
magician in tower of god

shadow_5998 · Anime & Comics
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the mystic level magician ____________________________________ notice*read this before start reading this chapter this is just a background for mc background so you can just skip it if you want


"for talk"

and yea this is my first time making a fanfic like this so I guess I will make may mistakes so sorry about that and yea one more thing I have wrote the name of the talking person right after or before it like (mc) I will reveal the mc name and about the current situation more briefly in chapter 3


Summer Land is a magical place where magic and mana exist. which was made by the deities (gods) for humans. Humans worship the gods. The land itself is called the land of gods as the rulers are all gods and the people who work under them are their followers. Humans were nothing but mere labourers and servants for the god. Normal people don't have permission to use magic and mana. Only people with higher positions can use magic. They just listen to God's orders and follow them like a mass killing of humans for entertainment purposes. 


The gods are immortal and invincible, whereas humans aren't. They had no choice but to follow the god's orders, but there was a "person" who didn't think the gods should be the rulers. He thinks that there is a way to be immortal and invincible, and there is a probability that the thing that can make him a god is in the hands of the deity. So he made a plan. The Night of the Ruler is the name the gods have given to the night where they choose a ruler from among themselves to rule over all the humans. "The person" makes an army of 10,000 humans. When all the gods are occupied with the celebration of the "so-called ruler." army of humans will attack them, and "the person" will find all the secrets and answers that he wants. ___________________________________________

Two persons were in front of a massive gate where clothes were covered with blood. "Master,

are you sure that this is the gate?" one of them said. (Hacarus) "Yes, Hacarus,

the other one said he was looking at the door with a serious face." "Hacarus-master,more than half of our people are already killed. Are you sure that whatever is behind the dor can solve our problems for eternity?" Hacarus said "with a doubtful look".

The other person didn't say anything for a while and then said, "Hacarus, to tell you the truth, I don't know, but I am sure that finding a way to save humanity is better than dying from the gods." He said this while pushing the door. Inside(mc)

*the thing that they saw inside the room was something that they never expected.


Inside that massive bug room, there was nothing,




absolutely nothing. Hacarus said* "Wait for a second," Hacarus said to the other person while putting his hand over Hacarus' mouth.

Thup* thup* thup* they can hear some footsteps coming towards their direction. Hacarus quickly closes the door and places a magic barrier on it. "Master, we have to do something quickly, he said in a low voice".

"The other person ignored him and placed his hand on the ground while saying, "No, it should be not be like this."We're definitely forgetting something."

"The footsteps started to get near He pointed his hand towards the ground and started chanting some spells. Soon a light came from his finger and destroyed the floor. ""



Yes, I knew it, the man shouted. "To think that these low life's tried to fight against us," one of them said, "(god no.1) seriously can't you wait for sometime your new ruler was going to be elected tonight," the other one said while pointing at himself."

(mc) hey Hacarus, I found the way*. His sentence was interrupted by a sudden loud explosion. As he saw that Hacarus was dead, he found three people with white hair standing nearby.

"you just became the ruler because you are just a little stronger than me. The other one said,

" Oh really,then why don't we let's see who is stronger? " The other one said (god no.1)

"Now now don't argue with us, we have to take care of that human." The old man said, " (God No.3)

"They all heard an explosion. The entrance of the tunnel was destroyed." "(God no.1) geez,

he escaped because of you guys," said the old man.

"Don't worry, he has to go through that "thing" the other one said. (god no.1)

"you are right, there's no way he would go through that. He's going to die from suffocation, the two others agreed." (God no.2)

still,it's better to be a little serious about it, the old man said, "while making a hole in the ground." (god no.3)

under the tunnel, a man was running for hours, 


shit where is the way he cursed.

"After some time, he finally saw a large gate, but it had some type of array around it." order

he chanted."

A large dragon made of fire came up and hit the gate with an incredible force, but the gate still didn't have any scratches. "How

is that possible?" The man said and looked at the upper part of the gate. It had 8 stars, meaning shit it's a mystic type barrier. There


were 6 types of magic levels. _________________________________

bronze, silver, gold, platinum, legendary and mystic.



But how is that even possible?

"I am the only legendary type magician in the world, so it means that it's a mystic type barrier, but how's that possible? There wasn't a single mystic magician in history and it's just a legend. " Now now, why don't you surrender yourself? " A voice came from the background, "shit,

what do I do now?" the person thought. (mc)