungry, he walked towards the wall cupboard.

Opening the cupboard, Akira saw some bread and drinks inside, then said:

" Luckily Qing Wu has saved some bread and drinks for me, otherwise I will have to go back outside to find the nearby supermarket while I'm lazy to go out now." (Akira)

After finishing eating and drinking, Akira went to one of the rooms to sleep, before that he opened his status screen.

[ Status

Name : Murasaki Akira

Reincarnator : Serial N-9273 (Bronze)

Race : [Human]

Title : [Lei Jiang Village Discover]

Level : 22 ( Ranker 0 )

Class : [Dark Knight]

Free Stat : 6 Point

Free Skill Stat : 2 Point

Evolver : 3 Attribute ( Vitality, Stamina, Spirit )

Equipment : [Tang Sabre] , [Stinger Pistol] , [3rd Degree Protective Garment] , [Enhanced Footwear] , [White Leather Gloves] , [Rosary Ring]

Strength : 45 (+38)

Agility : 62 (+39)

Endurance : 17 (+36)

Vitality : 45 (+36)

Stamina : 43 (+36)

Spirit : 52 (+36)

Exchange Point : 650 Point. ]

Seeing his status, Akira immediately got up from lying down and sat on the bed, with serious eyes he looked at the status screen, then said:

" What happened? How did my stat points go up all of a sudden? I don't remember adding any stat points ?! " (Akira)

After saying that, Akira tried to remember the things he did, but somehow he never remembered getting anything that added up his main stat.

Suddenly, a strange fruit shape flashed through his mind and made Akira think.

" Don't tell me, that increasing my main stat point has something to do after eating a Devil Fruit ?? " (Akira)

But, Akira immediately shook his head, because he can't be sure of that, unless he goes to the world of One Piece and gets another Devil Fruit to get an answer, after that Akira lay back down to sleep.

Thanks for reading, sorry if there is an error because I use Google Translate. And don't forget to give a review too.

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