
Magical Races Clash: From Magic to Cultivation

Since the shattering of the Crystal Wall and the fall of the 'Reincarnation Palace' into the Material Plane, demons have run rampant, causing widespread chaos. Devils, undead, and dragons have risen in succession, with gods losing their divinity and the world falling into turmoil. The main plane faces imminent destruction, and all life is in grave danger. In this time of crisis, the cycle of reincarnation begins anew, selecting worthy individuals to travel through time and space for trials. Survivors return to the main world armed with powers from other realms to hunt evil, tame succubi, conquer dragons, and seize divinity. Magic is no longer the sole power. Forces such as the Power of Origin, Sacred Cloths, Stand Users, and Devil Fruits flow into the main world, transforming its civilization. Countless mages, enraged by their diminishing powers, cast aside their wands and cry out in defiance: "Goddess of Magic, you traitor! The arcane spells have failed us! Coach, I'm done casting fireballs. I want to cultivate!" In this new era, the clash of magical races reshapes the world as mages embrace the path of cultivation.

eviluo · Fantasy
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8 Chs


In the vast, ethereal chamber known as the Hall of Reincarnation, a bizarre assembly of characters materialized one by one, each appearing in a flash of blinding white light. The air crackled with tension and uncertainty as these strangers from different worlds found themselves suddenly thrust together.

First came Li Mo, a young man with a weathered appearance, his clothes stained with dried blood. He sat cross-legged on the gleaming marble floor, his eyes darting warily around the unfamiliar surroundings. Next, a small, grotesque goblin appeared, immediately scurrying to a corner to gnaw on a chicken wing, its beady eyes never leaving the others.

The chamber buzzed with energy as a statuesque dark elf materialized. Her ebony skin gleamed in the soft light, contrasting sharply with her flowing silver hair. The elf's attire, while minimal, left little to the imagination. She surveyed the room with a mix of confusion and intrigue, her gaze lingering on a handsome young man with golden hair who had appeared moments before.

As the dark elf sauntered towards the golden-haired youth, a blood-soaked orc warrior burst into existence. His massive battle-axe struck the floor with a resounding clang as he let out a primal roar. Li Mo scrambled to his feet, ready to flee, but the orc's rage subsided as quickly as it had come, replaced by bewilderment at his new surroundings.

The tense silence was broken by the arrival of a small girl, Tuo'en. Her eyes widened in fear as she took in the motley crew before her. With trembling steps, she approached Li Mo, clutching an oversized backpack.

"Big brother," she whispered, her voice quavering, "I'm Tuo'en. Can I stay with you?"

Li Mo looked down at his blood-stained clothes, then gestured towards the golden-haired man. "Why me? Wouldn't you rather go to him? He looks... cleaner."

Tuo'en leaned in close, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "My mama says dark elves are all bad women! And that pretty boy can't be trusted. Mama warned me about men like that."

The dark elf's melodious laughter echoed through the chamber, while the golden-haired man's face darkened with anger. Tuo'en shrank back, pressing closer to Li Mo.

"Can I sit here?" she pleaded, her eyes wide with hope and fear.

Li Mo nodded, his expression softening. "Go ahead. But why such a big backpack?"

As Tuo'en settled beside him, chattering about her attempted escape from home, Li Mo's mind wandered. He contemplated the strange twists of fate that had brought this unlikely group together, and what trials might await them in this mystical Hall of Reincarnation.

As the eclectic group settled into an uneasy coexistence within the Hall of Reincarnation, Li Mo found himself drawn into a world of mystical knowledge acquisition. The chamber's ethereal glow seemed to pulse in rhythm with his racing thoughts as he delved deeper into the legacy left behind by the previous owner of his newfound abilities.

Over the course of thirty intense minutes, Li Mo channeled thousands of points into a dizzying array of linguistic and cultural knowledge. Ancient scripts, demonic tongues, and the lyrical cadences of elvish flowed into his mind like a torrent of arcane energy. This wasn't mere learning; it was a magical infusion of knowledge, a technique known in the world of Sita Heim as "soul imprinting."

The process was reminiscent of the spellwork performed by mid-level mages, who could distill knowledge into fragments and weave them directly into the fabric of one's soul. It was as if Li Mo's mind had become a vast library, its shelves suddenly filled with tomes in languages he had never before encountered.

Yet, this deluge of information came with its own challenges. The knowledge, while present, remained just out of reach of full comprehension. Li Mo found himself grappling with each new word and concept, his brain working overtime to translate and contextualize the flood of information. It was akin to learning a foreign language through total immersion – overwhelming, yet slowly becoming more familiar with each passing moment.

As he sat there, eyes closed in concentration, the others in the chamber watched with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. The dark elf's eyes narrowed in interest, while the orc warrior grunted in begrudging respect for the display of mental fortitude. Tuo'en, still huddled close to Li Mo, gazed up at him with wide-eyed wonder, sensing the profound transformation taking place.

With each new language mastered, each ancient script deciphered, Li Mo felt himself drawing closer to unraveling the mysteries of his inheritance. The arcane symbols that had once been indecipherable began to take shape, their meanings slowly crystallizing in his mind.

As the final fragments of knowledge settled into place, Li Mo opened his eyes, blinking as if awakening from a deep trance. The Hall of Reincarnation seemed different now, its very architecture imbued with new meaning. He could discern faint inscriptions on the walls, whispers of ancient power that had been invisible to him before.

With a deep breath, Li Mo turned his attention to the cryptic message left behind by the previous owner of his newfound abilities. As he began to read, the words shimmered with hidden depths of meaning, promising revelations that could reshape his understanding of this strange new world and the trials that lay ahead.

The other occupants of the chamber, sensing the shift in Li Mo's demeanor, leaned in unconsciously, drawn by the palpable aura of discovery that surrounded him. In this moment of quiet anticipation, the true journey was about to begin.