
Magic Warrior

In a world plagued by chaos and tension, an epic journey unfolds, spanning across races and powers. Amidst the ongoing conflict, eight chosen heroes from different races unite to confront their intertwined destinies in a battle known as Fate. Each hero possesses unique powers and wields deadly weapons, reflecting the essence and characteristics of their respective races. From the power of space and time, to summoning demons, and controlling light and nature, they enter a fiery confrontation with unwavering courage and determination. However, despite their spirit and intensity, none of the heroes can claim absolute victory. The War of Fate ends with a fragile ceasefire, offering a precarious peace and unanswered questions. Will this ceasefire endure, or will the world plunge once again into destruction? As unity and bonds are tested, the heroes face new challenges that threaten to tear them apart. Along their journey, they must overcome dangerous obstacles, uncover hidden mysteries, and confront enemies far more powerful than they ever imagined. This novel is an epic tale of friendship, sacrifice, and unwavering resolve. Through their struggles and quests, these heroes discover their true strength, learn the true meaning of destiny, and realize that unity is the key to combat the encroaching darkness that threatens their world. Within this novel, readers will be immersed in thrilling adventures, exhilarating battles, and profound internal conflicts. With strong and complex characters, a rich fantasy world, and a plot filled with surprises, Magic Warrior will take readers on an unforgettable journey towards power and truth. In the end, the burning questions will be answered, destinies will unveil their secrets, and the fate of the world will rest in the hands of carefully chosen heroes. Will they overcome formidable trials and fight for justice? Discover the answers in Magic Warrior, a captivating tale that will mesmerize readers until the final page.

Deoxiz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: The Awakening Strength

After waking up, Grey was immediately summoned by a servant to meet Fai. As he walked through the corridors towards the meeting room, he could feel the disdainful gazes of the servants and guards he passed by.

Servant: "Hurry up, Grey. Lord Fai is waiting."

Grey followed the servant cautiously, aware that he was still considered trash by many in the palace. Though his heart ached, he remained resilient, determined to continue his journey.

Upon reaching the meeting room, Grey saw Fai waiting with a warm smile on his face.

Fai: "Welcome, Grey. I'm glad you came on time. I have something for you."

Grey felt relieved seeing Fai's smile. Fai then directed his gaze towards several weapons hanging on the wall.

Fai: "Choose a weapon that you think suits you, Grey. I want you to feel strong and ready to protect me."

Grey looked at the various weapons available, from swords to bows and arrows. However, with his small and skinny frame, he hesitated to make a choice.

Grey: "I'm not sure, Fai. My body is small and frail. I'm afraid a big weapon won't be suitable for me."

Fai sighed and pondered for a moment. Then, he had a brilliant idea.

Fai: "I have someone who can help us. Wait here."

Fai left the room momentarily and returned with a man of gallant and strong appearance. The man's name was Seraph.

Fai: "Grey, this is Seraph. He is a great trainer and a retired hero. I asked him to train you."

Seraph looked at Grey with a serious gaze.

Seraph: "So, you want to become strong, huh? I'll help you, but be prepared for grueling training."

Grey felt tense hearing Seraph's words, but he didn't want to give up.

Grey: "I'm ready, Mr. Seraph. I want to become stronger and capable of protecting Fai."

Seraph nodded in satisfaction.

Seraph: "Alright, let's start the training now. Brace yourself for the challenges ahead."

Time skip three months. Grey's body gradually transformed through intense training with Seraph. Though he was still far from perfect, he had made significant progress.

At present, Grey and Seraph were in the training room, facing each other with heavy breaths.

Grey: "I can feel my body growing stronger, Mr. Seraph. Thank you for your training."

Seraph smiled and nodded.

Seraph: "You've worked hard, Grey. But this is just the beginning of your journey. There's still much for you to learn and improve upon."

Grey: "I'll keep striving. I want to be the best for Fai and this kingdom."

They continued their training tirelessly, pushing themselves with unwavering determination. Every day, Grey was honed by Seraph with various combat techniques and intense physical exercises. Despite the difficulties and exhaustion, Grey never gave up.

After 10 months of training and living in the palace, Grey had gained a deep understanding of the palace's conditions. He became familiar with the rules and regulations within the palace and grasped the power hierarchy. Grey grew closer to Fai's parents, the King and Queen of Agnia. They provided support and attention to Grey, recognizing his perseverance and desire to improve.

Grey also frequently challenged the guards who used to mock him. With the progress he displayed in his training, Grey earned recognition and respect from them. Now, he was respected within the palace, no longer regarded as trash.

Grey: "I have changed and I'm ready to face any challenges that come my way. I won't

allow myself to be humiliated again."

Slowly, his name began to resonate within the palace. People started acknowledging his toughness and dedication. Grey proved that he could surpass the limitations imposed on him.

Finally, Grey felt like a true part of the palace and the royal family. He had found his place and earned respect.