
Magnets in Between

From a line of History majors and Professors, Pan is set to take the other track and aspire to be a Psychologist. Despite living a mere perfect life, Pan is hiding something in the closet-- he is gay... it's undeniable... and he is afraid to let his family know. His world orbits in Beach Town, in the fictitious world of Naruto Shippuden, and interestingly, to an Engineering guy named Claude. All were almost perfect except that Claude, who never had a girlfriend, knew nothing about Pan's existence in the university. However, fate became playful and confounding, Pan learned two most upsetting facts about his ultimate crush--- Claude is dating someone and he is HOMOPHOBIC! When his ultimate crush crushes his heart before their love story could begin, (as if they will have), decisions can be hasty and dense as he eats his own swear words. Pan transferred to his brother's university. Things went rowdy when he made a counterargument against the Program's most promising candidate, Ryo Sebastian Nine. And it is a shame... to the latter! Unexpectedly, either by chance or by choice, an "admirer" has surfaced, sending poems... elating him with words. With only known anonymity in identity and romance, ... Can he overcome the fears of telling that he lies Somewhere in Between? Can feelings be denied? Can he discover the identity of his secret "admirer"?

HushHushWindBlows · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Ryu Sebastian Nin


Nee has his own office which is slightly bigger than my room. His student assistant's table is right next to the door so that if anyone has an appointment or wants to set an appointment, he or she can easily ask that person-in-charge.

It was still 7:00 in the morning and few early birds are waiting for their first class. They were all new faces and the others mind to glance at Nee to greet him.

I am setting up the printer when someone knocked on the door and opened it.

"Tom, Hi...great because you're here...Please assist Pan in setting up the printer. He doesn't know that it's Bluetooth and wireless. He's looking for the cord to connect to the computer."

My reaction is as dumb as an uncivilized gypsy trying to get used to the modern technologies introduced unto him. 😰

I know Tom, Nee's SA. Nee introduced him to me in my first week in school. he looked serious in headphones clocking his ears but he's really talkative and funny. Tom is a sophomore but he is four or five years older than me. Tom helped me pair the devices. I just watch him do the stuff. He had few instructions to remind me so that I can use the printer without his help.

For the second time, someone knocks the door but he or she did not open it. Three knocks and no one turns the knob. Tom is preparing the printer while checking the ink cartridge.

"Mind if you open the door for me?" Tom requested.

"Sure!" I walked towards the door thinking of a student who wants to have a make-up test or a student who wants to talk for an assignment that's due.

I opened the door slowly pulling the knob to take a look who's knocking from outside. And for a transient flick of time, a real quick breeze of air blow unto me chilling my entire blank face. I gazed at the person and Oh!!!! I was stunned. 😲

He is already smiling at first but when I smiled back to him, his smile became unaffectionate. His right eyebrow is raised like he wasn't expecting me to smile back to him. Or maybe he isn't expecting me to open the door. He got a serious tone when he asked me.

"Are you Professor José Alberto's student assistant? I have an appointment with him. He told me to meet him today before his 7:30 class."

His face was a bit frowning with an indescribable sense of hate, I believe. I couldn't say a word until Nee interferes and my consciousness came back to normal. I cannot argue. His face is romantic, pure handsome and perfectly attractive.

First impression and first impression kills.

"Pan remember him??? I want you to personally meet Ryu Sebastian Nin Chateau. He qualified all the requirements and the selection committee chose him to be part of the program. Remember?"

I just agreed.

"Why don't you introduce yourself..."

"Ryu Sebastian Nin. Second year."

Very concise!

"Nin, this is Pan, my younger brother. You mistakenly thought he is my SA? Well, he looked like SA to me. Here's Tom my SA."

I'm speechless and thoughtless. Nee is talking the whole time about him and I didn't have the clue it was him. Perhaps because I did not ask many details. There is an element of shock and surprise, plus the element of a literal jaw-drop.

The printer started to print the documents. I tried to gaze at him while Nee is talking to him. I couldn't understand what they are talking and I do not care. I secretly took a peep on him almost ten times, just making it discreet so he won't notice. I couldn't resist my eyes. Physical reflex, I believe. No one could deny, I am the only person in the room that feels like I am overflowing with norepinephrine and dopamine. Tom isn't my type. He won't pass my standards. I do not like the way he grows his nails on his left thumb. It's long and looks like talons to me. However, Tom has an excellent taste in music. I really like his playlist. He let me listen to a mash-up he made and it was really great. I couldn't agree more and I ask him if he could share it with me.

On the other hand, the stud that Nee is talking with, I cannot explain the feeling but his face appears so attractive to me except for those eyes and brows that arch every time I look at him. Gee, I feel like I don't want to eat dinner. I think I'm doing a crime, secretly glancing at him from the tip of his curls down to his tucked in uniform. My Byakugan can no longer reach what's down there.

I tried to finish printing as quick as I can. The printer has a fast printing speed. I thanked Tom for assisting though he did all the printing. I just compile the finished ones. This printer is new. The printer at the apartment is kinda older version. I interrupted Nee while he's making some instructions with the new guy.

"Nee...It's done. 'Til next time!"

"No more next time. One thousand per page, remember?"

I couldn't whine and pout because Mr. speaker is looking at me sternly.

I felt guilty to him and felt scared to look at him straight to the eyes. I couldn't miss the feeling. It's the same old feeling I had with that gay hater Engineering crush when I first saw him.

Did he detect that I'm gay? Only Nee knows and maybe Tom. Maybe he didn't. I acted discreetly disguised. 😅

"I gotta go..."

"You can stay here until 9 am...Pan..." Nee called.

"No...no...no...no...no...I need to meet some friends in the cafeteria." Then I ran out but nee stops me.

"Oh what a timing! Nin hasn't eaten breakfast yet. Could you take him to the cafeteria with you?"

"Ha???...Ahhhhh." Nee thinks that Mr. Speaker is friendly. "No....."

The new guy interfered and talked. "Yeah sure...I haven't eaten yet. Would you mind taking me to the dining hall?"

"Ha???... Ohhh, you can skip your breakfast if you want!!!"

Nee seemed not to like the idea of my suggestion.

"Andreas, you're being rude!"

"..." All I wanted is to avoid confrontations with him.

"It's fine Professor. It seems your brother doesn't like me." He acted as if he's gonna take all my brother's sentiments.

"No...He's being paranoid. He lacks sleep last night that's why he can't think straight."

"Nee, I had enough sleep last night! Remember I forgot to...." I didn't continue telling him of my mistakes last night.

"Maybe he's just shy..." Nee concluded.

"I do not think he's not. Last time he was very confident and eloquent!"

The new guy is making the fire worse. He's bringing back what happened in the open-discussion.

"Surely you'll love the food in the dining hall. Try their hot chocolate. It's real cocoa!" Nee suggested.

Tom is busy on the computer. He is wearing headphones, so he doesn't know what's happening around. Tom takes off his headphones and butt in. "I personally suggest Mac and Cheese and bacon and omelet and soup. Must try, bro."

While we are walking, I advance a few steps away from him. He is smiling while walking like it was painted permanently on his face. He smiled at the girls we met. The girls smiled at me, too with their winks that caused me to blink many times. The girls giggled or screamed at each other seeing either him or me. I was getting used to this kind of reaction though I do not like it because I prefer the guys giggling at me, though I know they won't dare to show their teeny side. He, who walks behind me, has dimples and they undoubtedly make him attractive. I have dimples too but they're located in my back. I think my dimples are also attractive; I think. (Just think).

Whenever I look back at him a few steps away, he is smiling at me. The only obvious thing is that his smile is FAKE and STUBBORN. The insincerity on his smile means it is not friendly. It is a subtle way of saying 'I don't like you. Please stay away from me and don't come back'.

He's playing it cool and he walks faster to advance me...

"If you want to run, you can," said his voice.

"If you want to make friends, don't make it fake," I answered.

"I'm trying t be friendly here!"

"Hahahahahaha...fools the girls. I will study psychology...."

"Hey, Andreas Napoleon!"

"My heavens, I really hate people call me that name....Grrrr." 😡

"Oh, I remembered someone from your name. Someone who is a Tyrant, a dictator, a huge assh*le... And I remembered one specific date and place too. And a moment breaker!!!"

I just walked. As I was expecting, this will happen.

"Should we start another open-discussion here?"

He just smiled showing those dimples.

"If you want to say something, spit it out. Just make it blunt... and I'll finish it." I threatened him with my fist. I am going to defend myself. For his information, I watched all Naruto's fight scenes and I memorized Mighty Guy's Taijutsu. Add the Hyuga fight scenes. He is surely no match for me. Hahahahahahaha.


This guy is weird. Normally, people whom I meet befriends me. They become sweet when having conversations with me. They even offer chips and bottled juice as a token of I-do-not-know maybe, friendship, though the majority offering me foods were girls with the sole intention of flirting with me. Nonetheless, this person has not understood what it means to be cheerful and friendly. It is a mix of feelings: he is making me laugh and he is getting into my nerves at some point.

This time he is marching like a giraffe, taking long steps forward. He looks like a giraffe in a forced military camp. Hasn't this guy learned about the proper walking? I tried to catch him up.

"You sway like a giraffe!" I spoke to him softly. "Keep it up, it is entertaining!" I whispered to his left ear and I can feel he quickly wiggled and was tickled. I overtake his movement finding my way to the dining.

The dining hall is quite spacious. This is probably the largest of all the dining halls in the university. I stared at the menu and I got hungry reading the list.

I ordered food and proceeded to the counter.

"Can I have your Student Meal Plan card?" the cashier asked.

"Sorry, what?"

"Can I have your Student Meal Plan card?" Asking again as she points the sign 'Student Meal Plan Card Only'.

"I am sorry... but I do not have Student Meal Plan card yet, can I pay it with cash?"

"I'm afraid that isn't possible in this counter. This counter is only for students with meal plan subscriptions. The other counter over that corner is for students without meal plans. You can pay cash on that counter."

"I am a transferee here so...I am sorry."


"I have a Student Meal Card, he is with me...Please use this," he hands the card to the lady.

"Oh! that's a relief." The woman said, "haven't you told your friend about this?"

"Actually, I was about to tell him, unfortunately, he rushed inside and did not learn about the dining hall policies. My apologies to my friend's misdemeanor?'

"I see. Next time listen to your senior young man..." she advised.

"True. He should listen to his SENIOR,... Freshman Problem...bear with him," he bows to her like she's a Japanese old lady.

My pupils got angered. He did not tell me about this. He is neither my senior nor a friend. And I am not a Freshman. 😡. He is talking to the woman as if he expresses concern. He is getting into my nerves, again. I am looking at him without even blinking just to threaten him with a stern look.

"I feel like my FRIEND is super hungry...My friend, why not we can sit on that table so that you can eat." He talks like a caring fellow.

To me, I am not hungry anymore. I want to hit him to the face right now!
