
Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong

Please read the synopsis and disclaimer before continuing to read! #TrapMC #No-Gay --- In a messed-up past where colors seemed to vanish, I kicked the bucket thanks to my genius father and his smoking habit. But hold up, life had other plans for me—I got a second chance! This new me? Unbelievably cute. I mean, seriously, what the heck happened here? Now, here's the thing—I'm clueless about this whole 'System' deal. Is it some fancy-schmancy thingamajig? No idea. But hey, since my previous life was a total disaster, I'm all about finding my groove in the culinary world. Let's spice things up and live in peace, my friend! But here's the kicker—I get reborn into this world where magic and science are best buds. If it's some anime thing, I'm in the dark. I'm just trying to figure out how this wacky world works. All I want is to live a quiet life, you know? But here's the rub—I'm freakishly strong! --- Disclaimer: Please be aware that this story may contain instances of poor grammar. I want to emphasize that this fanfic will strictly adhere to the canon. So, don't expect a fancy narrative here! If you're looking for professionally written stories from talented authors, I highly recommend exploring paid options. Thank you for understanding! The World: The Irregulars at Magic High School Join discord:https://discord.gg/FCdpxhMf

Livice · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


The night before the debate forum, in an eerie abandoned factory, Mibu Sayaka, with her hair tied up in a ponytail, skillfully swung her sword through the air. Each stroke left a trail of crimson splatters and elicited screams from her unfortunate victims.

"Come out here, Tsukasa Hajime!" Sayaka's voice echoed through the desolate factory. Hundreds of people encircled her, their guns trained directly at her.

Disheveled bodies lay strewn across the path Sayaka had traversed, but her expression remained impassive, devoid of any concern for the carnage left in her wake.

Footsteps echoed ominously in the desolate factory, drawing closer with every passing moment.

Emerging from the shadows was a long-haired man adorned in a warm robe and glasses, accompanied by a figure exuding a strong military aura.

"Mibu, we are fighting for the same cause, aren't we? Don't you want to create a world of equality? Have you forgotten the humiliation from your senior?" Hajime spoke, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Bastard! You won't manipulate my mind with your filthy magic! I'm here to make you pay!" Sayaka retorted, her anger evident as she pointed her sword at Hajime.

Hajime smirked, that his magic's hold over Sayaka had dissipated completely.

The dog he had nurtured was now baring its fangs.

"Very well... But Sergeant, remember to handle her with care. Her father holds a high-ranking position, and we can use her as a hostage."

The man standing beside Hajime stepped forward—a towering figure with a muscular 6-foot frame, his stoic expression revealing no emotions.

"I am Serge Lachapelle, a former sergeant in the French Special Magic Forces unit. Please pardon my lack of courtesy,"

Serge introduced himself in broken Japanese, laced with a European accent. He flexed his fingers, preparing for the confrontation that lay ahead.

Lowering his body, Serge assumed a combat stance, causing Sayaka's grip on her sword to tighten. The air around Serge seemed to thicken, an undeniable sign of his strength.

Sayaka sensed the power emanating from him and shivered involuntarily. "He's formidable," she thought.

Green magical emanations surrounded Serge, a testament to his status as a Magician. The floor reverberated as Serge lunged at Sayaka like a runaway truck, creating an intimidating spectacle.

Employing her [Acceleration] magic, Sayaka swiftly sidestepped, narrowly evading Serge's powerful punch.

A resounding boom filled the air as Serge's enhanced punch shattered the factory wall. The tremors coursed through Sayaka's legs and ears, sending chills down her spine.

"You managed to dodge that," Serge acknowledged, his clenched fist bathed in the moonlight streaming through the newly created hole in the wall.

"Shit!" Sayaka pondered her next move.

The sheer speed and force behind Serge's punch were overwhelming.

She wasn't proficient enough in [Reinforcement] magic, and a direct hit could spell her demise.

Sayaka hadn't anticipated the hurdles impeding her revenge to kill Hajime, but she deduced that Serge was the 'aid' Hajime had planned to aid in the assault on First High.

"Kuhaha! Mibu... let's put an end to this charade. How about we test your bond with that student, Yuki Haku, right?" Hajime taunted, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Sayaka's heart skipped a beat; she comprehended the underlying threat.

"You cowards! You think I'll fall for such a cheap trick!" Despite her defiance, deep down, she feared for Haku's safety.

Regardless of Haku's exceptional abilities, facing Blanche, especially against someone as formidable as Serge, would prove to be insurmountable.

With a swift motion, Sayaka aimed her left fist at Serge.

A ring crafted from relic stone [Antinite] emitted psion noise, disrupting magicians' ability to cast their magic.

Serge closed his eyes, unfazed by Sayaka's futile attempt.

"Indeed, that [Antinite] can interfere with the magic sequence..."

He advanced slowly, his imposing presence intimidating Sayaka, eroding her fighting spirit.

Terrified, Sayaka's trembling fist aimed to enact Cast-Jamming, while her right hand, gripping the sword, shook uncontrollably.

Suppressing her fear, she unleashed a desperate swing toward Serge's neck, exploiting what she believed to be a momentary lapse in his guard.



Sayaka's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her swift sword technique had been effortlessly blocked by Serge's two fingers.

Undeterred by the magician's cast-jamming influence, Serge remained capable of wielding his magic effectively.

The gulf in their abilities was insurmountable.

"Unfortunately, your unyielding determination fails to match your skill and effort. My goal in Japan was to exact revenge upon the Jumonjii clan and obliterate their magic with my fists. You are not worthy of being my opponent,"

Serge stated in a tone that betrayed his disinterest in Sayaka's struggles, revealing his ambitions far surpassed mere vengeance.


Serge shattered Sayaka's sword into pieces, and darkness consumed her vision as she succumbed to unconsciousness under his mighty blow.


Eimi, Honoka, and Shizuku, adorned in their respective club uniforms, sat together on the park grass, leaning against a tree.

The air was abuzz with anticipation for the student debate forum, but the three friends found the atmosphere inside the auditorium rather stifling.

"Hey, Eimi, what are you up to?" Honoka inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

Eimi struck a proud pose, donning a mischievous smile.

"Oh, I'm just testing out the new settings on my Hunting Club's CAD. Gotta make sure it's in top shape, you know!"

She mimicked a manga character, eliciting an awkward smile from Honoka and a soft sigh from Shizuku.

Sometimes, their friend's daring escapades dragged them into dangerous situations, like when they followed Tsukasa Kinoe and ended up ambushed by dangerous individuals.

Thankfully, Miyuki had swooped in to save the day.

"Hey, look!"

Eimi exclaimed suddenly, capturing Honoka and Shizuku's attention.

They followed her gaze to spot Haku walking toward the library building, his weariness and annoyance evident.

"Oh, it's Haku-san,"

Honoka remarked, observing his demeanor.

"But something seems off."

Shizuku contemplated the possibility that Haku might be preoccupied with personal matters.

"Perhaps he's dealing with something on his mind."

"No, it's not that. Someone's tailing him," Eimi disclosed, concern etching her face.

"What?!" Honoka and Shizuku's eyes widened in surprise.

The trio redirected their attention to Morisaki, who followed Haku with suspicious intent, his eyebrows furrowed.

"A stalker, huh?" they thought in unison.

"This is dangerous," Honoka expressed her worry.

"I completely agree. What should we do?" Shizuku pondered, sharing their concerns.

Without hesitation, Eimi, Shizuku, and Honoka sprang into action, determined to intervene and put a stop to Morisaki's dubious behavior.

"Where did he go?" Morisaki mumbled, peering in the direction Haku had vanished.

It was as if Haku had evaporated into thin air, vanishing at an astonishing speed.

"Hey, Morisaki-kun, what were you doing with Haku?" a commanding voice boomed from behind him.

The former detective girls looked upon Morisaki with disdain, treating him like a scumbag.

"What do you want?" Morisaki retorted, exhaling a sigh of relief.

"Don't play dumb!" The three girls before him stood their ground, undeterred by Morisaki's fiery expression.

For a brief moment, Morisaki contemplated conjuring an excuse, but he quickly dismissed the thought.

Instead, he sought an opening in the situation.

Ever since he had gained a reputation as a troublemaker, Morisaki harbored resentment toward the Course 2 students, whom he often referred to as "Weeds." It stemmed from an incident that almost caused harm to student, trivial as it was. Among the students, Yuki Haku irked him the most. The memory of Haku's menacing glare haunted him for several nights.

When rumors circulated about Haku's involvement in various issues, Morisaki found solace in the notion that Haku was nothing more than a trouble magnet. He saw an opportunity to restore his image by pretending to help Haku, thereby aiming to reclaim his position on the disciplinary committee.

Now, caught in the act of stalking Haku by Eimi, Honoka, and Shizuku, Morisaki bit his lip, desperately searching for a plausible explanation.

"Quick! Or I'll call the police on you for stalking girl—I mean, that pretty boy!"

Morisaki inwardly cursed as the three girls perceived him as a societal outcast.

However, Eimi, Honoka, and Shizuku conveniently forgot that they too had a history of stalking.

"Ahem! Let me clarify—I have this gut feeling that something is amiss at school. I merely want to assist the disciplinary committee. Tsk! What's wrong with that?"

Morisaki defended himself, his voice escalating.

"Eh? So this isn't about seeking revenge?"

Honoka and Shizuku hadn't anticipated this turn of events, but their doubts still lingered.

On the other hand, Eimi's eyes sparkled with excitement, her detective instincts kicking in.

"Something wrong at school, you say? Well~ consider yourself lucky because the Detective Girls are here to lend a hand in the investigation. Hohoho~"

Eimi proclaimed, enveloping Honoka and Shizuku, who exchanged puzzled glances.

"Huh? I don't need help from your freak group."

"W-What did you say!? We've been solving cases lately, you know!"

"Eimi, we should probably stop doing that. I'm exhausted," Honoka interjected.

"Yeah, don't forget the consequences if we get caught again by Miyuki, you know..." Shizuku added.

"Oops! I completely forgot. But what about taking her along?"

"Don't ignore me! The bottom line is, I won't get involved with—"



Their conversation abruptly halted as the deafening sound of explosions and gunfire echoed throughout First High's campus.

"What's happening?!" Honoka cried out.

"An attack? Right now?" Shizuku questioned, observing the billowing black smoke from various parts of the school.

"Tsk! My hunch was right," Morisaki grumbled, his instincts guiding him. He swiftly retrieved his pistol-type CAD from its holster and dashed towards the billowing smoke.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, the three friends exchanged determined glances. Without hesitation, they made a silent pact to trust Morisaki's judgment, even if it seemed reckless.


A short while ago, Mayumi had successfully steered the debate forum towards a brighter future for First High. She had made promises of reform, aiming to amend discriminatory regulations such as the ones governing student council administrators, which currently only allowed students from Course 1 to hold those positions.

However, the enthusiastic applause was abruptly shattered by a deafening explosion that rattled the auditorium's windows, transforming the room into a chaos of panicked screams.

Reacting swiftly, the members of the disciplinary committee sprang into action.


A cylindrical object slid across the floor, shattering the glass window upon impact. A smoke grenade rolled out, releasing a thick veil of white smoke.

Hanzou immediately employed his magic, causing the grenade to recoil as if someone had pressed the rewind button. Utilizing movement magic, he swiftly hurled the smoke grenade back out of the auditorium, ensuring the safety of those inside.

Tatsuya watched in awe, admiring Hanzou's prowess. Catching Tatsuya's gaze, Hanzou averted his eyes, prompting a chuckle from Mayumi, who stood beside him.

Tatsuya held an Egalite member involved in the attack in a vice grip, his knees pinning them down.

The attack didn't end there; a masked group of intruders entered the auditorium through the entrance.

Mari quickly takes action; magic swiftly overcomes them.

'Did she fill the gaps in their masks with nitrogen?'

The auditorium had been successfully secured, thanks to the presence of many skilled students.

"What did you say?!" Mari exclaimed upon learning that the attacks were concentrated on the teaching office building, the practical skills building, and the library.

All eyes turned to her, particularly the disciplinary committee members who eagerly awaited their leader's commands.

Fueled by anger, Mari gritted her teeth and shouted, "The terrorists managed to breach the premises with heavy weaponry and struck swiftly! Once you're done here, head immediately to the main building! Focus on evacuating and ensuring everyone's safety!"

With a sense of urgency, Mari raced towards the intruders.

She knew that the other locations were in grave danger and that her underclassmen were guarding them.

Tatsuya's brows furrowed.

This situation seemed graver than he had anticipated.

Following Mari's orders, he swiftly made his way toward the school's main building, with Miyuki by his side, her face etched with worry.

"Onii-sama, isn't Haku in that area?" Miyuki voiced her concern.

"Yes. But don't worry, the staff members are exceptional magicians."

Though technically a magic school was akin to a small military base, Tatsuya couldn't shake off the words of warning from Yakumo.

'Beware of rebellious French special forces.'

Shaking off the thought, he spotted Leo surrounded by terrorists.

"Miyuki! Assist him."


In an instant, the four individuals encircling Leo were blasted into the air as if they had triggered a landmine, leaving Leo unscathed in the center.


The invasion of Blanche was orchestrated by Serge Lachapelle, with the collaboration of the Japanese branch. The disparity between their squads was stark, like comparing heaven and earth.

The primary strategy involved Serge's main squad creating a breach and infiltrating the library, where they could gain access to the research conducted by the Japan Magic University. Meanwhile, the branch forces would create chaos and diversion throughout the school, diverting attention from the main assault.

A container truck parked in front of First High's library disgorged dozens of individuals. Serge took the lead, forcefully smashing through the entrance with his enchanted fist.


"Enemy incoming!"

Magical attacks were launched by the staff, but Serge stood his ground, bolstered by his triple-layered [Barrier] magic. Taking a firm stance, he cast [Acceleration] on himself, propelling forward like a runaway truck. His fists pulverized the opposition, sending them flying until they ceased to move.

Without missing a beat, his squad unleashed a barrage of high-velocity bullets infused with magic, indiscriminately targeting anyone in their path.

"Where are the students? Have they all gathered in the auditorium?"

Serge furrowed his brow as he realized that only staff members were present.

"Team Eagle, we've breached the perimeter," Serge transmitted through the radio, reporting the current situation.

[Roger that. Proceed according to plan.]

"Alright, let's move!"

With their formation intact, they advanced towards the second floor, where their intended room awaited.


[ID confirmed!]

Using stolen staff IDs, Serge's men opened a massive metal door designed to withstand missile attacks and magical assaults.

Such doors typically safeguarded something of utmost importance.

With a resounding sound, the door slowly swung open in the eerily silent library.

A chilling sensation crept down the spines of Serge Lachapelle's squad. Their entire bodies seemed to shudder in response to the frigid air emanating from within.

As the door swung wide open, the squad trained their specialized rifles on the figure silhouetted against the glow of a large, brightly lit screen.


Serge gestured for them to stop.

The shadowy figure remained motionless, legs spread apart, and both hands resting on the armrests of the chair. However, an oppressive aura permeated the room, as if the air itself had turned dense with his presence.

His eyes were extraordinary.

They pierced through their souls like knives, radiating a vibrant purple glow amidst the room's darkness.

The rifles held by Serge Lachapelle's squad trembled in their grips. Moisture from sweat coated their hands, threatening to loosen their hold at any moment.

"Who is this?"

Serge pondered, recognizing that he had stepped into the domain of a formidable foe. The figure before him was better described as a monster than a mere enemy.

"You have come..."

Haku's voice reverberated, its coldness causing their hearts to momentarily cease beating.

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