
Magician and Knight

There is no synopsis. It is to give you extra kick by directly reading the story. You can read Upto chapter 20 for basic understanding, after reading those if you don't like the book then it is not for you. But I hope You all read anyway. "r-18" This book will be full of violence, gore, blood, strong languages, sex, and other disturbing scene which may not be good for all Most of the chapters have side stories which run parallel to the main story. They are their to give side character's life among other puppets of my hand. It is not necessary to read side stories, you can skip them. But if you want to enjoy and live this world, I recommend reading those. Chapter will be written as Chapter "Chapter no" : "Chapter name" Side story will be written as Chapter "Chapter no" : SS "SS no" : "SS name" SS = Side Story. #replaceable_part Hope you enjoy reading. First 30 chapter's will be released erratically, these chapters are for character and world building. After that if this book get good response then update schedule will be released according to the demand. DO SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS TO LIVE ANOTHER LIFE IN ANOTHER WORLD.

TorturedOne · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: SS 1: Power at Play

Monica followed her professor along with her friends. After getting into the bus, she and Emilia sat together. She tried to strike a conversation with Emilia but latter one retrieved book from her dimensional ring and continued reading.

Monica sighed. She was too tired about everything that was happening within her family. She took long breathe and tried to take a nap to relax herself from all the pull and push that was happening recently in her life. But if one looked closely, they could see a small smile forming.

One Day Ago, National Museum Of Torintem

"About thousand year ago, 'The Expanse' was in its golden age. Kadumanth being the centre, it's the then Royal family ruled the subsidiary planets Vararin, Riocis, Gemenosio, Aurora, Yareleam and Torintem. Each planet were ruled by six family and were vassals of the then Royal family. People says you can prevent any kind of external disaster but one that you yourself sow you yourself shall reap. And as the saying goes, the then second prince murdered his own brother crown to the throne along with all other family member including HIS MAJESTY THE GREAT '??????' and rebelled. He along with his army threatened to destroy all vassals family and rule the entire Expanse alone. This predicament lead the Vararin to unite all the vassals in a single banner and they counterattacked with all their might. This war took place for over a century and is known as Dark age where millions even billions of people died. Historians says that during the final battle against the second prince the "GOD OF WAR" himself descended. Whether this is true or not we don't know. After the war Kadumanth was exiled from the system into different plane of existence and space is locked around the planet to prevent any type of to and fro travel and Vararin being the leading family was crowned as Royal Family and other became their vassals. And as such for about nine hundred year Vararin is ruling the Expanse." an old guy said as he pointed towards the art presented in slide. He was one of the historian of the museum. Today's programme was hosted by the museum to let young ones know about their history.

Sitting at the corner of the room, a young guy with obsidian black eyes and black hair reaching his neck titled his head and asked a beautiful young lady sitting beside him.

"What do you think about the then Second Prince? Monica!"

"Well! He was the destroyer of the hundred thousand year of legacy, bringer of the chaos and war, a maniac who was responsible for death of billions."

"True. That is true indeed. But they all are according to the nine hundred year of passed history which may have been changed and tampered with. Maybe he wasn't the villain, maybe he was a wise saint, maybe crown prince felt threatened by his brother and rebelled, maybe all the vassals were already planning on rebellion and the conflict between brothers provided them the opportunity they needed, maybe there was a conspiracy that was suppressed and removed from the history."

"What? Are you serious? If anyone listened to that they will execute you in middle of street."

"Yes that's exactly my point. With power you can do anything you want, wherever you want and whenever you want. That's why everyone seeks power just like our family is seeking. And no nobody will listen as I casted a silence spell around us." nodding his head the youth said.

"Oh! At least you know what you are doing." she breathe a sigh of relief. After a while she asked.

"What about you? Why are you seeking power?" Monica asked narrowing her eyes, her brow furrowed a little from his explanation but still choose to listen.

"Well Duh! Because I don't want be like the then Second Prince." he replied giggling a little.

"And is that why we are here? Is this one of your step toward your ultimate goal? Am I to be impressed from my future husband or sad that he is even willing to use his own wife just for power? Am I one of your another stepping stone?" Monica said in a single uneven and haggard breathe with small tears forming in her eyes, to say she was disappointed and sad would be a understatement.

The youth dumbfounded by her assessment of the situation and establishment of such a intimate relation between them stared at her in daze for a while not understanding what to say. After a while taking a long breathe he spoke.

"First of all I am not a power seeking maniac, second it's just engagement not marriage for now but I too want you to be my wife, third whoever I say is my women I will keep her as a queen, and fourth don't jump to conclusions like that without all necessary information." the youth said with seriousness painted all over his face.

"Eh? Eh? Eh?" Monica became dumbfounded for a while then embarrassed and after a while her cheeks turn into rosy red.

"O-Okey. And sorry for that." she said lowering her head in embarrassment.

"My lord, 'The Order' request your presence." a guy wearing driver uniform said as he bowed his head.

"Request? Are you sure it's a 'request' and not demand?" the youth said with doubting gaze.

"Well. It was Ms Seema, so I suppose it was request." driver replied scratching back of his head with a bitter smile.

"What is that bitc.. cough! What is she doing here?" he said correcting himself mid sentence. 'Maybe it's about the ruin they discovered. If she is present then I should take some popcorn, it will be a show to watch.'

he laughed a sinister laugh.

When Monica saw face he was making she couldn't believe it.

"C-clark are you okay?" she asked.

Snapping out of his thoughts he said.

"Yes, I am alright. It seems this is it for now. Let's meet some time soon and in more romantic place then this shit place that our family choose. Bye my beautiful future wife. Oh I am already missing you. Bye!!"


"Monica, MONICA??" Emilia shouted waking her from her nap.

"Yes yes. What happened and why are you shouting."

"Nothing. We just reached our destination and by the way why is your face deep red? Are you alright? Should I ask professor to call doctor?" Emilia said with worry.

"No, no. I am alright. Lets leave." Monica said covering her face.


????? is used here as nobody knows the name.

Sometime ????? maybe used when the pronunciation for the language is not known.

Sometime ????? maybe used because the word maybe written in rune language and one need to be at least of King rank to read those words or they will die from the magic pressure of rune.