
Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

Kai of the Sorcerer's Tower is one of the last mages left, barely surviving in a world ruled by creatures of the dark — where the era of mages ended, and most of the lands got contaminated with dead mana. To save his world and fulfil his master's last wish, he put himself through a forbidden ritual, risking his soul being ripped into pieces to make his way into the past. In an era with abundant mana — an era yet to enter the Golden Era of Magic. Things go wrong, of course, as they always do, and he finds himself thousands of years before the world fell to mana contamination — in the body of a young lord, Arzan. All is not well, though, as the young lord was murdered by someone and he had a beast wave to protect his territory from before moving to larger threats as well trying to get back his former strength in a world where magic techniques and technology is primitive. He might be able to change that. *** Hi, I'm TC. This is my new book, and I'm writing this with my friend, @Extra26. Please give this a try! Hardcore wish fulfillment. Feel free to practice your skim reading. Please follow, rate and review if you can. It really helps out. PS - Contact Extra26 for any buisness inquiries.

TC_Liyanage1 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

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