
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 110

- Kuoh Academy -

Several hours had passed at school and suddenly the bell rang for the whole class to hear the sound of the bell, then in one of the second-graded rooms, a teacher standing on the podium started clapping and saying:

" That is the end of today's open class, thank you parents for being present at this time, and please rest outside." (Teacher)

When the parents left, the atmosphere in the class finally relaxed, and it was not easy for anyone to be watched by their family while they were attending class.

At this time, Akira was on the schoolyard not far from the gym hall auditorium, he was sitting on a long chair while staring silently at the information screen of the three cards he got this morning.

[Social Relations Bond Card

Grade: Unique

Type: Card Magic

Description: A one-time consumable item, once used on a target by mentioning the target's name, can lead to social relationships with the target, for example, such as older brother and sister relationships, friends, confidants, ex-girlfriends, and current boyfriends. Once the social relationship shackle card becomes active, one of the above relationships will be triggered randomly. (Note: Only applies to women and unmarried women.)

Source: Rich Second-generation Villain World.]

[Social Relations Bond S+ Card

Grade: Unique

Type: Card Magic

Description: A one-time consumable item, once used on a target by mentioning the target's name, can lead to an affair relationship with the target, for example, such as father and daughter, mother and son, sibling, mentor and student, fiancé, separated spouse, ex-wife, current husband. Once the social relationship shackle card becomes active, one of the above relationships will be triggered randomly. (Note: Only applies to women.)

Source: Rich Second-generation Villain World.]

[Social Super Peach Blossom Card

Grade: Unique

Type: Card Magic

Description: After the card is used, you will get the passive skill Super Peach Blossom. Super peach blossom passive skill has an 80% chance to get ordinary women around you interested in you, a 50% chance of making ordinary women around you fall in love at first sight, and a 10% chance of making women with special characters fall in love and be loyal to you.

Source: Rich Second-generation Villain World.]

Akira continued to sit while staring silently at the three information screens, with a strange expression he said:

" Should I be happy or sad to get this? But I think I should be happy, these two cards might come in handy sometimes and for the last card it's not much different from Devil Fruit abilities just a little weak." (Akira)

" But since it's already in my hands, I'd better use it and it can be considered as an additional charm." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira also used the card and got a new passive skill, after a few minutes later he got up and prepared to go back to school.

However, before he could move a group of people started walking towards him and Akira who saw them could only blink his eyes because he knew who they were.

That group of people was Rias with her peerage and Akira's peerage, along with a few extra people consisting of Sirzechs, Grayfia, Duke Phenex, and a middle-aged man with red hair.

Akira also greeted them one by one and when he wanted to say hello to the last person, Akira suddenly fell silent and had a strange expression as he looked at the middle-aged man with red hair in front of him.

[ Zeoticus Gremory (Puppet Slave) Ranker 7 ]

But it was only a glimpse before Akira returned to his usual smile and greeted the man in front of him, they all talked for a while before duke phenex and duke gremory went around and only left Sirzechs (Puppet slave) and Grayfia staying with Akira and the group.

Akira watched the two middle-aged men leave and thought in his mind:

' Looks like the person I'm looking for is actually inside the house of the Gremory Family, for now, I can't touch the two puppet slaves before I know this person's level of strength.' (Akira)

' Maybe the power seal on Grayfia's body is also the work of this guy? ' (Akira)

However, at the same time, there was a commotion not far from the place, and Akira and the others saw a group of men holding their cameras rushing towards the gym hall corridor.

" Is there a photo session for magical girls? " (Student)

" Hurry up, you won't see it too late! " (Student)

"Oh-oh ..." (Student)

Rias, Shuri, Akeno, and the women who heard this stared curiously, Rias said curiously:

" Magical girls? " (Rias Gremory)

Sirzechs (puppet slave) smiled mysteriously and looked at Rias and the others, then said:

" I forgot to mention that the Sitri Family is also here." (Sirzechs puppet slave)

Akira had known this since hearing the male students say magical girl, and Rias who heard this more or less knew who this person was after hearing Sirzechs (puppet slave) words.

Akira and a group walked in, then they saw a group of student boys in the corner of the corridor constantly taking pictures with cameras and shouting:

" Please let me take another one! " (Student)

" Over here, look over here! " (Student)

"..." (Student)

After seeing this, Akira and the group fell silent except for Sirzechs (puppet slave) who smiled, then they finally looked at the magical girl mentioned before.

A beautiful young girl without a doubt, Magical Girl milky cosplay, in the hand is rotating attractive magic staff, seeming like the whole body is sparkling, during is lovable also brings several points of impertinence.

If examines carefully again, will discover that the appearance is somewhat similar to Shitori Sona.

After seeing the magical girl, Rias immediately covered her forehead, while the others couldn't help but smile and chuckle, Akira on the other hand just blinked his eyes and had a strange thought in his mind.

The reason why Akira, Rias, and the others had different expressions was that they knew who the magical girl was.

After all, that magical girl was Shitori Sona's elder sister and also the current demon king, Demon King Leviathan named Serafall Leviathan.

Moments later, two young girls appeared and ran to the podium and quickly dismissed the male photography students, the two girls were Student Council Hanakai Momo and Nimura Ruruko.

Sona who was behind the two members and had just entered the school gym started asking:

" Ruruko, Momo, what happened exactly? " (Sona)

However, just as Sona entered the school gym and stared at the magical girl on the podium while posing, Sona suddenly froze with an ugly expression and in her heart had the feeling of running away from here as fast as possible.

However, before Sona could escape Serafall first jumped up and caught Sona, then hugged her tightly and said excitedly:

" Sona-chan, discovery! " (Serafall)