
A Meeting and Rebirth

A beautiful soft melody rang throughout a space I couldn't conceive of. Spinning nebulas, chandelier suns, and dying galaxies burning in fiery fits of glory spun about my body. It was an awe-inspiring panorama of something entirely primal, a showcase of birth and destruction, and there, standing at the center of it all was the silhouette of a man. Average height, average build, and yet I could not stand to look at his face. The action didn't bring about feelings of unpleasantness, of hot irons scorching the eyes. I simply did not feel worthy, he was a being ripe with power and I was too weak to gaze upon his heavenly form.

The melody, similar to a piano piece, continued to ring out across the starry void. Is that what the universe sounds like?

"Yes, it's quite beautiful isn't it."

Startled I look up at the figure and then away again towards the stars, to anywhere but him, "It's magnificent, but what are the chances that something so grand can sound so similar to a piano?"

"The real question would be, what are the chances that something so small, like the piano, can capture the melody of the universe?"

"So, are you God?"

The being chuckled, sending the winking stars and distant nebulas spinning off into the deepest reaches of blackness, leaving only a blank canvas around us.

"I suppose you humans would assume a being of such power were, as you said, God. Though I'll have to disappoint, I am not so benevolent or creative, I simply look after the universe and its laws, a custodian of creation if you will."

"So then, Mr. Custodian, what am I doing here, a simple human, speaking to a being of such importance?"

The custodian chuckled again, sitting down in a small wooden chair that appeared from nowhere, a small obsidian teacup clasped in his bright hand he spoke, "Do not underestimate yourself or your species, every creature, no matter how small, is a fundamental aspect of the universe. Though the keystone is small, It is of vital importance to the mason's masterwork. The being spoke with a smiling voice, "But that doesn't answer your question does it? No, the reason you are here is unknown to me in truth, but in accordance with the universe's will I am to bestow upon you a new life."

"The universe can speak to you, does that mean it's alive?"

"No, the universe does not have consciousness, but similar to a computer it can carry out a multitude of functions, and according to it's parameters, your life was an unfair one, so it has decided to compensate you. I will be the one to carry out it's will."

Staring out into the void I thought on what the Custodian had said. I would gain a new life, my old life was unjust, I was being compensated.

"Although you cannot remember your old life, in many of your home world's stories there were depictions of similar events, reincarnations, and in those depictions the protagonist would gain any number of wishes, that will be your recompense. Three wishes for three evil deeds done to you in the past. You have already taken up one wish, please tell me, what would you like for your other two?"

My gaze shot up towards the figure and back away again in surprise, "I've already used one? When? You just told me about them!"

"Well technically speaking, this is our second conversation, the original you maintained his memories, and suffice it to say, they were not pleasant. He decided to use one wish to erase his memories, even with the advantage they would have given him, in order to start a new life, distant from his troubles. And so you were born. The being raised his arms up in welcome, "Congratulations on your birth."

While startling, this was essentially a free life, the other me was someone else, and if his memories were bad enough to waste an all powerful wish on then I don't really have any complaints.

"Oh and before I forget, you are not allowed to wish for more wishes or anything unreasonable, if your wish is too powerful I will warn you, and allow you to make a change."

What to wish for then… although I lost my memories, basic knowledge and ideas still remain, ranging from things such as magic to small fluffy dogs. I can feel pieces missing though, words that have been taken away from me, I vaguely remember slabs used to communicate with others across continents, of steel beasts floating above the clouds, these were only whispering impressions though, footprints left in the snow.

Assuming these contraptions would not be available in my new world I decided to wish for powerful abilities that peaked my interest.

"For my first wish, I would like exceptional talent in the arcane. I would like to wish for the highest possible talent you can give. For my second wish, I would like immortality or at the very least to be extremely long-lived."

The being smiled, "Fantastic wishes, though not nearly as powerful as I had expected, in all the stories of your world most wish for things such as limitless potential, to become a God, or to travel worlds with infinite variety, why haven't you?"

"Well, to be honest, what's the point of power if you don't earn it? Infinite power right from the start can make one conceited and vein. I don't wish to become some prodigal son with a penchant for destruction. With this new life, I want to achieve something on my own, although I cannot remember my past life, I know magic did not exist and so I thought practicing something with so much potential could set me a part from my past self and give me drive in my new life. The immortality or long lifespan simply allows me to walk further down the road of magic."

The Custodian clapped in delight, "Oh I wouldn't worry about becoming something as ugly as a prodigal son, a wastrel to society, you are already very wise for your race. As a bonus I will let you form your new body. This too comes from the many stories I have read from your world."

A new silhouette formed next to the Custodian, "Here, just imagine the body you wish to inhabit and the manakin will change accordingly."

Soon the silhouette began to morph, it grew to somewhere between 6 foot 2 and 3, it's skin paled and its face took on a handsome, rugged, appearance. Unlike what one would expect a wizard to look like, the manakin quickly took on the visage of a handsome rouge. Pale white hair and violet eyes, the finished form looked quite exceptional, graceful and slender but obviously muscled, every man, even a newly born one, could tell it was beautiful.

The custodian whistled, "You'll be quite the looker, and with such a long lifespan, every woman would kill you for your secrets." He chuckled at his own joke.

I quickly grew worried, "Do you think it's too much?"

The Custodian waved his hand in denial, "No, I wouldn't worry about it, with your magic, even a pack of gorillas couldn't harm a single white hair on your head." The custodian clapped his hands, "Well that just about raps up our meeting, I'll be sending you off now."

"Thank you for this opportunity."

"Don't thank me, remember, I'm only a custodian, the Universe deemed your previous life tragic and so awarded you wishes, I only carried out its will. Have a safe trip, and live well." The custodian waved his hand and my vision faded.

The melody rang out its last notes in the void.

Sup guys, this story is more a hobby than anything else so don't expect regular updates. With work and school taking up most of my time there won't be many. Anyway, feel free to enjoy my creation.

Thanks for reading!

MidnightYeticreators' thoughts
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