
Magus who Reborn Before the Apochalypse

Julius Eltram Faust, a renowned, cruel, and pragmatic mage, is forced to reincarnate into another world through a magical ritual. However, in this world where he lands, magic is on the verge of extinction. Furthermore, a mysterious stopwatch appears, indicating to him that the end of the world will come in 15 years. What will happen to Julius, now known as Lee Min-ho, , the son of a rich family?

ZelretchTheTaoist · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 : Invocation

In the darkness of the night, Min-ho observed the stars in the night sky, checking the precise time at which he needed to initiate the ritual. He was currently in an abandoned warehouse that his father had purchased for him.

It was a secluded area of Seoul, originally frequented mostly by high school students, but after an accident where there were fatalities, no one dared to come anymore, and the warehouse was left abandoned due to the spread of the news. This accident had, of course, been caused by him in order to accumulate negative energy and emotions, making the place more conducive to certain types of magic.

Although there shouldn't normally be any visitors to the site for safety reasons, Min-ho had previously set up a defined protection field that deterred curious individuals from approaching further. It worked through a set of subtle suggestions, prompting potential intruders to turn back without even realizing it.

As Min-ho patiently waited for the opportune time to begin the ritual, he felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He hoped that the ritual wouldn't be too altered by the change in worlds, although he had already used it in his past life. Fortunately, he would be able to skip several steps that were unnecessary, such as human sacrifice or setting up the contract.

Immersed in his thoughts, he reflected on the weeks of preparation he had devoted to this ritual. He had meticulously studied the positions of the planets, calculated lunar phases, and prepared every detail of the incantation. Nothing had been left to chance.

Suddenly, the clock displayed the long-awaited hour. It was time. Min-ho rose slowly, feeling the magical energy bubbling within him. This ritual aimed to summon a very particular type of familiar that most mages couldn't afford to summon.

With a fluid motion, he approached the magic circle he had drawn at the center of the warehouse. The stars sparkled above him.

Min-ho closed his eyes and began reciting the incantation.


"As a catalyst, I offer silver and gold, as well as the stone of the oath."

"I am the bridge that connects the world of demons and the world of the living."

"Your body shall be forged of ether, and your soul from my destiny."

The Aria resonated in the room, charged with power as Min-ho threw what appeared to be strands of hair into the circle.

Min-ho felt connected to the entire universe, his mind soaring beyond the limits of his own consciousness.

"Through the veils of time and space,"

"May my invocation resonate in the abyss,"

"May your power consume my weaknesses."

"Guide me in the shadow, guide me to salvation."

"Thus, I sing this aria of invocation,"

"In the shadow, I find my redemption."

"By the pact sealed in blood and pain,"

"From the last circle of hell emerge Mammon and Vassago."

After the final burst, the incantation reached its climax. An explosion of magical energy illuminated the room, casting shards of light in all directions.

When the light dissipated, Min-ho stood there, at the center of the room, breathless but with a heart filled with deep satisfaction. The ritual was a success. Before him now stood two ravens, one white and the other black, each possessing four eyes.

The two ravens advanced simultaneously, scrutinizing Min-ho with an inquisitive air, as if trying to uncover his identity.

With a puzzled expression, Vassago was the first to speak. "Julius, is that you?!" Meanwhile, Mammon continued to gaze at Lee Min-ho with an equally perplexed expression at the situation she found herself in.

Min-ho felt a twinge of surprise hearing the raven call him Julius. He had forgotten that demons possessed a rare gift that allowed them to see the souls of humans. This ability explained how Vassago had been able to recognize his essence even under his new name.

Meanwhile, Mammon continued to stare at him with her piercing eyes, also seeming bewildered by Min-ho's presence. Her scrutinizing gaze appeared to detect something beyond the young mage's physical appearance.

Regaining his composure, Min-ho responded in a confident voice, "Yes, it is indeed me, but I prefer to be called Lee Min-Ho in this world." He kept a watchful eye on the two ravens, curious about their reaction.

Vassago also seemed reassured, while Mammon spoke with a particular tone, marked by arrogance and endless greed, clearly revealing her nature to whoever heard her. "So, you are indeed the Julius we know, which explains a lot. A mage was able to summon us without sacrifice or great preparation. Since you already have a contract with us that is not annulled, you were able to call upon us easily."

Indeed, in his past life, Vassago and Mammon were demons who served as his familiars. He had to go through a long ritual and numerous sacrifices to obtain a contract, the details of which were unknown to others. However, it had been destroyed during his arrest by the Tower of Mages, sending them back to hell. Since this dimension was not tied to a particular world, he had been able to summon them even from this world.

Mammon and Vassago were not their real names but merely their family names. Demons had given names like humans, but they were spoken in the demonic language, making them impossible to pronounce for humans. Therefore, they could only be summoned by their family name, and it was not possible to choose the specific demon to summon from these families, except in exceptional cases, like his.

However, the two demons he had just summoned were not just anyone in his world. They were responsible for numerous catastrophes, such as the Ragnarok of Norse mythology. In his world, it was something he had discovered while visiting ancient ruins in the past. They were known by various names, one of the most famous being Hugin & Munin, the two ravens that accompanied Odin and whispered everything that happened in the Nine Worlds. In reality, they were two demons sent by Lucifer, the god of hell, who wanted to cause Odin's downfall in order to pass into the human world.

Vassago was also known as Yatagarasu, the three-legged crow of Amaterasu, and Mammon as the white raven of Apollo. Their mission for centuries was to sow chaos in the various mythologies of the world until they were sent back to hell at some point.

Despite the power of their true bodies, they could only be summoned in very weakened versions of themselves. Their bodies were like puppets made of ether that they controlled from hell. However, even in this state, they were among the best types of familiars a mage could have.

Mammon, displaying her usual confidence, cast a scrutinizing glance at Min-ho. "Lee Min-Ho, then. Whatever name you go by, we are bound by contract. But why do you need me?"

"Sorry Mammon, it's Vassago that I need this time," Min-ho said, instantly regretting it. He had forgotten something important about these two.

Mammon fixed Min-ho with a mixture of suspicion and irritation. "Vassago, then. That only makes things worse. Why on earth would you summon such an insufferable demon when you could have me?"

Slightly offended by Mammon's tone, Vassago quickly interjected. "You should know better, Mammon, we all have our roles to play in this world. If Min-ho needs me, it's for a valid reason." Then, with a smirk, she added, "Besides, everyone knows I've always been more useful than you."

Seeing the interactions between the two, Min-ho regretted his previous remark. He should have phrased it differently, as these two couldn't stand each other and spent most of their time arguing for one reason or another.

Mammon glared, her anger evident. "Oh, really? You think you're more useful than me, Vassago? Don't delude yourself about your own role. You're nothing more than a mere servant, always chasing after favors like a hungry dog."

Vassago retorted with a smirk, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You can try to belittle me all you want, but you know as well as I do that I'm the one who always knows how to negotiate with the master. Maybe you should learn from me instead of indulging in your own vanity."

The tension between the two demons was palpable, their exchange charged with ancient rivalry. Min-ho watched silently, realizing he had inadvertently reignited an old feud.

Mammon growled, her talons scratching the ground impatiently. "Don't underestimate me. If he needs me, I can offer him much more than what you can provide."

With a slight impatience, Min-ho began to reprimand the two demons. "Alright, that's enough from both of you. I need Vassago to learn about the history of this world."

Reluctantly, the two demons fell silent, turning their attention away from their dispute to focus on Min-ho. The young mage could feel their intense gaze upon him.

"Vassago, I need to know everything about the mages of this world, if they have existed, if they still exist, if there are any important events, the Holy Church, etc.!"

Without waiting, the demon concentrated for a few seconds before speaking again. "This world indeed has mages, but I cannot be very precise due to the lack of power in this world and my own body. From what I have seen in the past, there was a war between the mages of this world and the Holy Church, and the mages emerged victorious. After that, the mages went into hiding for centuries."

Min-ho felt a shiver run down his spine. The war between the mages and the Holy Church was a delicate subject, even in his world. He knew that mages were often persecuted by religious institutions.

"Continue, Vassago," he said in a calm yet urgent voice. He wanted to know more.

The demon nodded, continuing her narrative. "After the war, the mages did indeed hide, concealing their existence to avoid being hunted down by the forces of the Holy Church. They continued to practice their magic in secret, passing down their knowledge from generation to generation within their families."

Vassago paused, her eyes gazing into the distance as she sought to gather her memories. "There were internal conflicts between the different families."

"And the Holy Church? Did they continue to hunt down mages even after the war?" Min-ho asked.

Vassago nodded. "Yes, the Holy Church never gave up its mission to suppress magic, considering it a threat to humans. They continued to hunt down mages, using all means at their disposal to eliminate or imprison them."

Min-ho felt a lump forming in his throat. He knew he had to be cautious in this world, that he had to beware of the forces seeking to destroy him because of his magical powers.

"Thank you, Vassago. You have provided me with valuable information," he said, grateful for the demon's revelations.