
Magical Races Clash: From Magic to Cultivation

Since the shattering of the Crystal Wall and the fall of the 'Reincarnation Palace' into the Material Plane, demons have run rampant, causing widespread chaos. Devils, undead, and dragons have risen in succession, with gods losing their divinity and the world falling into turmoil. The main plane faces imminent destruction, and all life is in grave danger. In this time of crisis, the cycle of reincarnation begins anew, selecting worthy individuals to travel through time and space for trials. Survivors return to the main world armed with powers from other realms to hunt evil, tame succubi, conquer dragons, and seize divinity. Magic is no longer the sole power. Forces such as the Power of Origin, Sacred Cloths, Stand Users, and Devil Fruits flow into the main world, transforming its civilization. Countless mages, enraged by their diminishing powers, cast aside their wands and cry out in defiance: "Goddess of Magic, you traitor! The arcane spells have failed us! Coach, I'm done casting fireballs. I want to cultivate!" In this new era, the clash of magical races reshapes the world as mages embrace the path of cultivation.

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8 Chs

The Second Generation of Travelers

The dimly lit chamber echoed with hushed whispers as the newly arrived "Loopers" gathered around a holographic display. Flickering blue light cast eerie shadows on their faces, each a mask of anxiety and excitement.

"Three to four years," a tall man with piercing blue eyes muttered, running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair. "That's all it takes to forge a competent Looper."

"Christ, Jake," a redheaded woman beside him breathed, her freckled face pale in the ethereal light. "Can you imagine how powerful the first generation must be by now?"

Jake's eyes narrowed as he contemplated. "Powerful enough to topple gods, if the rumors are true."

The air grew heavy with the weight of their words. In the corner, a young man with glasses pushed them up his nose, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke. "I've heard whispers... of new heroes felling even the Saintly Ones."

A collective shudder ran through the group. The concept of Loopers - individuals who could traverse worlds and gain strength at an exponential rate - was still difficult for them to grasp.

Suddenly, the holographic display flickered, revealing a marketplace of sorts. Items labeled "Modified Techniques" rotated slowly, each more outlandish than the last.

"Holy shit," Jake whispered, his eyes widening as he read the description of one particular item. "'Buddha's Palm of Sacred Light' - a fusion of 'Buddha's Palm' and holy energy. It claims to be capable of obliterating minor Abyss Lords with a single strike."

The redhead, Sarah, let out a low whistle. "And to think, someone out there is confident enough to sell this. How absurdly powerful must they be?"

As they continued to browse, the reality of their situation sank in. They were no longer in the world they knew. Here, in this nexus of realities, the impossible was commonplace.

"If the Space-Time Storm hadn't rendered the gods powerless," the bespectacled young man mused, "whoever created these techniques could probably establish their own sect. Maybe even build a branch of the 'Spirit Mountain' right here in this magical plane."

The others nodded solemnly, the magnitude of their new reality settling over them like a heavy cloak. They were standing at the precipice of something far greater than they could have ever imagined.

Just then, a booming voice echoed through the chamber. "Attention, new arrivals! Your first task awaits. Choose your path wisely, for it may well determine your fate in the vast multiverse that lies before you."

The Loopers exchanged glances, a mix of determination and fear in their eyes. Their journey was about to begin, and none could predict where it would lead them.

As the echoes of the announcement faded, tension filled the air in the chamber. The newly formed group of Loopers eyed each other warily, each contemplating their next move.

Andy, the tall blonde with an air of superiority, stepped forward. His voice carried across the room, smooth and persuasive. "Listen up, folks. I've got a proposition for you all."

He explained his plan, offering to purchase basic knowledge of inner energy cultivation for anyone who accepted him as their leader. His blue eyes gleamed with ambition as he spoke, painting a picture of success and power.

The goblin, a small green creature with large pointed ears, was the first to show interest. Its beady eyes darted around nervously as it remembered its past hardships. "Maybe... maybe this is my chance," it muttered to itself.

However, before the goblin could accept, the half-orc let out a derisive snort. With a smirk, he accessed the holographic interface and purchased not only the basic knowledge but also half a manual of martial arts. He waved the shimmering projection of "Tiger Roar Iron Cloth Technique" in front of Andy's face, his tusks bared in a mocking grin.

"Nice try, pretty boy," the half-orc growled. "But I don't need your charity."

Disappointed, the goblin's gaze shifted to the muscular half-orc, seeing a new potential protector. It scurried over, only to be kicked away, but remained undeterred.

Meanwhile, Victor, a lean man with sharp features, observed the scene with amusement. When Andy turned to him, asking for his choice, Victor's lips curled into a enigmatic smile.

"I choose to go solo," he said, his voice carrying a hint of mischief.

Andy's face darkened. "You might regret that decision," he warned, but Victor merely shrugged.

As the group began to fragment, a small figure approached Victor. It was a young girl, no more than twelve, with bright eyes and a determined expression.

"Hey, mister," she whispered, tugging at Victor's sleeve. "I can help you get the cultivation knowledge. I even know how to use it!"

Victor's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You understand inner energy cultivation?" he asked, incredulous.

The girl nodded eagerly. "My dad's master taught him. I didn't get it before, but now I do!"

As they conversed in hushed tones, the girl's eyes wandered to the holographic display. She pointed excitedly at an item labeled "Demon Fruit".

"Ooh, that banana with tattoos looks yummy!" she exclaimed.

Victor's face contorted in horror. "Trust me, kid. That is definitely not delicious."

The girl pouted, reminding Victor of his own mother's warnings about treats. As they continued to debate the merits of magical fruits, the chamber buzzed with activity.

Andy and the dark elf had formed an uneasy alliance, while the goblin persistently shadowed the half-orc. Victor and the young girl stood apart, an unlikely pair united by circumstance.

As the countdown for their first task ticked away, each member of this mismatched group prepared themselves for the unknown. The air crackled with anticipation and fear, a cocktail of emotions that would become all too familiar in the days to come.

The chamber's soft blue light pulsed, a reminder that their time for preparation was nearly over. Soon, they would be thrust into a world beyond their wildest imaginations, armed only with their wits and the choices they'd made in these crucial moments.

The journey of the Loopers was about to begin in earnest, and the multiverse awaited.