
Magnets in Between

From a line of History majors and Professors, Pan is set to take the other track and aspire to be a Psychologist. Despite living a mere perfect life, Pan is hiding something in the closet-- he is gay... it's undeniable... and he is afraid to let his family know. His world orbits in Beach Town, in the fictitious world of Naruto Shippuden, and interestingly, to an Engineering guy named Claude. All were almost perfect except that Claude, who never had a girlfriend, knew nothing about Pan's existence in the university. However, fate became playful and confounding, Pan learned two most upsetting facts about his ultimate crush--- Claude is dating someone and he is HOMOPHOBIC! When his ultimate crush crushes his heart before their love story could begin, (as if they will have), decisions can be hasty and dense as he eats his own swear words. Pan transferred to his brother's university. Things went rowdy when he made a counterargument against the Program's most promising candidate, Ryo Sebastian Nine. And it is a shame... to the latter! Unexpectedly, either by chance or by choice, an "admirer" has surfaced, sending poems... elating him with words. With only known anonymity in identity and romance, ... Can he overcome the fears of telling that he lies Somewhere in Between? Can feelings be denied? Can he discover the identity of his secret "admirer"?

HushHushWindBlows · LGBT+
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22 Chs

"Consider this as my way of Coming Out."


✼ Author's Note ✼

Reading that part above ↑ is happiness for me, a breakthrough, in self and vocabulary. Even if you say it was unintentional, I count it as a choice. Thanks for that!

I cannot claim that everything in this story is original. I believe an original craft takes time to make. There might be clichés lurking around and holes that need to fill in. I guess the only new things I can offer are the twist and maybe boredom I might bring in this writing (maybe these aren't new at all). I believe that in your boredom, you will find a sense of reading this story and as you go on, connect the puzzles to the other.

I wanted to make this story raw, make it complex and creative, somewhat fast-paced but slow in unfolding. My writing is still a novice. I might have errors but I hope I can convey a message and a feeling.

They say a writer stops writing if there are no words in them, if there are no feelings that accompany every line and if there are no readers waiting for a read. So here I am trying hard because there are still words, feelings, and passion in me.

Read and Dive, Get excited!

Get attracted to the Magnets in Between.

I hope I'll have readers.



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