
Chapter Two: A New Start

Otori flew North, to see if there was any more recharge beyond there. Where he currently was, chasms was the only thing he could regard.

After hours of flying, he descried a diminutive village below. After drifting downwards to the village, he notices a peculiar little human being on one of the roofs of the village. A male looking downcast, so he decides to help out.

"What's up little fellow?" Otori spoke out, but the guy was in shock. Happend so that the boy had never seen any body with wings nor tail, so he fainted from all that shock. Otori panicked and crumbled to the ground out of shame for himself.

"No, don't die on me little guy!" He screamed so loudly the whole village ran out of their houses to see what the noice was about. As the crowd gathered, Otori had tried to explain to them what had happend, but they were also in shock.

"Why aren't you guys listening to me" He wondered as they pulled out kitchen knife's, pitchforks and old torches. He lept back protecting the boy from harm. Otori thought they wanted to hurt the boy.

"What do you guys want?!" Otori questioned them, but they all yelled at the same time, he couldn't make out what they were saying, until one yelled louder than the others.

"Monster, It's the Devil" Otori looked at them, and saw that they had no wings nor tail, so he let down the boy gently and stood frantically. He spread out his wings and let out a vehement gush of wind as he reached the the blue sky. Otori thought that the northern villages weren't friendly, so he made a plan.

"If im going to make friends, then I'll have to hide my wings and tail before going into a village. I shall let no human see me" He arranged an astronomically amazing plan that would be only a little bit difficult to tackle. So, he searched for a place to stay and practise his skills.