
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 13

At 5 o'clock the next morning, Akira who was lying on the sofa place opened his eyes, he had to do some things first before the others got up.

Getting up from the sofa Akira started walking towards the place where the supplies were placed, after arriving he took out the supplies in his inventory and combined the supplies that were brought together.

After doing all that, he returned to the living room and sat on the sofa where he lay, then looked at the inventory because when he cleaned all the zombies in this apartment, Akira got a few items.

[ Inventory

• [Small Fireball] x 1

• [Survival Coin] x 170

• [Enhanced Footwear] x 1

• [White Leather Gloves] x 1 ]

[ Enhanced Footwear

Rank Grade : Level 1 (White)

Type : Boots (Armor)

Durability : 20/20

Description : The footwear which has been improved, after wearing this Footwear will make your actions more agile.

Bonus Effect : Agility +3 ]

[ White Leather Gloves

Rank Grade : Level 1 (White)

Type : Gloves (Armor)

Durability : 10/10

Description : The gloves which have been strengthened, can withstand attacks from mutant beasts and initial infections below level 5, cannot withstand mutant beasts and initial infections above level 5.

Bonus Effect : Strength +2 ]

After seeing the information on the two items, Akira immediately used it without thinking.

[ Status

Name : Murasaki Akira

Reincarnator : Serial N-9273 (Bronze)

Race : Human

Level : 10 ( Ranker 0 )

Class : None

Free Stat : 2 Point

Free Skill Stat : 1 Point

Evolver : 3 Attribute ( Vitality, Stamina, Spirit )

Equipment : [Imitation Tang Sword] , [Protective Garment] , [Enhanced Footwear] , [White Leather Gloves]

Strength : 22 (+3)

Agility : 17 (+4)

Endurance : 10 (+1)

Vitality : 30 (+1)

Stamina : 31 (+1)

Spirit : 30 (+1) ]

After he finished doing all that, Akira immediately went to the bathroom to wash up.

Time started before 7am, everyone was now gathered in the living room.

Suddenly Yue Zhong looked at Ji Qing Wu in a deep voice said:

" Ji Qing Wu, we are safe here for now. According to the agreement between us, can you come with me to find my best friend today." (Yue Zhong)

Ji Qing Wu lightly said:

" Yes! " (Ji Qing Wu)

Yue Zhong also didn't forget to look at Akira and the others, then said:

" How about you? Will you stay here or go and fight with me. We have to explain beforehand, today's battle will be more intense than yesterday." (Yue Zhong)

Akira who felt Yue Zhong's gaze only shrugged his shoulders, then replied:

" I'll come together too." (Akira)

Wang Shuang naturally nodded at Yue Zhong, because he had already chosen to follow Yue Zhong, while the other girls were silent.

Fighting zombies with just one stroke will be infected and become one like a zombie, even some men don't dare to fight against zombies, let alone girls.

At the same time, Chen Yao's eyes flickered with a resolute decision:

" I will fight with you. I also want to become stronger." (Chen Yao)

Chen Yao, like an ordinary girl is also afraid of fighting zombies, but it is very clear to her, in this world the person who is most capable of relying on herself.

Even if there is a strong desire to depend on someone, it must still show its worth.

Meanwhile, Wang Fang blinked several times then said:

" I will stay here to take care of Zhang Xuan. He's still not well, she still needs someone to look after her. Even if I leave, I'll just be a nuisance. "

Cai Xiao hesitated a little, but after she heard Wang Fang, Cai Xiao also said: "I will also stay here and take care of Zhang Xuan."

Akira was speechless with their excuses, while Yue Zhong simply said:

" Good! But you have to close the door, except for us, absolutely not to let anyone in." (Yue Zhong)

After finishing speaking Akira and Yue Zhong then stepped out of the room.

Ji Qing Wu, Chen Yao, and Wang Shuang followed behind them and walked out.

With a loud engine sounding, Chen Yao drove the school bus outside.

On the streets, zombies roam everywhere, as the school bus speeds up.

The zombies immediately staggered towards the school bus, as the zombies approached, like a tank, the school bus hit the zombies and sent them flying.

When Chen Yao was driving, she said:

" Everyone, this bus only has half a tank of gas left." (Chen Yao)

Yue Zhong who heard this immediately asked:

" Is there enough left to reach Zhong Hai University then to the gas station in Jiang Nan? " (Yue Zhong)

Chen Yao confidently predicted:

" No problem! " (Chen Yao)

Yue quickly said:

" Then go to Zhong Hai University first." (Yue Zhong)

Chen Yao nodded and then drove the school bus towards Zhong Hai University.

Akira who sat in the back didn't know where Zhong Hai University was located, he wanted to ask Ji Qing Wu who was sitting next to him.

But just as Akira fixed his gaze on Ji Qing Wu, he saw that Ji Qing Wu was staring at him.

On the other hand, Ji Qing Wu who was staring at Akira, then she saw that Akira turned towards her, Ji Qing Wu's face immediately flushed and quickly looked away after seeing Akira who was looking at her.

Akira who saw this could only force a smile and gave up on asking Ji Qing Wu, he thought for a moment and stood up, Akira walked over to Wang Shuang and asked, then from the conversation with Wang Shuang, he got some information about Zhong Hai University.

Unlike Yun Hua University, Zhong Hai University is a first-rate school in the country, has several celebrities, including among the most famous universities.

Zhong Hai University is also very crowded, no matter what time people enter and enter, from this information Akira can conclude, that the number of zombies is probably several times more than in other areas.

After Chen Yao went to this area, he saw a horde of zombies.

On the other hand, the zombies after hearing the school bus engine, they began to stagger towards the school bus and immediately surrounded the school bus.

Chen Yao gritted his teeth, and passed through the zombies.

Thanks for reading, sorry if there is an error because I use Google Translate. And don't forget to give a review too.

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