
Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong

Please read the synopsis and disclaimer before continuing to read! #TrapMC #No-Gay --- In a messed-up past where colors seemed to vanish, I kicked the bucket thanks to my genius father and his smoking habit. But hold up, life had other plans for me—I got a second chance! This new me? Unbelievably cute. I mean, seriously, what the heck happened here? Now, here's the thing—I'm clueless about this whole 'System' deal. Is it some fancy-schmancy thingamajig? No idea. But hey, since my previous life was a total disaster, I'm all about finding my groove in the culinary world. Let's spice things up and live in peace, my friend! But here's the kicker—I get reborn into this world where magic and science are best buds. If it's some anime thing, I'm in the dark. I'm just trying to figure out how this wacky world works. All I want is to live a quiet life, you know? But here's the rub—I'm freakishly strong! --- Disclaimer: Please be aware that this story may contain instances of poor grammar. I want to emphasize that this fanfic will strictly adhere to the canon. So, don't expect a fancy narrative here! If you're looking for professionally written stories from talented authors, I highly recommend exploring paid options. Thank you for understanding! The World: The Irregulars at Magic High School Join discord:https://discord.gg/FCdpxhMf

Livice · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Debate Forum Begins!

Mizuki remained unconscious for a while, and instinctively, I carried her to the medical room.

As I gazed upon her lying on the bed, her face appeared pale, as if she had witnessed something horrifying.

I had always believed that an ordinary magician's eye couldn't penetrate the depths of my power, but Mizuki seemed to possess an exceptional level of spirit-sensitive vision. It made me wonder, who is this girl?

[Underestimating her abilities would be a grave mistake,] Alpha transmitted his concern directly into my mind. [I believe we should eliminate her.]

I felt a shiver run down my spine as his words echoed in my consciousness. It was unsettling how calmly and respectfully he proposed such extreme measures. I paused for a moment, contemplating his suggestion, but ultimately shook my head in response.

"No," I answered, my voice firm and resolute. "Regardless of what Mizuki has seen, it holds no true significance for me."

Alpha's response came swiftly, his telepathic voice conveying a sense of acquiescence. "[As you wish, my liege.]"

Aware of Alpha's mysterious nature and the practicality of his abilities, such as hiding within my shadow undetected or communicating telepathically, I acknowledged his enigmatic existence. He possessed memories of other-dimensional beings he had inhabited, making him as inscrutable as the depths of the sea.

"Alpha, it would be best for you to go to headquarters and stand guard there," I instructed. Until I resolved matters with Mizuki and dealt with others who shared my extraordinary vision, it seemed wiser not to have Alpha accompany me.

[Yes, my liege,] Alpha acknowledged, emerging from my shadow and effortlessly flying through the walls of the medical room.

I took note of his utilization of my abilities, reducing his body density to become invisible and phase through solid obstacles. Putting that aside for the moment, I turned my attention back to Mizuki.

Observing this shy yet courageous girl, I realized she wouldn't recklessly reveal what she had seen, akin to an overzealous journalist.

Mizuki cherished her friends, always stepping forward to support them, just as she had done for Miyuki. Sometimes, I worried that her bravery overshadowed her combat skills.

Footsteps approached, followed by the sliding of doors and heavy breathing. Erika, Leo, Tatsuya, and Miyuki arrived, finding Mizuki lying on the bed.

"Let's not make a scene, okay?" I spoke softly, cautioning the new arrivals.

"Haku, what happened?" Erika inquired, her voice filled with concern. The others also directed questioning glances my way, wondering why their shyest friend lay pale and motionless.

I recounted the incident, albeit mixing it with some fabricated details. "I saw Mizuki from a distance in the corridor. It appeared as though she had collapsed and lost consciousness. So, I brought her to the medical room."

Confusion and worry crossed their faces, some looking perplexed while others remained stoic.

Leo, with a look of intense contemplation, asked, "You're saying Mizuki passed out as if she were ill?"

I regarded him with an expression that conveyed, Am I a doctor?

"If you want more details, ask Sensei."

As I skillfully wove the mention of a highly capable and alluring doctor into the conversation, a sense of liberation washed over me.

It seemed that I had successfully regained my freedom from the prying eyes that had lingered upon me.

Satisfied with my clever diversion, I confidently strode towards the exit, ready to leave this unsettling encounter behind.

But just as I approached the threshold of escape, a sudden obstruction halted my step. Someone stood before me, blocking my path.

"Is this your doing?" Tatsuya inquired, causing me to stop and face him.

"What do you take me for, a villain?"

I retorted, feeling slightly offended by his implication. While he wasn't entirely wrong, he also failed to grasp the whole picture. Tatsuya regarded me with a resigned expression, although his demeanor remained unchanged.

"Forget it. Can I ask you for a favor? I need information on the mastermind known as Egalite," he stated, producing a folding terminal and displaying a photo of a bespectacled third-year student.

"Why me? And for what purpose?" I inquired, puzzled by his request.

"Just as a precaution," he replied, his face devoid of emotion.

"You trust me? Why not ask Kokonoe-san?" I inquired further, feeling a twinge of skepticism.

"Sensei acknowledge is more than enough for me," he answered.

Ah, so that's it. This situation vexes me. I wish I had never stepped foot inside that shrine.

"No, just ask him yourself," I responded, my voice laced with a touch of defiance.

The words spilled out, carrying the weight of my reluctance to share any further details.


Mizuki was eventually transferred to the hospital for proper treatment.

The school buzzed with noise, but I found solace in practicing my swordsmanship, utilizing the facilities available to me.

Mei and Takumi train as well, their focus unwavering as they swung their swords.

Although we often trained together in this spot, conversations between us were sparse. If Mei hadn't become my practice partner, we probably wouldn't have paid each other much attention.

Mei remained mostly silent, while Takumi was consumed by his ambitions. As time passed, I was the only one left.

Drenched in sweat, I made my way to the kitchen, as practice always left me famished.

To my surprise, Mei was engrossed in devouring a mountain pile of sausages smothered in raw egg yolk.

It was a side of Mei I didn't anticipate.

Not that there was anything inherently wrong with it; the sausages were precooked and ready to eat.

Raw egg yolks were also acceptable in Japanese cuisine, but wouldn't it be more appealing if the sausages were lightly grilled?

I couldn't help but think that the school spoiled this club, providing top-notch perks.

Wasn't Mei crossing the line here? If she were born into an ordinary family, her indulgences would have wrecked their finances.

Well, since it's free, I suppose there's nothing wrong with it, and I share the same goal.

Yes, I'm a penny-pincher, and I don't fret since I can cook for myself.

I roasted sausages, prepared beans, and cooked up a sizable meal.

The aroma of the food wafted through the air, making Mei's hunger even more apparent. It was adorable how her stoic expression remained unchanged, but the drool escaping her mouth betrayed her awareness.

Placed the hot pan on the table, Mei's eyes fixed on the steaming foods as I spoke up.

"Hey! Why are you eating that? And haven't you eaten for days?"

Mei finished chewing her food before responding. "Sausages are ready-to-eat."

I shook my head.

I mean, is this kid so sheltered that I doubt she'd survive in the wild, say, on a camping trip?

"Have this; I can't stand watching you."

Irritation crept into my voice.

Mei nodded. "Yes."

"Tsk. Kids these days, I swear. Can't you all just learn how to—hey, slow down! Seriously, you look more pitiful than I do."

Mei's chopsticks danced across the table, a blur of movement that mirrored her lightning-fast sword swings during our training sessions. At school, I was dubbed the modern-day beggar, while Mei boasted a heritage from a prestigious clan.

With a resounding crack, the room's tranquility was shattered into a gazillion puzzle pieces.

My eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets as Mei, in an unbelievable display of brute force, delivered a powerful blow to the helpless table. And you won't believe the reason behind this chaos - she was practically strangling herself because she decided to inhale her food like there's no tomorrow!


-Gulp! Gulp!

Gasping for breath, Mei's hand snatched the water bottle from the table in a desperate attempt to quench her throat. With an almost feverish intensity, she tilted the bottle back, guzzling the liquid as if her life depended on it. But instead of finding relief, her eyes widened in alarm as she choked on her own haste.

In the end, I found myself back in the kitchen.


The next morning, I awoke in my luxurious penthouse, nestled in a hundred-story building.

As I stirred from slumber, an unusual sensation washed over me. It felt as though I were a person of great success, savoring the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Gazing out of the window, I observed the miniature houses below

It's like a curse exclusive to the rich and famous.

"Would you care for more coffee?" a voice interrupted my reverie.

Tch, can't I have a moment to myself? I grumbled inwardly.

"Yeah, that's fine," I replied calmly.

A maid promptly refilled my cup with the steaming beverage. It wasn't half bad, I had to admit.

I watched as she deftly tended to her duties in the busy morning haze.

Maid... When did I acquire one?

"PFFFTTT!!!" I splutter, coffee spraying onto the large glass window, shattering the reflection of my majestic self.

But seriously, when did I get a maid?

Swiftly, in that pivotal moment, I step back, utilizing the elusive [Body Flicker] technique, summoning my Mark 1 titanium armor.

It lands with a resounding thud, the open back allowing me to slip into it with haste.

[Who are you!?]

I bellowed through the thunderous voice modulator of my helmet, aiming the plasma beam on my armor's palm toward the intruder.

The beautiful maid forces an awkward smile, her eyes filled with a hint of sadness as if she recognizes me, but the feeling isn't mutual. Sure, the coffee tasted awful, but I genuinely had no clue who this person was.

"It's me, Alpha, my liege! Please remember me!" she pleads, clutching the coffee pot as she quickly kneels before me, tears streaming down her face.


But what in the world happened to him? He used to resemble a knight, towering like an NBA athlete. Now he's transformed into a pretty blonde maid with pointy ears. Wait, are those elf ears!?

Still armored up, I glance at the head-up display, comparing Alpha's previous appearance with the current maid in front of me. They couldn't be more different!

Still on her knees, Alpha's body begins to disintegrate into black dust, shrouding him in a cloud of dark smoke. And then, I witness her true form.

Ah, so that's another ability he possesses.

With relief flooding through me, I remove my armor, exposing myself. "Thank goodness it was you," I mutter, patting Alpha's trembling shoulder.

What a peculiar morning indeed.


The air was charged with anticipation as the day of the debate forum finally arrived, and the previous misunderstandings had been resolved. As I entered the auditorium, I couldn't help but notice that every seat was occupied, with some students even standing at the back. The enthusiasm among the students was palpable, a clear indication that today would be a historic day.

"It's incredible to see how many students have gathered here," Miyuki remarked, her eyes scanning the packed auditorium.

"I'd say it's more than incredible; it's downright extraordinary," Tatsuya chimed in.

Suzune nodded in agreement. "We might have to revise our perception of the student body. Perhaps stricter regulations on learning are necessary."

Haku's eyebrows furrowed as he looked around. "I can't help but feel uneasy. This crowd makes for an ideal target. It wouldn't take much for someone to cause chaos here."

"Hey, don't joke about that, Suzune, and Kohai-kun!" Mari interjected, irritated evidently in her voice.

Their eyes scanned the packed auditorium, heads tilting slightly as they leaned closer to get a better view. The seats were filled to capacity, the students' presence creating a dense tapestry of anticipation and excitement. The sight of the crowded room made their curiosity soar, their heads metaphorically piled on top of each other as they absorbed the scene before them.

Haku let out a sigh, clearly feeling the weight of the situation. "I'll find another spot to keep watch. We shouldn't all be in one place."

But Mayumi wasn't ready to let him go so easily. She firmly placed her hands on Haku's shoulders and confronted him. "Where do you think you're going? You promised to listen to me."

Haku met Mayumi's gaze, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I trust that you'll make the best decision as the president. I'll support you from the sidelines. Good luck."

Mayumi's irritation was evident, but she couldn't hide the slight blush on her cheeks and ears. "Flattery won't get you out of this, but you're lucky," she muttered under her breath, turning her attention to the stage. With a determined stride, she ascended to the platform, still visibly annoyed.

Haku raised an eyebrow, feeling the weight of the curious gazes directed at him. "What?"

Mari, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, spoke up. "So, where are you off to, Kohai-kun?"

"The library," Haku replied, his answer short and direct.

Mari's confusion was evident as she arched an eyebrow. "The library? But why now, in this situation?"

Miyuki and Suzune shared Mari's perplexed expression. Something was amiss.

"This doesn't make sense," Miyuki muttered.

"Exactly," Suzune added. "Didn't he say he would support Mayumi from the sidelines? How can he do that from the library?"

On the other hand, Tatsuya's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts, but his focus shifted as a gentle sound echoed through the speakers, filling the room. "[Good afternoon, dear students...]" The voice resounded, commanding attention and momentarily distracting him from his inner thoughts. In that instant, Tatsuya's awareness sharpened, his senses attuned to the task at hand. He knew that the debate forum is about to begin.


Hey there! I've given that early chapter another go, and I think the grammar is pretty solid now... hm, maybe.

Should I go ahead and slap it up online? I'm a bit hesitant though, 'cause I don't want those comments to vanish.

Also, I've noticed that there used to be a ton of comments here before, but for some reason, they seem to be fewer.

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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