
Maid is Mine

Gerica Naomi Kiandra must fall in love with the annoying Young Master. The Young Master who always ruled over Gerica, and thought that Gerica was hers. Even though Gerica knew, the Young Master's family refused and did not like Gerica. How is Gerica's love story, can she maintain her love for her Young Master, or even go and bury her feelings?

AgathaQuiin20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Feeling annoyed, Gerica came to campus. Today is the first day she enters campus after one week of going through the introduction period to enter campus. Sitting in her class thin, Gerica took out a book that was in her bag. Reading her favorite novel, Gerica looked up when a hand closed her novel with hers.

Who else if not Elnathan as the main culprit.

Gerika snorted. "Return my novel, Elnathan!!"

The man stared at the adult novel in his hand. Then smiled a little to look at Gerica. "I just found out that the novel you like is like this. Is there a sex scene in it?"

Rolling her eyes, Gerica went upstairs and picked up her novel. But the one with the woman instead fell into Elnathan's arms. Until their eyes met for a few seconds, before Gerica first let go of the hug and got off.

Elnathan's expression was like a stone. The man was silent, threw the novel on the chair, then left.

Confused. Is Gerica's current expression, sometimes he's kind but more annoying. Sometimes also confused by his attitude that likes to go around. Picking up the novel and putting it away, Gerica tried to leave. But again, there was a hand that grabbed her hand.

"El let me go!!" cried Gerica annoyed. Turned around and saw the man. The one with Gerica was surprised by Clara who gave Gerica a strange look. "Clara... Is that you?"

"Yes it's me, why did you call Elnathan? Did he just meet you?"

Gerica nodded, she was indeed here with Gerica a few minutes ago. The man even teased about the novel Gerica was reading. Not a matter of adult novels, that's true. But that doesn't mean she has bad thoughts about other people. It's more about early education, so if it's like this, Gerica knows. And don't be fooled by the words of city men who only have sweet promises.

Clara laughed. "Wow... your thinking is so rational. But good, I agree with what you said. That's quite helpful, Gerica."

That should really help a village girl like Gerica. In addition to taking care of herself, Gerica also has to know the lowest point for a woman when she wants to be touched by a man. At least Gerica understood those things. But Elnathan instead made fun of her, and thought that Gerica's mind was so dirty and sordid.

"That's how it is... I know he sucks."

"Yes I realized after living together with he." added Gerica and chuckled.

But it's undeniable that even though they are siblings, in fact Clara doesn't like Elnathan's arbitrary attitude. The man's untidy appearance also became the center of attention of many women. And nodded if he was taller than the others.

"Don't talk about it, we better drink coffee. This time I'll be the one to treat it, because I'm out of payday."

Clara stared at Gerica in disbelief. "Seriously? Then let's go."


Gerica got home at five in the afternoon.  The condition of this house is still empty, the employer has not yet returned from out of town.  He said they had just left this morning.  The one where Gerica will be at home with the other maids and also Elnathan.  Gerica's patience will be tested if Elnathan's parents are no longer at home.

 "Hmm, I'm going to have a long day with he."  said Gerica.

 His feet stepped on one by one the stairs of this house tiredly.  She had just come home having coffee with Clara.  And the woman came home with Clara too.  Unfortunately, when Gerica asked Clara to accompany her.  In fact, the woman chose to leave, on the grounds that she had an appointment with her boyfriend who was waiting for her at Clara's house.  Like it or not, Gerica entered this big house by herself.

 Gerica's feelings were suddenly erratic.  She looked around the garden of this house and it was still quiet.  But suddenly Gerica got goosebumps, causing the woman to rub the nape of her neck.

 "What do you feel?"

 Gerica jumped in surprise, she turned her body quickly and looked at Elnathan who was standing straight behind her.

 "Since when are you behind me?"  said Gerica

 "Should I answer your silly question?"

 Of course yes!!  Just to make sure if what she saw and what she was thinking was a momentary hallucination.  The woman had thought that the sound was just Gerica's illusion, because she was afraid to live in this house alone.  But looking at Elnathan's feet, of course they hit the ground and he had a shadow too.  Even Gerica took out a mirror and pointed it at Elnathan, to make sure that the man was a human, not a ghost.

 Elnathan dismissed it, and immediately put the glass in his trouser pocket.  "What are you doing! What do you think I am? A ghost? There is no ghost as handsome as me!!"

 Gerica rolled her eyes playfully.  "Too confident."

 "Then why do it like that?"

 "Just making sure you're human."

 Elnathan chuckled, he ruffled Gerica's hair and pulled her hand into the house.  He was still alive, and his feet were also visible on the ground.  This house also looks big, so if it's empty it's really scary.  If Gerica was scared, she could sleep in Elnathan's room.  Because every night, there must be something walking with a clear sound but no form whatsoever.  Elnathan had seen her once, he thought she was a maid.  Because the clothes are almost the same, and she is in the kitchen.

 "I thought maids were like the others because they were the same. But the next day, I asked another maid, I know there was no one in thle kitchen that night."  explained Elnathan.

 "That means your house is haunted?"  said Gerica nervously.

 Elnathan nodded "Yeah, think of it like that. That's why I hate being at home alone. Since you're here, I should at least have friends of the same age, even though we're of different genres it's fine."

 Gerica was silent, observing every aisle of this ghastly dark house.  There is also a light that turns off and then on again.  For some reason, that even made Gerica squeeze Elnathan's hand unconsciously.

 "If you don't want to sleep in my room that's fine. I'll take you to your room."  said Elnathan.

 "Eee no. I'll just sleep in your room, but I don't want to share a bed with you."

 "You mean I have to sleep downstairs?"

 "Yeah, where else? You know we're not husband and wife. So–"

 "I don't even care about that damn status. I still sleep in my bed, without any reason."



 One word that describes the current Gerica.  At first she was scared because the house was dark and quiet.  In Elnathan's room, she had to hug a bolster and a blanket because of extreme fear.  How could he not be scared, if what was in front of him at the moment was a horror film, which he said Elnathan liked.  If Gerica knew the man's intention to scare her again, it was certain that Gerica would not want to live in this room alone with Elnathan.

 "Are there no other films besides this?"  she asked

 "You are scared?"  Elnathan asked back, looking at Geric in surprise.

 "If I say yes, will you replace it?"


 "El…." Gerica said in a spoiled voice.

 The man laughed, his hand wrapped around Gerica's shoulder and rubbed it gently.  They were like a couple who had just been married and were on their honeymoon.  But if someone else is on a honeymoon doing romantic things.  So it's different from Elnathan, who is more engrossed in watching a horror film that he said was broadcast two months ago.  And he just took the time to see the film with Gerica.

 "Even if seen by ghosts and you, you are more fierce."  commented Elnathan.

 The woman immediately hit Elnathan with exasperation.  "Don't compare me to a ghost. There's no ghost as pretty as me either."

 "That's my word!!"  Elnathan said laughing.

 "I don't care."

 Gerica decided to leave, arguing with Elnathan would be endless.  The one with Gerica herself would go crazy if she had to face Elnathan.

 Meanwhile, that man, instead of stopping him, let Gerica just walk away from him.  The man doesn't matter, after all, he needs time to rest without her.


"What the heck is that!! How dare you compare me to a ghost. Is he crazy!!"  grunted Gerica, annoyed.

 The woman finally decided to return to her room.  Instead of having to argue with an annoying guy like Elnathan, it's better for her to focus on her lecture that just started.  She had to remember her goal of going to town to attend school, not to argue or have anything to do with that man.  If it wasn't for Clara's help, Gerica was sure that she wouldn't want to be in this place.

 "Okay. I should be patient, I can't get emotional with El."

 Trying to open the book.  All that was there was Gerica who heard the sound of a loud knock on the door.  Not to mention, the voice Gerica often heard.  Reluctantly, the woman closed her book and opened her bedroom door.

 Gerika forced a smile.  "How can I help Young Master Elnathan?"

 The man smiled.  "I'm hungry. Can you make something?"

 Gerica wanted to say no!!  But she realized that Elnathan was her employer.  The woman nodded slightly and closed the door quickly.  Then walked towards the kitchen and made something Elnathan wanted.  Something that can rely on its hungry stomach.

 "Just pasta what do you want?"  asked Gerica to make sure.  But there was no answer from behind.  The woman turned and found Elnathan.  "Fine, like it or not I'll make pasta for him."  Gerika said slowly.

To Be Continued