
Magic Wars [On-Going]

Jaxon Ravi are abandoned at the house of Parker Aerts and Hailey Aerts in the outskirts of the Ashford Kingdom. In a world where people born with magic. They have not a child so they keep Jaxon Ravi and treat him like a real son Jaxon Ravi was born a prodigy with above average magic power and talent to control it Outside the Ashford Kingdom, many wandering magical beasts and monster attack and prey on humans When he turned 17 on his birthday. Parker Aerts and Hailey Aerts tell Jaxon Ravi to go to the school of Daikoku Academy The Daikoku Academy is home to one of the most distinguished magic schools in the world A school that teaches magic, encouraging everyone to become a great magician However, an elite magic academy where only 10 percent of the students graduate. The institution is famous for its "Magic Wars," where students face off intense, high-stakes magic showdowns As Jaxon Ravi and his new schoolmates struggle to survive the extreme lifestyle of Daikoku, more and greater challenges await him This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, stories or events are fictitious

Keravnoss · Fantasy
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4 Chs



"Lightning Magic: Lightning Python" and Geoffrey released a phyton made of lightning and when the phyton hit the mannequin, the 5944 score came out of it

"So, you are also the highest in the entrance exam today and you are also good. Here is your key and you are room 36 and you have roommates and they are all there" the man explains to Geoffrey

"Thank you" Geoffrey said. A few minutes later he was finally here in room 36 and when he opened the door and he saw Jaxon Ravi Aerts lying down and he just went in quietly and put the food and drinks he had and brought on the table and went to bed and slept

Jaxon Ravi woke up a few hours later and looked at the clock above the glass door and he was surprised when he looked at the clock because it was late at night and he also saw someone lying on a bed and he looked at it and It turned out to be Geoffrey and he was suddenly hungry when he saw that he had a lot of food on his table so he left in there room to buy foods. It was an hour before the guard went around the school so he just hurried and when he went down to the 1st floor he said goodbye to the man who was guarding and when he got out he went to the store behind their dorm and a few minutes later he was inside the store. He just bought a burger and sprite in a can and he went to the bench outside the store and ate it. When he finished eating it. There was a tall, young man with brown hair and brown eyes approaching him.

"Are you the man who also got the highest score in the entrance exam today?" The man asked Jaxon Ravi with a serious face

"I am, why?" Jaxon also asked him with a serious face

"Can we fight?"

"Now? And where?" Jaxon Ravi asked in surprise

"Here and now, do you agree? In case, there is only one condition, if you lose to me, you can send me away from this school or whatever you want to do to me and if you lose you will be my right hand, game?" The man explained to Jaxon Ravi


"The rules are who will be hit by magic five times first or who will give up first, 40 minutes before the guards on this school came out here so our time limit is 20 minutes and if none of us are hit five times or give up let's call it quits" the man added

"Ok, game"

The man was the first to cast magic and make a ball fire and he said

"Fire Magic: Exploding Fireballs" and he made a round made of fire and he hit it to Jaxon Ravi and Jaxon Ravi just avoided it because that man attacks were too fast and there was a ball that just touched his arm and it exploded and Jaxon Ravi spat

"Are you alright?" the man asked to Jaxon Ravi

"Just keep going" Jaxon Ravi said then he cast the magic and said

"Fire Magic: Fire Bullets" and he took out of his hand of bullets made of fire and he aimed it at the man and before the bullets could get close to him the man said

"Fire Magic: Fire Flash Steps" and the man suddenly disappeared and went behind Jaxon Ravi and before he could react the man said

"Fire Magic: Wild Bursting Flame" and the man put his hand on the ground and a fire came out of the ground and came to Jaxon Ravi and came towards him and surrounded him and there were round fireballs coming from above and Jaxon Ravi said

"Fire Magic: Fire Bullets" and he hit the fire circles above and there were two left and in his mind that before ge could cast again it would hit him so he just supported his body with his two hands and when he was hit and he spit out of the fire around him so if the man hits him twice more he will lose and he said

"Fire Magic: Flame Ball" and Jaxon Ravi made a round fire and he hit it to the man and the man also said

"Fire Magic: Exploding Fireball "and the man also made a round fire but now it was just one and he hit the approaching round fire of Jaxon Ravi so it exploded and Jaxon Ravi just tchh and he said the

"Fire Magic: Ignite" and Jaxon Ravi made a small round fire and when he hit him and he was just surprised because the man didn't cast a magic

"Are you kidding me? Do you think that magic can do any harm to me?" and the man laughed and when Jaxon Ravi's cast magic hit the man, the man said

"See? No damage? Hahaha" and after a few seconds it suddenly exploded and he spat and said that

"So that's what it is huh, you tricked me there huh, but that won't happen again" and the man cast a magic and the man said

"Fire Magic: Exploding Fireballs" and the man made fire balls again and he hit them to Jaxon Ravi and Jaxon Ravi also cast q magic and said

"Fire Magic: Fireballs"and Jaxon Ravi was also made a lot of fireballs and he hit them on the ones that came to me fireballs in case there were more of them so the others avoided has avoid by Jaxon Ravi but one of the exploding fire balls hit him and he spat and the man said again the

"Fire Magic: Fire Ba-" but before he could cast a magic, a young man with long black hair which is tied into a ponytail around his neck. He wears glasses with black frames approached them and cast a magic and said

"Mirror Magic: Kaleidoscope" and he surrounded with the mirror on the male fire user who was my opponent and he said

"Are you making trouble here inside the school again, huh? Didn't I tell you that only two mage users can fight in the arena, do you understand that?" The male mirror user said to the male fire user who was Jaxon Ravi's opponent

"Sorry, sorry I will not repeat again, because they said the top scorer of today's exam is good so i testing him, but promise i will not repeat, so release me now" he complained

And the male fire user dispel the magic he said

"By the way, I'm Javien Swatzell 2nd Year" and he held out his hand as if he wanted to shake hands and Jaxon Ravi said

"I'm Jaxon Ravi Aerts 1st Year" and shook his hand

"I'm Dedrick Exline 2nd Year too" said the male fire user and cast a spell and said

"Fire Magic: Phoenix Robe" and suddenly Jaxon Ravi's wounds disappeared and he felt good again

"None of us have hit five right? so maybe we should just say that it's quits and go ahead, we will go to our dorm because the guards will be out soon, thank you for the fight"

"Ok, thank you too" and Jaxon Ravi went back to the dorm and he thinks that why that person is so strong. When he got to the dorm he went up to the 3rd floor and when he went to their room, Geoffrey Schertz was awake while eating the food he brought earlier and Jaxon Ravi talked to him

"Geoffrey, do you know who is Dedrick? Dedrick Exline?" Jaxon Ravi asked Geoffrey

"Sorry, but no, why did you ask?" he asked back to Jaxon Ravi

"I fought him a while ago when i went to the store just now"

"But you don't seem to have a wound, did you win over him?"

"I lost, he have a healing spell so when our fight is over, he heal me" As Geoffrey and Jaxon Ravi was talking, there was a knock on the left door

"Bros, are you two still awake?" Said the voice inside the left door

"Ahh yes Bro, Why?" Geoffrey asked back to him

"Can we talk?" Another voice asked

"Aren't you sleepy yet, Jaxon Ravi?" Geoffrey asked Jaxon Ravi

"Not yet"

"Ahh go ahead, come in" Geoffrey shouted at them quite loudly. Two men entered the door and a young man with brown hair, slightly pulled back on one side, and green eyes. His hair is very ruffled at his forehead, dividing into multiple other strands, and it is clipped back stylishly with hairclaps said

"I'm Jace, Jace Casner" and he seemed to want to shake hands and Geoffrey reached for it and said

"I'm Geoffrey, Geoffrey Schertz" and a young man with blonde hair and red eyes said

"I'm Farris Mikhael, Farris Mikhael Saunders" and he did the same as Jace and Jaxon Ravi said

"I'm Jaxon Ravi, Jaxon Ravi Aerts" and he also shake hands with him

"It's not about being gossipy, but is it true that I heard Dedrick?" Jace asked

"Ahh yes, do you know who is Dedrick Exline?" Jaxon Ravi asked

"Oww, that? He is popular here in this school because during the fist year he became top 3 in all 3rd year and throughout the school he became top 6" he explained

"How do you get to the top? Is that what you do every day during sunday on the arena? Then when the week pass by then you will see your name on the board?"

"That's different, the top in the 1st year and top of all will be held later after two weeks at this school and we will be given challenges and when we are the fastest to done, we can join in the top 10 and in order to be able to join the strongest of all. You have to beat the one assigned to you who is in top in another grade like the 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year and if you defeat them you can join with the strongest in this school" one of them explained. Our conversation continued until we felt sleepy and the two of them said goodbye and go to the other room and we went to sleep because the train would start early tomorrow.