
Maid To The Prince

Set in the 1800s were the elite and peasants are very much set apart. Aurora is 18 years old and she is a maid in the palace, one fateful day tragic events lead to her serving Prince Caspian. Prince Caspian is used to having any woman at his abode, with his good looks, wealth, and charm, he sets his eyes on Aurora, he wants her in his bed. He knows that with social norms he can never be with her but what happens when this develops to more than they both signed up for? When sex ends up coming with strings attached. 18+

TaniaShava · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 53

Aurora took a deep breath, no matter how much she had psyched herself for this moment, it was all nerve-wracking.

If Caspian was with her, then she could face anything, that's what she kept on saying to herself but she was more jittery than ever.

She jumped when she felt arms encircling her waist,

"Everything will be fine Aurora." He kissed her neck.

She nodded, "I hope, I just don't want you to get into more trouble."

"Don't worry, I am their son, they can't ever disown me."

Caspian took her hand, and he smiled down at her and she could see that he was confident, "Let's go."

"Of course." She replied.

They got to the dining hall and when they walked in she thought she was going to faint when she saw that his mother, father, and Nadia were already seated.

She swallowed a huge lump and her hands started to sweat a bit. Caspian opened a chair for her and she sat down and when he also was seated, she looked down.

"Caspian what is the meaning of this?" His father's voice boomed.

"Can we be civilized please, I am not here to fight father but to discuss."

"Discuss what Caspian? You are disrespecting Nadia by bringing one of your lowly wenches."

Aurora flinched at the words and she didn't look up.

"Don't call her that!" Caspian replied.

She was getting worried that this was all happening because she was here, and didn't want to divide the family.

"What has gotten into you boy?"

"Father, mother hear me out first, I love Aurora with my whole heart and I can't imagine living without her."

Her mother snickered, "She must be a witch!"

Caspian hit the table with his hand and a loud bang sounded, "You will not carry on insulting her like that. I love her and you will also respect her."

"Respect her! You forget with whom you speak." His father's voice came out louder.

"You would speak like that to your own mother for a mere concubine." His mother hit back.

"Who are her parents? From which household is she from?" His father asked.

"Does that matter?"

"Yes Caspian it does matter, our reputation is on the line." His mother replied.

"She is from a lowly household."

"Are you using your head straight Caspian?" His father's voice was becoming louder with every response.

"I will forgive this once, you witch you are dismissed immediately." His mother's words hit her and she blinked back tears that threatened to fall.

Aurora got up and Caspian grabbed her wrist and pulled her down and she was seated once more, "She is my guest, and the only person who can ever dismiss her is I, not you."

"Caspian!" his father's voice boomed, "You will not talk to your mother like that!"

"Fine she can't but it's okay when he insults Aurora, she has a name, it's not hard. AURORA."

"We do not need to remember the names of the likes of her." His mother responded.

"Well, you will need to, as I am moving her to my villa and chambers."

"That is absurd!" his father slammed a fist on the table.

"I have always followed your orders ever since I was a child, everything I did was to please you but not this time, I choose myself and I'm putting my happiness first. Aurora is my happiness so she comes first."

His mother gasped, "Have you lost your mind Caspian? Nadia comes first don't you forget that."

"Nadia comes first to you and Father but not me. Aurora is my life."

"You witch! How did you bewitch my son?" his mother replied.

Caspian's hand tightened around hers and he squeezed as he reassured her.

"You can't even look up, you are full of shame." His father added.

"Shame, what shame does she have to feel when I was the one that pursued her, the only fault she has is being with someone like me."

"You are a prince boy! This should not be happening first of all and never in a million years." His father replied.

"I get why you are infatuated with her, she is beautiful but that fades Caspian but the legacy for your children don't." his mother replied.

Aurora still looked down, that was the only nice thing that his mother had said about her but it also was an insult.

"You can have your fun with her now and under the covers." His father added.

"I don't think you are comprehending what I'm saying, I want to make Aurora my second wife."

"YOU WHAT?" his mother replied.


"Just because I fell in love?"

"I think you forget that before a father I am also your king, you will leave me no choice but to exile her."

"If you do that, you will never see your son again."

"Is that a threat?" his mother asked through clenched teeth.

"It's a fact."

"I never would have thought a day like this would come from all my years." His father replied.

"There is a first for everything, I will follow everything you want me to do as long as Aurora is part of my life that is all I need."

His mother scoffed, "I can't believe what I'm hearing, I wonder when this nightmare will come to an end?"

"Caspian you and I need to talk alone." His father added.

"Anything you have to say, you can say in front of everyone."

"You are trying my patience Caspian."

"I am not budging on this one. I hoped you would be at least decent towards her but no you have to stoop so low."

Caspian's mother touched her head, "Caspian, it's me your mother."

"And you always be my mother and Aurora will forever be the love of my life."

"Is that why you have been neglecting the other concubines and Nadia? All your time is going to a lowly witch." His mother replied.

Aurora could see from her peripheral view that Nadia was smiling as she was enjoying this.

"I told you not to call her that! I will not let you talk to her like that. If you never want to see me again, carry on addressing her like this. If you hurt her you hurt me too."

"I didn't know you would be capable of such and to, to, her of all people. This does not make sense at all." His father replied.

"Love does not need to make sense."

"You need your head to be screwed on right, you are not in your right mind as of this moment." His father shook his head.

"I am more than fine, the only reason you won't hear me is because I am not playing a role or following the narrative you set out for me."

"It is the only narrative you need to be following." His mother replied through gritted teeth.

"I am not going to live the life that you want me to live, there is no meaning to life if I can't be honest with myself."

"You should keep this on the down low Caspian, your father had to give up and sacrifice a lot to succeed the throne."

"That's the difference between father and I, I would rather live a happy life with Aurora than succeed the throne and be lonely. At the end of the day what matters most is her."

"Are you telling me you would lose your title as king just to be with her?" his mother replied in disbelief.

"If that's what it takes for me to be with Aurora then you would leave me no choice."

"Caspian that's enough! We have entertained this ludicrous story of yours for long enough." his father replied.

"Sorry to disappoint you but this is not just a story, it's my real life."

Aurora flinched in surprise when she felt something touching her forehead and saw the fork fall, and she was flabbergasted that Caspian's mother had hurled a fork on her forehead.

It was painful and Caspian lifted her face up as he touched her forehead, he turned to his mother,

"I never thought you would stoop to such a level mother."

"Caspian!" his father replied.

"I won't stand this anymore." Caspian got up and took her hand and headed out of the dining hall and she could hear his parents calling him to come back but he kept on dragging her along.

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