
The Bitter Taste

Evelena's p.o.v

When the doctor walks in I feel myself getting nervous my body begins producing sweat like crazy my hands going ice-cold my breathing becomes a storm rushing through my throat this horrible bitter taste fills my mouth like someone shoved a spoon full of cocoa powder in my mouth I'm my knees feel like water even though I'm laying down because right that instance I remembered how those things killed my mother I squeeze Sage's hand "you are okay", sage asks me

" I don't know", I reply shakily the utter fear making my words wobbly and unsure.

"Alpha", the doctor speaks asking permission to address me.

" Yes, Koshiree"

"You were quite lucky the death dweller didn't bite you it could have but luckily it only threw you to the side I don't think it was after you.",Koshiree said. I remember how my mother died how her eyes changed turning completely white blood filling her mouth only two days after she was bitten. When the doctor says this I feel the wave of relief wash over me the bitter taste turned into sweet milk chocolate

"Although", Koshiree adds" because you sustained some injuries I would suggest resting for a couple of days"

"but I can't afford to rest the pack is in danger", I shout

"Well you can't do anything if your hurt.", sage says

"But the death dwellers ", I stutter

" Basil and I will handle it", she says trying to calm me down marker

Surprisingly I begin to calm down I've never had someone was able to calm down my mother couldn't even call me down when I wasWhen I was young. I had always been a wild child whenever I got angry or anxious there was no way I was able to calm down I had to do it on my own But Sage was able to call me down like water on fire I was no longer anxious no longer angry My breathing slow down take a deep breath

"Ok, I can take it easy for a little while"

"Alpha, you are cleared for now you can go have someone help you up though", Koshered tells me leaving the room to go check on other patients. Sage got up and offered Me her hand I pulled myself up wincing at the pain that it caused my back felt as if it was on fire and my hand started spinning I sat back down

" are you OK?", Sage asked.

" Yeah I'm fine just a little pain that's all." "Last time you said that to me you passed out."

"I know I shouldn't of lied to you about how I'm feeling" I just get so scared that I will die like my mother scared that the person I love will watch me die scared that if I die the pack will die that I'll let down my mother. A loud ring snapped me out of my thoughts I looked at sage the apparent look of worry "got to go I'll come back later and check up on you sage spotted another flock of death dwellers", she kissed my forehead I don't think she was paying attention to what she was doing, but she kissed me on the forehead tip don't think she knew how much that meant to me but before I could say anything she was already gone.

Sage's p.o.v

I ran out the door as fast as I could I kissed her I fucking kissed her what if she doesn't like me in that way I could have just ruined my only chance of being close to her but Basil said these one were different I don't know how different, but they are different I hear a scream a close by scream I push my legs to run faster towards the scream it's not Basil'scream but I still promised evelena that I would protect her pack while she was healing I didn't know how long it took for wolves to heal but I know they could heal fast while an injury like that would take months for a human it would only take her weeks if I could get her to sit still but I knew that would be quite difficult to do as I got closer I could feel the energy in the air changing the air felt so very heavy like someone placed a ton of bricks on my chest my vision changed and I could hear the rustle of the leaves then I heard the scream again this time all around me surrounding me the screams seemed to have no origin than before I knew it I saw the mass the thing knocking me to the ground lunging for my throat I channel my energy to my hands and feet and push the beast off me I scramble to my feet charging the beast with my shoulder knocking it back and stunning it I channel my I punch the beast in the temple it falling back I hear the rushed footsteps behind me then I feel Basil behind me she dives under me tackling the thing to the ground and I jump over Basil delivering several punches to the beasts face the beast takes a hit at my jaw and I can taste the copper filling my mouth I spit in the beasts face the beast screeches in pain as my blood hits its face if you could call it that I spotted a fallen tree branch bringing it through the creature's skull ripping it to the side the creature going limp I slowly lifted my sweat goo covered self off the beast I look back at Basil she was breathing hard holding her side

"You are okay", I asked

"Yeah, are you I heard you scream", she replied

"there is one problem with that statement I didn't scream"

" well then who screamed!", she shouted back at me

We heard the scream again. We both shot towards the sound .

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