
Magical Races Clash: From Magic to Cultivation

Since the shattering of the Crystal Wall and the fall of the 'Reincarnation Palace' into the Material Plane, demons have run rampant, causing widespread chaos. Devils, undead, and dragons have risen in succession, with gods losing their divinity and the world falling into turmoil. The main plane faces imminent destruction, and all life is in grave danger. In this time of crisis, the cycle of reincarnation begins anew, selecting worthy individuals to travel through time and space for trials. Survivors return to the main world armed with powers from other realms to hunt evil, tame succubi, conquer dragons, and seize divinity. Magic is no longer the sole power. Forces such as the Power of Origin, Sacred Cloths, Stand Users, and Devil Fruits flow into the main world, transforming its civilization. Countless mages, enraged by their diminishing powers, cast aside their wands and cry out in defiance: "Goddess of Magic, you traitor! The arcane spells have failed us! Coach, I'm done casting fireballs. I want to cultivate!" In this new era, the clash of magical races reshapes the world as mages embrace the path of cultivation.

eviluo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Strange style relics

The cold stone walls of the Reincarnation Hall loomed around Li Mo, its ethereal light casting eerie shadows. He stood there, his body—no, Victor's body—still aching from the near-fatal wounds that had greeted him upon his arrival in this hostile world.

"Compared to the malice-filled realm I first encountered, where I was gravely injured moments after my arrival, this Reincarnation Hall seems... almost benevolent," Li Mo mused, his fingers tracing the newly repaired leather armor. "They healed me, fixed my gear. It's... unexpectedly warm."

A disembodied voice echoed in his mind, clinical and detached. "Reincarnator's relics can be converted to points, exchangeable for items."

Li Mo's eyes narrowed. "And if I don't exchange them? Can I use them myself?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment before the voice responded, "Analysis complete. The relic is a spatial item. Reincarnator may use it."

Excitement surged through Li Mo as he tore open the package. Inside lay a palm-sized metal object, shaped like a book, with a chain attached to its spine. It looked more like a piece of jewelry than anything functional.

"Hey! Reincarnation Hall! You there?" Li Mo called out, frustration creeping into his voice as he struggled with the unyielding metal. "How do I use this thing? It won't open!"

"Medium-grade spatial equipment," the voice intoned. "Can be bound for 500 points, or seal can be broken manually."

Li Mo's lips curled into a sly grin. "How about this? You help me bind the equipment first, then I'll pay you back with the items inside. If it's not enough, I'll owe you. Deal?"

The silence that followed was almost palpable. Li Mo could almost imagine the cosmic entity pondering his audacious proposal. Finally, the voice returned:

"Reincarnator's request accepted. Point loan approved. Spatial equipment content list as follows:..."

As the information flooded Li Mo's mind, his eyes widened. But before he could fully process the windfall, the voice turned urgent:

"Warning! Unknown soul remnant detected. Danger level: High. Special soul artifact identified: 'Soul-Stealing Jade Eye - Modified Possession Technique'."

Li Mo's blood ran cold. He had nearly walked into a trap that would have ended his second chance at life before it truly began. The irony wasn't lost on him—he, a soul who had just possessed the body of Victor, had almost fallen victim to another act of possession.

"Any way to deal with this?" Li Mo asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Sell for points or destroy," came the reply. "Not recommended for low-level Reincarnators to retain."

Li Mo nodded, his mind racing. He had stumbled upon a treasure trove, yes, but one fraught with danger. As he perused the list of items—some arcane, some familiar, some utterly bizarre—a plan began to form.

"Reincarnation Hall," he called out, his voice filled with determination. "If I pay in points, can you remove the remnant soul from this 'Jade Eye' while preserving its pure knowledge and experience? Then... use the Soul-Stealing technique on me?"

The audacious request hung in the air. Li Mo held his breath, awaiting the response that could change the course of his new life in this perilous, magical world.

The ethereal light of the Reincarnation Hall seemed to pulse in response to Li Mo's audacious request. He stood there, heart pounding, as he awaited an answer that could reshape his destiny in this strange new world.

As he waited, Li Mo's eyes darted back to the inventory list floating in his mind. It read like a catalog of wonders and horrors from a thousand realms:

1. Jade Eye (Soul-Stealing Vessel - Possession)

2. Abyssal Flame Demon's Skull (Crucible)

3. Heart of the Hellish Ice Demon

4. Blood of the Flame Demon

5. Sixth Circle of Hell's Frost Crystals

6. "Three Essentials of External Alchemy" (Incomplete)

7. "Sutra of the Three Calamities"

8. "Balo Flame Demon's Bone Refining Technique"

9. Advanced Wizard's Staff

10. Mana Crystals (Various)

11. Grenades (4)

12. Spell Components (Assorted)

13. Everyday Items (Miscellaneous)

Li Mo couldn't help but chuckle at the incongruity of it all. "Grenades? Really?" he muttered. "What kind of wizard carries grenades?"

He pictured a robed figure, cornered by a horde of goblins, suddenly pulling out a modern explosive with a wicked grin. The image was as absurd as it was terrifying.

The voice of the Reincarnation Hall cut through his musings. "Request... approved. Warning: Process is irreversible and potentially dangerous. Proceed?"

Li Mo took a deep breath. "Yes," he said firmly. "I'm ready."

The air around him began to shimmer, and he felt a pull at the very core of his being. The Jade Eye materialized before him, its green surface glowing with an otherworldly light. As it floated closer, Li Mo steeled himself for what was to come.

"Begin soul extraction and knowledge transfer," the disembodied voice announced.

A searing pain shot through Li Mo's head, and he fell to his knees. Images, sensations, and knowledge not his own flooded his consciousness. He saw vast libraries of arcane tomes, felt the raw power of magic coursing through his veins, and understood secrets that mortal minds were never meant to comprehend.

Through gritted teeth, he managed to ask, "What... what am I experiencing?"

"The accumulated knowledge and experience of a high-level practitioner," the voice replied. "Warning: Mental capacity may be exceeded. Cognitive dissonance likely."

Li Mo laughed through the pain. "Cognitive dissonance? That's an understatement!"

As the process continued, Li Mo began to make sense of the eclectic collection he had inherited. The "Three Essentials of External Alchemy" wasn't just a Taoist text; it was a fundamental guide to manipulating the very fabric of reality. The "Balo Flame Demon's Bone Refining Technique" was a fusion of Eastern mysticism and demonic rituals, promising power at a terrible cost.

Hours seemed to pass, though Li Mo knew it could have been mere minutes. When the pain finally subsided, he stood on shaky legs, feeling both emptied and filled beyond measure.

"Transfer complete," the Reincarnation Hall announced. "New abilities and knowledge integrated. Caution advised during adaptation period."

Li Mo flexed his fingers, feeling new power thrumming beneath his skin. "I understand now," he said softly. "This collection... it's not just random items. It's a carefully curated set of tools and knowledge for... for..."

"For ascending beyond mortal limits," the voice finished. "The previous owner was on a path to godhood."

Li Mo's eyes widened. "And now that path is mine."

As the implications sank in, Li Mo realized the true value of what he had gained. It wasn't just about the individual items or spells; it was a roadmap to power that spanned worlds and realities.

"I'll need time," he said, more to himself than to the Reincarnation Hall. "Time to understand, to practice, to grow."

"Time is a luxury rarely afforded to Reincarnators," the voice warned. "Your trials will begin soon."

Li Mo nodded, a determined glint in his eye. "Then I'd better start preparing. After all," he added with a wry smile, "I've got grenades to figure out how to use."

As he turned to leave the ethereal chamber, Li Mo felt the weight of his new destiny settling upon his shoulders. He was no longer just a displaced soul in a foreign body; he was the inheritor of a legacy that crossed worlds. And somewhere out there, challenges awaited that would test every ounce of his newly acquired power and knowledge.

The path to godhood, it seemed, began with a single step out of the Reincarnation Hall.