
Magical Races Clash: From Magic to Cultivation

Since the shattering of the Crystal Wall and the fall of the 'Reincarnation Palace' into the Material Plane, demons have run rampant, causing widespread chaos. Devils, undead, and dragons have risen in succession, with gods losing their divinity and the world falling into turmoil. The main plane faces imminent destruction, and all life is in grave danger. In this time of crisis, the cycle of reincarnation begins anew, selecting worthy individuals to travel through time and space for trials. Survivors return to the main world armed with powers from other realms to hunt evil, tame succubi, conquer dragons, and seize divinity. Magic is no longer the sole power. Forces such as the Power of Origin, Sacred Cloths, Stand Users, and Devil Fruits flow into the main world, transforming its civilization. Countless mages, enraged by their diminishing powers, cast aside their wands and cry out in defiance: "Goddess of Magic, you traitor! The arcane spells have failed us! Coach, I'm done casting fireballs. I want to cultivate!" In this new era, the clash of magical races reshapes the world as mages embrace the path of cultivation.

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8 Chs

Crossing again after crossing

In the vast expanse of Sithahim, a world teeming with countless souls, there existed those rare few who possessed an indescribable essence. These extraordinary beings, though often unaware of their potential, held within them the latent power to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

The air in Sithahim was thick with magic, its very essence woven into the fabric of reality. Towering spires of crystalline structures pierced the sky, their surfaces reflecting the myriad hues of arcane energies that danced across the firmament. In the bustling marketplaces, vendors hawked glowing potions and enchanted trinkets, their voices carrying over the hum of magical devices and the occasional crack of a miscast spell.

Among the throngs of humans, elves, and more exotic races, these special souls moved unnoticed, their inner light invisible to all but the most perceptive. They were beacons in the cosmic void, unwittingly drawing the attention of forces beyond mortal comprehension.,

It was a decade ago when the world of Sithahim was shaken to its very core. The sky turned an ominous crimson, and the ground trembled with an otherworldly fury. The pantheon of gods, once thought untouchable, fell from their celestial thrones, cast down to walk among mortals.

In the wake of their fall, the gates of the Nine Hells creaked open, disgorging hordes of abyssal creatures. Demons with skin like molten rock and eyes of liquid fire poured forth, their claws rending the very fabric of reality. Cities crumbled, forests withered, and the oceans boiled as the invasion threatened to consume all of Sithahim.

Survivors huddled in fortified enclaves, their faces gaunt with fear and desperation. The air was thick with the acrid smell of brimstone and the metallic tang of spilled blood. In taverns and shelters, whispered tales spread of the gods' vulnerability and the chaos that ensued.

From the ashes of destruction, hope emerged in the form of extraordinary individuals. Heroes rose, wielding powers that defied explanation. Some channeled the raw energy of the cosmos, while others forged pacts with entities from beyond the veil of reality.

In a grand amphitheater, carved from living stone and humming with protective wards, a conclave of these new powers gathered. Among them stood Lyra Stormborn, her hair crackling with barely contained lightning, and Gareth the Unbound, his flesh seamlessly melding with shadows.

"The old order has fallen," Lyra's voice boomed, echoing off the stone walls. "The mantle of divinity lies unclaimed. Who among us will dare to seize it?"

The assembly erupted into a cacophony of shouts and magical displays. Alliances were forged and broken in mere moments as the prospect of godhood tantalized even the most noble hearts.

Outside the walls of power, ordinary citizens whispered of these new demigods with a mixture of awe and fear. Street corners became impromptu shrines, and taverns buzzed with speculation about which of these ascendant beings would ultimately prevail.

In this tumultuous age, the boundaries between mortal and divine blurred. Every day brought new wonders and horrors, as reality itself seemed to bend to the will of those audacious enough to grasp for power. Sithahim teetered on the brink of either a glorious rebirth or utter annihilation, with the actions of a chosen few holding the fate of all in balance.

In a flash of ethereal light, Lee Moran's consciousness hurtled across the cosmos, leaving behind the familiar confines of Earth. As his essence coalesced in Sithahim, he found himself thrust into a body on the brink of death, lying in a pool of crimson on cold, unforgiving stone.

The acrid smell of copper filled his nostrils as he gasped for breath, each inhalation a Herculean effort. Through eyes clouded with pain, Lee took in his surroundings - a dimly lit alleyway, its walls adorned with strange, glowing runes that pulsed with an otherworldly rhythm.

As his mind grappled with this new reality, fragments of memories not his own cascaded through his consciousness. Visions of towering spires wreathed in magical energy, of creatures both beautiful and terrifying, filled his mind's eye. He saw a world where arcane power was the currency of influence, where elven maidens danced in moonlit groves and succubi prowled the shadows of decadent cities.

"Is this... paradise?" Lee thought, his inner voice tinged with both wonder and despair. "Or have I awakened in hell?"

The gaping wound in Lee's chest - a perfect circle the size of a teacup - sent waves of agony through his borrowed form. Blood seeped relentlessly, forming intricate patterns on the cobblestones beneath him. Each labored breath sent a fresh jolt of pain through his body, a grim reminder of his tenuous grip on life.

In his periphery, Lee caught sight of his assailants. A figure cloaked in midnight robes stood imperiously before two cowering individuals - one human with golden hair, the other a diminutive gnome. Their faces were etched with terror as they pleaded for their lives in a language that Lee's addled mind could barely comprehend.

The cloaked figure raised a skeletal hand, its flesh an unnatural shade of blue-black. "Your pitiful lives are forfeit," it hissed, its voice carrying the chill of the grave. "Your souls will fuel my ascension."

As darkness encroached on the edges of Lee's vision, a strange warmth began to spread through his body. The pain receded, replaced by an almost euphoric sense of peace. "Is this death?" he wondered, his thoughts growing sluggish. "It's... not so bad..."

Just as Lee was about to surrender to the encroaching darkness, a voice pierced through the veil of his consciousness. It was neither male nor female, young nor old, yet it carried with it the weight of eons.

"Do you wish to live, traveler?" the voice inquired, its tone both alluring and dangerous. "Do you desire the power to shape your own destiny in this realm?"

The question jolted Lee from his deathly reverie. In that moment, all the fear, confusion, and desperation of his situation came crashing back. He felt the cold stone beneath him, heard the cruel laughter of the robed figure, and tasted the copper of his own blood.

"Yes!" Lee's mind screamed into the void. "I want to live! I need to survive!"

As if in response to his silent plea, a surge of energy coursed through Lee's broken body. Golden light began to emanate from his form, growing in intensity until it illuminated the entire alleyway.

The necromancer, Andrew, spun around at the sudden burst of light, his spell of soul-rending forgotten. His eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld the impossible - the corpse he had so recently created was dissolving into motes of golden light.

"No!" Andrew howled, his bony fingers clawing at the air in a futile attempt to grasp the escaping soul. "This power... it should be mine!"

But it was too late. Lee's physical form had completely transformed into pure energy, swirling in a vortex of light before vanishing entirely, leaving behind only a fading warmth and the lingering scent of ozone.

As the alleyway returned to its gloomy state, Andrew stood motionless, his mind racing with the implications of what he had just witnessed. In all his years of necromancy, he had never seen a soul resist his magic, let alone one that could transcend death itself.

"What manner of being was that?" he mused, his earlier bloodlust replaced by a burning curiosity. "And more importantly... where has it gone?"

As Andrew pondered these questions, the wheels of fate began to turn. Unbeknownst to all, Lee Moran's arrival in Sithahim had set in motion events that would shake the very foundations of this world of magic and monsters. His journey had only just begun.