
magician in tower of god

shadow_5998 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Ray vs gods#1

A man was drinking tea while reading some books. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in,"the man said."Master The gods have made an announcement." while bowing down. "I see. Let's hear it""Thomas". Ray said, while allowing his servant to stand up. "They said that if the books and array scrolls are not returned to them by tomorrow night, they will start executing all the humans. Also, if someone gives the information about the robbers, they will get the highest position in the kingdom."

" Well, what a move. They are taking all humans as hostages, and in the second place, they are also using them against us by giving them some higher positions. I would not be surprised if some people really started searching for us though, as they all have lived their lives as slaves. If they see a light of hope, even if it will destroy their future generations, they will still try to take it."While sipping his tea, the man said, "Well,Thomas, pack up all the things we have to go to the kingdom. I can't possibly let my brother die at the hands of the gods, can I?


"as you say master" Thomas said.


Ah, one more thing, master. What happened with Hacarus? Ray asked.


paused for a minute, and after some time, he answered, "He is dead."


"I see."Thomas didn't say anything else. Hmm,


"your reaction is quite abnormal, even though you were quite close to him."Ray said.


"Well, we are both your servants' master and we both know that at some point we will die. Death is something that no one can stop, so what advantage will be there to cry over this rather than that I will try to help you get revenge on Hacarus' death."Thomas said


"I see. I don't know why, but after hearing that, I feel like a bad guy." Ray said jokingly.


"I'm just telling the truth, master"Thomas replied as he walked out the door.



"I can hardly understand the array practise that has been made in the books, and since the language is over 9000 years old, I am having some problems understanding it."


"hah.... I guess I have to fight the gods face to-face in the end, and the probability of winning is less than 10%." He said while sighing*: "Hmm,


"what is this?! He said this while seeing a black page in the book.


He thought and cast a low level spell flash, which was used for searching in dark places and primarily for providing light. is basic spelling. There is something written.


Dear reader, whoever is reading this right now, the situation here is not good. One day, some people suddenly came to us and said that they are gods and that we are very lucky that they have chosen us to serve them. The magicians of the country didn't believe this and thought that they were just joking around, but after some days, they started killing us, saying that our sacrifice would lead the new civilization to a better future. The other gold and platinum magicians also joined the fight, but in the end, they all died. As a result, we lost a large number of magicians. I was the one and only legendary magician. I was stuck on the stage. Being a mystic magician was the only option by which I could win against them. After that, I thought that they should have at least some type of weakness, so I started to collect more and more information about them. The gods are far more advanced in using mana than we are; it's as if mana itself loves them so much that the only way to defeat them was to not allow them to use mana. after some more years, I finally managed to make a spell that is the basis of my plan. 1. regeneration magic and 2. transportation magic so I can travel through the world more easily and can get back to this world, and 3. an array to seal them. So I started using reincarnation magic to travel through the world's It wasn't a good experience as I had to die several times to find a suitable world. After 900 tries, I found a planet called Earth that doesn't have any mana and has something called air that replaces mana. This world was perfect to seal them, but it has only one problem. There were so many lives on earth and if my plan does not work, then I will be responsible for their deaths. So I started thinking about some other ways. After some time, I thought why not replicate something similar to air and then trap the gods in it. But still, even if they can't use mana, their physical abilities are very high. So I again travel through the worlds and find every world's strongest substances and then mix them to make something that can hold the gods. I hope this works because if it doesn't, I won't have a choice. So, whoever is reading it, I hope you never have to be in situations like this, but if you do, remember one thing: the most dangerous thing isn't God, it's "humans."



the hell?! Ray exclaimed in confusion. What


does that mean? Ray said. Ah,


shake it off, Ray. There are more important things.


"let's read more" he frowned.


I locked all three things in a box that was made of the same material as the cage. So it's impossible to break it with magic. You need a key for it. Where the fuck is the key? He should atleast have written the location of the key, but he's not wrong. The box was in God's hands and if they found out where the keys were, the game would be over for us. Now that I think about it, was he successful? In trapping the gods, and if he was, then how are they still ruling over us? Ah, I have so many questions, but for now, let's find the box and it's key, he said. 


After some time*


well,I found the box but without the key, it's useless. After some time, he saw something. The key hole shape is like a sword. Wait

 a minute, is this possible? Ray exclaimed in shock.