
Magical Bear

In a world where magic and deities are real, a young polar bear embarks on a journey to end poaching.

BibleAnimeGamer · Fantasy
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38 Chs


[12/2/18] [1st POV]

I woke up after hibernation in a familiar place. This is Imagination Land & I had before falling asleep done some fun things, but I don't remember what. I hadn't done them alone I had buddies at least three of them. Although I'm not sure I think they were a kangaroo, a horse, & a another bear.

What else do I remember? Let's see. I am [12/3/18] a polar bear, can talk, & am lost. Hmm. I don't remember my name, age, home land, or family. As far as I can remember is ... dang my memory is very foggy right now. Maybe I'll get a better idea if I look around. Turning around I got 360° of vision.

The place is mostly empty, but that's normal because it's Imagination Land. It changes based on what you're imagining. The place is quite huge & that's normal as well. Looking around some more I saw something familiar. Hmm... Yes it was & I began running. I ran until I reached a hill, that was small, with a red flag.

[12/4/18] When I got there I remembered a lot of things. This was due to the fact that before I fell asleep I put all my memories inside this flag. This cature-the-flag flag is .... is .... huh ... I remembered something I had long forgotten.