
Magnets in Between

From a line of History majors and Professors, Pan is set to take the other track and aspire to be a Psychologist. Despite living a mere perfect life, Pan is hiding something in the closet-- he is gay... it's undeniable... and he is afraid to let his family know. His world orbits in Beach Town, in the fictitious world of Naruto Shippuden, and interestingly, to an Engineering guy named Claude. All were almost perfect except that Claude, who never had a girlfriend, knew nothing about Pan's existence in the university. However, fate became playful and confounding, Pan learned two most upsetting facts about his ultimate crush--- Claude is dating someone and he is HOMOPHOBIC! When his ultimate crush crushes his heart before their love story could begin, (as if they will have), decisions can be hasty and dense as he eats his own swear words. Pan transferred to his brother's university. Things went rowdy when he made a counterargument against the Program's most promising candidate, Ryo Sebastian Nine. And it is a shame... to the latter! Unexpectedly, either by chance or by choice, an "admirer" has surfaced, sending poems... elating him with words. With only known anonymity in identity and romance, ... Can he overcome the fears of telling that he lies Somewhere in Between? Can feelings be denied? Can he discover the identity of his secret "admirer"?

HushHushWindBlows · LGBT+
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22 Chs



This man, whom I don't want to call the name, is an attention-getter. Mostly girls are eyeing on him flirtatiously, looking at him from head to shoes. And other girls are winking at me again. No wonder these flirts are attracted and any moment from now they will wait for him outside, start a small 'dirty' talk...ask his social media usernames. Then they would have a very DETAILED conversation, chat about a good place to meet on campus and chat about interesting clubs in the city for a Saturday night out.

Ewww. 😒

I can foretell what will happen next. They should use protection or else she'll be carrying a diploma for nine months and he will be barred from the program. Too young to become parents from unwanted pregnancy. Too dumb not to use protection. Ha...ha...ha...hah...ha. Mama always tells to maintain modesty and to be always reserved. The city is an island full of luring temptations with worldly shallowness and craziness. I have no doubts about this guy, he is a hell of enticing city character. I wonder how many illegitimate children he has? 🤔

They say attraction is like a virus. If you are not immune, you will be infected. In my case, I am already sick once but he's not worth dying for. Don't want to mention Claude. This guy is surely a host of a stronger strain of virus that would unintentionally spread it with a very contagious pandemic. As I look around, almost all, girls from different departments and some gays and guys pretending to be guys, are looking at him. But he is not troubled with the attention he got from the onlookers and the 'audience'. Because he is not minding, he is looking at me, a look that feels like an ogre wanting to devour me alive.

Not to mention others are looking at me too. I don't like the spotlight. I just want to live a simple and happy life. I like hot guysssss!!!!

My imagination has brought me to an unsightly prediction and a deadly virus of attraction that is presently making a devastating outbreak in the dining hall. This so-called 'virus' is still lurking and spreading around. They were all mesmerized; others were about to drool. Maybe this guy possesses a strong genjutsu that enslaves others. Genjutsu is difficult to counter. Once you get caught, you are under a spell.

Do I need to close my eyes? Or should I run away and hide so that I won't fall helpless on his trap? Virus and Genjutsu, Science and anime...harmonic imagination, indeed!

He puts the tray with food on the table. After, he set aside the food to empty the tray. I sit on the opposite chair on the farther left, this table is for two so I don't have any space to sit distantly from him. Sitting straight opposite of me, I looked down on the food he ordered. Surprisingly, the foods he has aren't suitable for my preferences. And for me, they aren't good to digest in the morning especially because you should start your day with palatable food for your appetite. Well, for me, the foods on this table aren't appetite-friendly. My face frowned because of dislike.


He looked at my food as if he doesn't like eating them. What's wrong with Mac and Cheese for breakfast? Tom told us to try the Mac and cheese, so I did. I grin at him and held an empty plate, put most of the Mac and Cheese on it and slowly push the plate to him. Truth is, I don't really like cheese. Not really hate it but not really like it. So-so. All lactose intolerants know about this. I gave him almost the entire serving of Mac and Cheese from my plate like he got all of it. I should hand him the serving plate instead. He'll save me from eating cheese this morning.


His reaction turned sour. He is directing his sight to the melted cheese and on the spoon.

"You like cheese very much....."🤗😂😈😈

His face assumes disgust forcing himself not to make any ugly reaction. He breathes deeply from his core trying to make a poker face to me but it is outspokenly evident that he does not like cheese either. He is likely to puke.

"Smells like cheddar. You should try it. You need to get your money's worth." I just said cheddar even if I do not know if the cook really used cheddar or some cheap kind of cheese. I am not saying cheddar is cheap. No, I do not want to convey that.

I could not paint his face in the canvass. You could imagine someone trying to say 'no' but all he can do is to make facial gestures. It is worth an hour of revenge and a tease. I do not usually do this to others but I am learning to like the feeling of becoming a terrorist and mildly bully.

On the other hand, girls in white uniforms and in P.E. uniforms are looking at me and at him. Such attention spurs an idea to go away and enter my class. It is undeniably overwhelming to know that you are born eye-catching and handsome although this might also risk you running to avoid crazy girls wanting to spend some time with you. I am born handsome, a million thanks to it but a billion 'oh no-s' when I need to escape because of it. I think I sound boastful but you should not rather see me if you do not want to be spell-bounded. I do not want to be humble because still, 'Humility is Pride'. I am biased of this POV. No. Humbly, I would say, I am blessed with a face that kills!

Whoooshshshshshsh. So suave!


I didn't touch the food in front of me. Never! I do not like cheese. I used to like but I realized it was horrible after a very disgusting experience. After that, I do not like the taste and the smell, especially the after taste. Even though my entire family eats cheese, I prefer margarine and peanut butter. But I can't add peanut butter on macaroni! Never cheese added in a burger. Never cheese in mac. Negotiable in sauces... Arrrrr. Never cheese. May the cows not insulted for this displease! I have to do something to get rid of the cheese that plagues my eyesight. I really want to throw up. The evil guy opposite me is eating the bacon roll and the sandwich and the smoking hot chocolate in a mug smells pure.

"The Mac and Cheese looks delicious and CHEEESY." I flattered

"Yeah, try it. I am sure you will like it." He assured.

"Cheese is the most unpleasant food that someone can offer. They say that if you offer cheese to someone he is indirectly saying 'You are cheap and shabby, that's why you're cheesy!" I commented.

"Terrific! Why admit you do not like cheese?... Fascinatingly, they say that if someone gives you cheese, you are important..." he sarcastically claimed.

"Preposterous belief!" I murmured.

"Damn taste buds..." he cursed.

I stand and ask the server to pack the Mac and cheese for take-out. When the server is done, I prepared to leave.

"Tom likes Mac and Cheese. Enjoy your meal. May the cheese be with you!" I bowed at him.

He just smiled at me as if he won over something. His dimples are apparent this time. I dunno but it really hit me thinking those slight indentations on his face. They're attractive, though I can only see the profile of his face. Wished cheese did not enter the table. I could stare much longer at them. Nevertheless, I have mine. I could look at my back in the mirror!

When I arrived at Nee's office, he already went to his 7:30 class. I caught Tom using headphones so loud that he could explode his eardrums. I hand to him the Mac and cheese I've taken out.

"Where's Nin?"

"Oh, that's his name? ..... "He's eating. I have to leave; I need to go to the library."

"Thanks for this...," he was delighted.

"I don't like cheese...," I whispered to him...

"Now I know."

Gosh... I thanked Tom likes cheese very much. After I gave him the food, I told him not to leave the office unlocked. He just nodded.

"Monsters have dimples, lock the door," I added though I know he isn't listening to me.

Before he can open the food cover, I escaped and went to the library.