

*December 1990*

Sebastian had stayed at Hogwarts for vacations, with the Christmas break running from December 15 to January 9. Sebastian then had about three weeks to rest from his educational activities, and it was during this time that he would perform his little ritual.

He had used his system to acquire all the relevant knowledge of ritual magic, so he had no fear of omissions or incorrect information. Ritual magic was broader than what the books had said. In fact, according to the system even the process of becoming an animagus was considered ritual-type magic.

Sebastian had lately been using his system to gather knowledge of the different branches of magic, but it was much slower than doing it with books in hand. Between collecting knowledge and deducing some simple but useful spells, Sebastian did not have his system very free.

The ritual he would do also had something to do with his animagus form, Sebastian wanted to become an animagus but before that he wanted to know what animal his transformation would be. So the ritual he had chosen to do was precisely one that helps you to know and connect with your spirit animal, it is not very complicated and he could even use his system to find out, but he wanted to do it this way to practice his first ritual magic. This is also the process that several magical families follow for their young people to use their first ritual magic.

*December 26, 1990

Today was the day Sebastian had decided to perform his ritual, the good thing about simple rituals is that they don't need specific dates or aligning with constellations and such.

"Okay, everything is in place" Sebastian said, as he took one last look at the whole process.

He was inside RoR, and had switched to a room specially made for performing rituals. In this one you could find a magic diagram drawn on the floor, with different animal matters scattered at different points.

"Then let's begin..." he encouraged himself.

With that he decided to begin, he stood in the center part of the magic diagram and began to say the magic incantation.

After a moment he felt his consciousness enter a special state, it was like being adrift. His consciousness found itself in a dark area of his unconscious that suddenly lit up with a light that took the shape of an animal, to Sebastian it seemed similar to the patronus spell.

The Patronus spell is one of the most famous and powerful defensive spells known in the magical world, which generates a partially tangible positive energy force known as Patronus or guardian spirit. Sebastian was familiar with it, but had not practiced it so far. This spell was not going to be useful to him until he was in his sixth year, which was why he had put it aside for the time being.

The animal turned out to be a cat....

"Good thing, it's a small animal" he consoled himself, if he could choose Sebastian preferred some kind of bird.

Cats are generally associated with mystery or secrecy. Each culture has its own history and symbolism surrounding cats, for example Celtic tradition links cats with Cerridwen, goddess of knowledge and magic.

"It pays to become an animagus," Sebastian said to himself.

*January 1991*

January had arrived and the students had returned from the Christmas vacations, during these days Sebastian used his free time to practice and master the Patronus Charm. In the end, as Sebastian had hoped, his Patronus was also a cat.

Today Sebastian was in arithmancy class with Thaddeus and Jasper, arithmancy was one of the two electives he had chosen. Arithmancy is a magical discipline that studies the magical properties of numbers, including also the prediction of the future with numbers and numerology. Professor Septima Vector was the person in charge of teaching this subject.

He already knew the subject by heart, but he still liked this subject. Especially the prediction of the future with numbers, he found it more interesting than the divination class where it is more open to interpretation and timing.

The second elective was the ancient runes class, which consisted of translating ancient texts into English. The runes class at Hogwarts focused more on translation than runic magic, runic magic was rare and only taught in small circles. Of course when Sebastian found out about this he immediately used his system to collect runic magic, runic magic went pretty much with alchemy and magical rituals. One could say that alchemy was placing runic formulas on different objects in order to enchant them permanently and make them perform a certain function or spell.

Only in the sixth and seventh years did one have the chance to learn alchemy at Hogwarts, and that was only if enough people were interested.

As Sebastian was lost in thought the class was over.

"Finally class is over" sighed Jasper.

"It wasn't that bad either" Sebastian replied to him.

"That's easy for you to say, it's like you know the subject before they teach it" Thaddeus told him.

"Yeah, you can't have an opinion" Jasper continued.

"You guys like to exaggerate" Sebastian said helplessly.

*May 1991*

Hogwarts was coming to an end, and it was during this time that Sebastian had collected magical materials from RoR and was going to attempt to make his first alchemical product.

It was a space ring to hold things, although the materials available could only make one that would hold small things like his wand and a few other things. A space ring consisted of having a hollow ring enchanted with runic formulas to expand space and summon, among other runic formulas.

This ring was not of great use, but with Sebastian's current materials, it was something he could do. Besides this was going to be his first job in alchemy and although he mastered the theory it was not the same in practice.

Another thing he had found was the Ravenclaw crown but he hadn't touched it, after all he didn't know if Voldemort in the original work had checked to see if it was still in place. He was going to wait until the destruction of Riddle's diary before moving the crown, he didn't want Voldemort to think that Dumbledore knew about the horcruxes.

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