

Long time ago, there lived three realms. The first and most powerful realm of them all was known as the guardian realm, this was the realm of dragons.

The dragons were believed to have lived before man, for legend proved that they created the second realm "Magiana" which grew to be powerful. Magiana holds all the magicians of all time.

The guardians thought it wise to create another realm which they called "Magiana", inorder for life to exist on land. This was the reason Magiana was created, but these good was repay for evil by some magicians who sort out to own the guardian realm, leading to the third realm called the dark realm.

Those set of magicians that planned to own the first realm sort out to invade the dragon paradise.

The third realm is the kingdom of all evil sorcerers who practice dark magic. They were great rivals of Magiana and so both the realms always battled against each other.

Until a few years ago only the three realms functioned, but then the monster realm appeared all of a sudden. A mindless creature that is not affected by magic nor posses magic but destroys magic and all it's inhabitants.

Many said that the monsters equated from dark sorcerers, but even their magic doesn't work on them either.

Li xing popped his head out of the water after swimming under for long.

It was a good thing the monsters were elegiac to water, this would only make his journey a lot easier, traveling by water would be a good idea.

He swarmed faster, aiming for a canoe nearby.


My name is Chung Li Xing a descendant of master Liu you, one of the first magician created, so I heard.

As a descendant of the strongest wizard like Liu you, it is expected of me to possess the strongest magic.

My father took his time to train me in combat and kungful, as though he knew a day of doom was sure to come.

Li Xing's face looked sore and his stomach grumbled loudly to alert they were nothing in his system.

He paddled the canoe forward, knowing not where to go, he wasn't familiar with rivers and so it would take a while to figure out his route, despite holding a map, he found it difficult to read the directions. With nothing to eat, indeed, it would be difficult to cope.

The river was large, and so it would take time locating a shore.


My Pa mentioned earlier, about locating a lost dragon.

Many years ago after the formation of the third realm, the people conspired against themselves and had dragons captured. Definitely the dragons were much powerful for a capture, this eventually led to a great war, which affected the second realm, getting them involved. Although almost half of the second and third realm was wiped out in a blast of light that shone when the three realms combined, but what was unexplainable was why all dragons vanished after that.

History still had it that one dragon was remaining, shenlong, the divine dragon, although not certain, but deep down, I still feel shenlong is out there. So, my father believed also.

Millions of Socerors have sorted out to find the missing dragon, both from the two realms, each having their reasons.

For us Magiana, our purpose for searching for the dragon was to continue its race. As for the dark realm, I don't know their intentions, but I guess theirs would be the opposite.

The monster realm, been the last and a new realm, took everyone unaware.

Journeying alone is the biggest task of my life, it had never happened, but now there's not a choice for me.


I off loaded the pouch my pa gave to me earlier. I viewed it's content one after another.

There was a scroll with writing's on it, there was also a sword, my pa's. It was a sword passed from all the ancestors of Magiana, it was the greatest thing that had ever lived. It can shield and prevail over any magic.

In the pouch, there was also a crystal, a dragon gem, owned by the lost dragon.

I wonder how pa got it. A dragon gem, they say, was always out of mere reach.

I got to a shore after sailing for long. I took a glimpse of my map to see where I am and the map ticked Treasure Island.

Furthermore, I stepped out of the canoe, with my sword and scroll fastened onto me.

Still afraid monsters may be around, I held the sword tightly on my palm.

The island was tick and green, it accommodated all kinds of flowers, that boom brightly. The fruits on each tree, were ripe enough to entice any.

Without wasting much time, I located a pawpaw tree and plugged from its fruit. It was very difficult, climbing the tree was the tough part.

I sat by the tree trunk and devoured the fruit like an angry lion. A rabbit crawled toward me, begging for my fruit.

As of then I had already finished the fruit, but I felt a great compassion for the animal and decided to plug a fruit for it.

I regretted helping that thing, for the help I tried to offer landed my butt on the floor with the pawpaw tree half broken. The rabbit enjoyed the fruit, while I soar in pain. I looked at the animal with grief and picked it up, seeing it was a female, I called her foodie out of anger.

Since she was alone, I decided to adopt her as my companion.

"Come on foodie" I beckoned to my new companion as we headed into the island.

There was another route on the island that could lead to the dark cave, as inscribed in the map.

The dark cave according to the scroll is where the lost dragon vanished from and that is where I'm supposed to look for the shenlong.

Meeting the lost dragon would be a great pleasure and saving the magic would be greater.

My companion was on my shoulder as we walked into the forest island.