
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 103

At this time, Akira was on the first floor of the building and preparing to walk out of the building, but a notification screen appeared.

[Congratulations, you have completed the Event Mission and got the reward [Unknown Box] ]

[You still have 30 minutes before returning to HighSchool DxD world, do you want to stay here? Or waiting in the God Dimension's Main Villa? ]

Akira who saw this thought for a while and walked out of the building, after that he looked up at the sky and saw a giant dragonfly flying there.

Akira then created a black fire spear in his right hand, without thinking he immediately threw the black fire spear at the dragonfly and made the spear stab into the dragonfly's body and then burned the insect to ashes.

However, after the dragonfly died there was no notification of getting the attribute at all, he then immediately made a choice and said:

" Back to the Main God Dimension Villa." (Akira)

After saying that, his body was swallowed by the white light and then vanished with him.

< Main God Dimension Space >

At this time in one of the great villas in the Main God Dimension, to be more precise within the villa's living room a light transmission circle appeared and from within that light Akira walked out, then he said:

" I still have 30 minutes here and if my guess is correct then when I return to the DxD world it's already 2 hours." (Akira)

" Welcome back, Master." (Android butler)

Hearing the sound of a mechanic behind him, Akira looked back, and there he saw Previous android butler standing while bowing to him.

Akira looked at the butler with a smile and said:

" Yeah I'm back, by the way are you busy right now? Because I have some things for you to do." (Akira)

Hearing this the android butler stood up straight and said in a mechanical voice:

" You can say what you need me to do, Master." (Android butler)

Akira just shrugged his shoulders and said:

" I just want you to help me buy some items such as beast materials that can allow Ex-Veemon to evolve into Paildramon and and Angewomon into Mastemon, then bring me a recent auction list as well." (Akira)

Hearing Akira's command, the android butler immediately carried it out and Akira on the other hand walked to the sofa and sat there.

After sitting down, he opened the status screen and saw that there were still unset attributes left from the results of his night beast hunt, Akira immediately set everything up.


Name: Murasaki Akira / Riser Phenex

Reincarnator: Serial N-9273 (Gold)

Race: [Human], [Devil], [Dragon], [Phoenix]

Bloodline: [High-class Devil], [Golden Dragon King], [Hellfire Phoenix]

Title: [Lei Jiang Village Discover], [Child of Destiny], [Lord of the Realm of Violet Jade Immortal], [Insect Catastrophe]

Level: 24 ( Ranker 7 )

Class: [Dark Knight], [King]

Free Stat: 0 Point

Free Skill Stat: 2 Point

Evolver: 6 Attribute ( Strength, Agility, Endurance, Vitality, Stamina, Spirit )

Equipment: [Stinger Pistol], [Enhanced Footwear], [White Leather Gloves], [Rosary Ring], [King Pieces] x 3, [Nullification Magic Dice], [Yin-Yang Pendant], [Boosted Gear]

- Strength: 2.616

- Agility: 2.610

- Endurance: 2.521

- Vitality: 2.357

- Stamina: 2.387

- Spirit: 2.554 ]

After setting his status attribute, Akira started to look at his inventory and the inventory screen appeared.

[ Inventory

• [Survival Coin] x 1558

• [Black Pendant] x 1

• [Soul Sealing Orb] x 5

• [Healing Potion] x 95

• [Antidote] x 99

• [Scroll of Purification] x 5

• [Scroll of Silence] x 5

• [Monster Ball] x 39

• [Strength Enhancing Fruits] x 28

• [Agility Enhancing Fruits] x 28

• [Defense Enhancing Fruit] x 28

• [Drunken Fragrance Fruits] x 300

• [Random World Coordination Ticket] x 1

• [Trade of Love Drug] x 3

• [Youth Potion] x 3

• [Sacred Gear Crystal: Luminous Great Sword] x 1

• [Sacred Gear Crystal: Curse of Vritra](Complete) x 1

• [Artificial-Sacred Gear: Twinkle Aegis] x 1

• [World Coordination Ticket: Long Life Summons World] x 1

• [Summon one hero from Throne of Heroes ticket (permanent)] x1

• [Unknown Box] x 1 ]

Looking at the list of items in his inventory, Akira thought for a while before taking out the two world coordination tickets and using them, then a notification screen appeared.

[Congratulations, you have two new world coordination.]

[World Coordination

• Main World

- Main God Dimension

• Home World

- God and Devil World

• Sub-World

- Naruto World

- Highschool DxD World

- Long Life Summons World

- One Piece World ]

Akira who saw that the random ticket he used would get the world of one piece was slightly stunned, then he smiled and said:

" Because I have the coordination of the One Piece world, then I can have an army of devil fruit and haki fighters." (Akira)

" But after completing the DxD world mission, I won't go to another world first and go around the God and Devil world first, then after that go to the Long Life Summons world." (Akira)

After that, he looked at the [Summon one hero from Throne of Heroes ticket (permanent)] and [Unknown Box] in his inventory list, then said:

" For now I'll keep these two things first, because I'm not sure whether it will be lucky or not..." (Akira)

Finished doing some things, he got up and walked away to the swimming pool at his villa while waiting for his android butler to return.

< 20 minute later >

At this time, Akira was lying on one of the chairs by the pool side, suddenly a transmission light appeared and an android butler walked out from there.

After that, the android butler turned to face Akira and handed him a paper along with two crystal stones with one green crystal and one black, then said:

" Master, this is the item you requested as well as the list currently in the auction." (Android butler)

Akira opened his eyes and took the two crystal stones together with a paper from the android butler, he saw two crystal stones at a glance and a notification screen appeared.

[Monster Core: Stingmon

Type: Monster Core

Description: A monster core that can help other monsters increase in strength if they eat it, but if this monster core is given to Ex-Veemon then not only will it get an increase in strength, but this monster core can also help Ex-Veemon evolve to the next stage rare type.

Source: Stingmon/Digimon World.]

[Monster Core: LadyDevimon

Type: Monster Core

Description: A monster core that can help other monsters increase in strength if they eat it, but if this monster core is given to Angewomon then not only will it get an increase in strength, but this monster core can also help Angewomon evolve to the next stage rare type.

Source: LadyDevimon/Digimon World.]

Then he put the two monster cores into his inventory and looked at the auction list, in the list mostly random otherworldly coordination tickets with an initial price of 100,000 exchange points for each ticket that was auctioned, while random character summon tickets had an initial price of 70,000 each ticket is auctioned, and only a few items such as equipment or materials are auctioned off.

Akira couldn't help but stare silent at this, because the final price of the item being auctioned was unknown and didn't know if he could buy it.

Because if the world was good and had many benefits it would be at the price of 500,000 exchange points for the initial price, like a coordination ticket The Hunter x Hunter world that is currently visible has just been registered with a price of 500,000 exchange points at the beginning and this is still not the final offer price from other reincarnators if interested in this world.

Just as he looked at the last listing of the auction list, Akira fell silent before smiling and saying:

" Looks like I have to collect more exchange points." (Akira)

He said after looking at the final listing of the auction list, because what was written on the last list of auctions was.

[Uranus Queen: Alpha Ikaros(Sealed), World: Sora No Otoshimono, Initial offer price: 700,000 exchange points.]

Thanks for reading, sorry if there is an error because I use Google Translate. And don't forget to give a review too.

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