
Maid To The Prince

Set in the 1800s were the elite and peasants are very much set apart. Aurora is 18 years old and she is a maid in the palace, one fateful day tragic events lead to her serving Prince Caspian. Prince Caspian is used to having any woman at his abode, with his good looks, wealth, and charm, he sets his eyes on Aurora, he wants her in his bed. He knows that with social norms he can never be with her but what happens when this develops to more than they both signed up for? When sex ends up coming with strings attached. 18+

TaniaShava · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 51

Caspian leaned in but she turned away,

"What's wrong Aurora?"

"Not now, I....look at me....I need to clean up first."

Caspian nodded, "Makes sense, but I don't mind."

"I do mind, let me go refresh and I will be back."

Caspian smiled at her, "fine let me escort you."

He picked her up and took her to her villa, after he had left as she was soaking in the medicinal bath that Eleanor had made for her, she was stuck with her thoughts.

She had made an excuse to not kiss Caspian as when he tried to kiss her all she could think about was the fact that he had slept with Nadia and she did not know how long this would last.

After a bath, she ate and went to sleep, her body was too painful for her to sit up or do anything. She needed rest.

"My Lady Elliot is here to see you."

"Let him in."

Elliot got in a second later and she tried to sit up but Elliot was on her side and helping her to sit up. He sat by the chair on the side,

"It's all my fault."

"No don't blame yourself, Elliot, Nadia has always had it for me, any chance she gets, I receive a beating."

"That's cruel, why is she so mean to you?"

"Because of Caspian."

"Why doesn't she bother Caspian as he is the one who married her and not you."

"I know but she has to go for the weakest one and the one she can bully is me."

"I should not have let you go."

"I'm fine Elliot, I can survive but you can't lose whatever you have for the emotions that I could not control."

Eleanor got into the room, "I bought you your supper, my lady."

"Thank you, Eleanor."

Elliot took the tray and set it on the table and he came with a bowl and spoon. He scooped and tried to feed her.

"You don't have to Elliot, I'm sure I can manage."

"Let me repay you this way or else I'm going to be feeling guilty."

"Fine, you can."

Elliot started to scoop the soup and into her mouth, it was delicious. Her door opened once more and it was Caspian who looked furious.

He walked up to them, "What is he doing here Aurora?"

"He is helping me eat and keeping me company."

"I thought you would call for me when you finished bathing?"

"I was too tired and decided to go to sleep. Thanks, Elliot, I will see you sometime."

"I should be thanking you, have a pleasant night Sire and Aurora."

"You should address her properly!"

"Caspian stop, I don't mind that he calls me by my first name."

Elliot went out of the room and she smiled at him, Caspian sat on the chair Elliot had vacated and he seemed to be fuming.

He stood up and leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head away, and he sat back down.

"So you don't want to kiss me because of Elliot."

"Elliot has nothing to do with it, he is a good friend of mine that's all."

"So then why don't you want me to kiss you?"

"I can't explain it now but when I get better I will."

"You don't want me anymore Aurora, right?"

"It's not that, just give me a couple of days please, and I need to sort out stuff that is jumbled up in my brain."

"Can't you talk to me about it?"

"I will sometime Caspian, just not now, I need to figure out my own emotions."

"Are they for me?"

"Yes." She replied truthfully, her heart was torn. Nadia had gotten away with disciplining her and Caspian had just warned her.

If she was with child, then it was going to be a horror living here,

"What can I do to make it up to you?"

"I need space for now Caspian, when I'm ready I will come to you."

"What if you don't?"

"I don't know."

"I will come to you then Aurora, I meant it, you are my life and without you, there is no meaning."

"So you tell me."

"I mean every word."

"I don't want to argue Caspian, I'm sick and tired. We will do this later when I recover and I will answer any questions that you have for me."

"What happened to us Aurora? I thought we were happy?"

"Were is the right word you used Caspian."

"What are you implying Aurora?"

"Exactly what I said, I don't know if being with you was the right choice."

Caspian moved to the side of her bed, "Please don't say that Aurora, tell me what I can do to fix us?"

"I don't know anymore if I am being honest, how much more must I suffer at Nadia's hands, the first time I left it was her, and this again."

"Nadia just thought she was doing the right thing but I won't let her hurt you again."

"You have to face it, I am the lowest concubine here and I will never be treated the same as the others and I am tired of it, I thought being with you would be enough but that's clearly not the case."

"I know things are hard but when you are with child, I will marry you and you can become my second wife."

"That does not matter, I am harassed by your mother and father too. This is all too much for me, I am an outcast except when I am with Elliot and my friends. Then I feel a bit free."

"Are you sure you are not more than friends with Elliot? How do you think I feel?"

"You want to compare me just talking to Elliot and to you having intercourse with Nadia?"

"I thought you were okay with it? I am just doing it to get the throne."

"So if I do it with Elliot would it make it fine even if my heart is with you."

Aurora could see that Caspian looked shocked at her words, "Are you trying to make an excuse to go to Elliot? You forget I am the prince and you belong to me."

"Belong to you? Am I just a possession to you?"

"I don't mean it that way but you leave me no choice, it seems as if you used me Aurora."

"Used you how?"

"You play with my heart, you know if you ask me anything I do it for you. You are using me as a way to escape the palace or anytime you want to be rid of me. You never tire of Elliot but you tire of me all the time. It seems as if you never want me around just like the first time we met."

"Now you are putting this on me Caspian? I told you from the get-go that I did not want to be with you but you insisted and that's where your luck turned downwards, you feel something for me and I am the woman you haven't gotten tired of."

"I never said that Aurora!"

"But that is how this happened, and I don't even know what part of me is keeping you interested, and one day who knows? You might tire of me like all the other women you have."

"I won't!"

"You think I'm using you when I want to leave the palace, if I wanted to use you, I would be trying to move up the ranks."

"How did you think this would work Aurora? You knew that I had to be with Nadia too."

"I get that Caspian but I didn't think she would make my life a living hell."

"She won't be bothering you anymore."

"And if she does? You can't be with me forever."

"I will make it work Aurora just give me time okay."

"Fine, I will give you time."

Caspian leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "I'm sorry that Nadia did this to you. I would never pick her over you. I slept with her but all I could see is you Aurora, so please don't hate me."

Aurora sighed, "I also don't want to fight, I just want us to be happy but that is not going to happen, no one wants us together. We just not destined to be."

"I will make sure that I will overcome that destiny as one who can overcome the power of the heavens.