

Ding placed his palms in between a rock where a lion's paw was illustrated on it. He swiped his palm to the left and the rocks splited open.

It was so shocking why the lion never roared at us or even attacked. Although, one groaned at Chang when he mimicked its sound.

The school of Qiandongnan was like a heavenly paradise. It was filled with trees and magic, the magic there could be felt at every corner. It had golden waters flowing across its streams and magical creatures creeping, flying and walking about. Likewise, it' looks more like a butterfly garden of different colors. I wish I could school in a place like this, but the thing is, the school is meant for only students with magical powers that couldn't be harnessed or controlled unlike me who never got one, but anyway I wasn't the only one, right? I guess Chang and I are even, since he also never got one.

The main building was on an elevated ground that stood playing. Whoa! it was almost as beautiful as Magiana, but my home is the best or was.

Students flew on broom stick all about in the air. The whole thing was beautiful, the sounds the view and designs.

"I'll be right back" Ding assured us as he left us for a while. He returned with three broomsticks for us.

We all hopped on the broomsticks in order to fly. I was a little scared, to be frank, I never knew how to ride a broomstick, neither have I rode one before.

Chang and I struggled to ride on the broom, while Fenhua was perfect on hers. I would have fallen if not for Ding, who caught me and allowed me to join him riding on his tiger.

"By the way, my tiger's name is Gen" Ding introduced his tiger.

"That means he most be strong" I affirmed, for the name meant strong as the root. I would prefer to call the tiger fighter.

We flew to the school and landed on the school's gate. It was a soft landing, although Chang wasn't part of it. He landed with his head instead of feet.

Chang grumbled as he followed us pass the gate. Our broom sticks were collected at the gate before we were accepted inside.

An old-looking man walked up to us, welcoming us in. He sounded as though he knew we were coming to Qiandongnan maybe he did know.

"I'm Li Jingguo, guardian and overseer of Qiandongnan" the old being introduced. This explains why he welcomed us in such a familiar way, he's an overseer.

We were served dinner and a place to sleep. He called it a hostel.

The hall was large and occupied hundreds of boys our age. It had mats lined up at each corner, separated by a thick curtain.

Fenhua wasn't they with us, she was taken elsewhere, perhaps where girls stayed. As for Jun feng he was taken over by a woman who promised to carter for him.

Foodie stayed with me in my hostel, as it is called.

As the night drew near, every student retired to the hostel, filling in the gap that was in the hall before.

Many introduced themselves to us, and we did in return. Questions were put to us such as are you a new student? Do you come from Magiana?

Luckily, for us, Ding was there to answer all the pressing questions.

I didn't feel right about something, and that was why the reason for our coming was never discussed. While everyone slept, I got up from my mat and paced quietly out of the hostel.

I got lucky enough to locate the guardian's chambers, but going there was a problem. It was situated above in a shield and protected by flying tigers.

"Damn it!" How do I get pass those guards?

I needed to know who the guardian was in the dark, in order to clear my doubt.

I heard a sound approaching my back, it was so close that the only thing I could do was performing a split to clear the enemy. Unfortunately, it was foodie I swiped from the floor.


We both hid behind a tree as I drew a plan on the floor. I had full assurance my plan was going to workout perfectly. That's if foodie would be able to hop a high distance. Foodie chuckled to my plans and made her way to the plain.

She whistled, which was against the plan, attracting the guards to her.

A rabbit whistling? Whoa! Is she a magical creature? I wish she was, but whistling is not enough to prove that.

Within a few minutes, Foodie rode Gen toward me.

I was covered in fear and shock at the same time, not knowing what to say, I hopped on fighter and praised Foodie's good job.

We flew to the guardian's chambers without hindrance from the guarding tigers.

The fighter dropped us at the front door and left. The door opened on its own, and we walked in.

"Welcome! Li Xing and… Rabbit" a voice spoke aloud from above the chamber. It was the guardian's voice.

He flew down from his throne which was above and landed in front of us.

I was shock how he knew my name without proper introduction.

He sat us down at a large table and served us tea, and then he asked why we had risked our lives to come into his chambers.

I cleared my throat before I began my speech, I wondered if I should tell him about the gem, scroll, and everything.

"Magiana is destroyed and so is the village of the outcasts" I managed to mention.

"Those creatures won't stop at nothing until they wipe out all eternity" master Li Jingguo commented.

"That is why we are here, do you know anything about the book of magic history? My map says your school has it" I questioned hoping to get a positive response.

"You must be on a quest to find the divine dragon, aren't you?

"Yes! How did you know?

"Follow me".

Foodie and I followed the guardian into a room that appeared to be hidden in the chamber. It was a library filled with varieties of books, arranged beautifully.

"It's a secrete library" Jingguo confessed.

"Then why are you showing this to me?"

"Because you are on a quest to restore Magiana, most students here come from there. If they get to know their homes are destroyed, what do you think they'd do?

"Do you still think the dragon is really out there? I questioned, guessing a teacher like him would know much.

"Dragons last lived Twelve thousand years ago. Although, history still has it that the divine dragon still lives".

Hearing those words made me smile. However, master Li Jingguo had a sad look. He would probably be concerned about the fall of Magiana and his students.

He took a book out of the shelf and blew dust off of it.

The dust escalated, engorging us into itself.