
ch 1

hi my name is Leah i am a dragon girl. I am half dragon and half human. i live in a town named Aria where all different kinds of people can live here. My mom is dragon and my dad is human. I know you are think us dragons usually look scary but in this world we look normal but can transform and fly to anywhere we want.

My mom's name is Pam steed and dad is mark steed.

I am 16 year old and go to dragon high 🏫. It is a school for my kind and a few blocks away is where humans who are learning magic go to school.

at school

hi ary( my friend who is a human but can learn magic).

Hi! We run up to each other and hug.

Ary can use water magic to!

hi Leah screaming from outside while using water magic.

the water was up in the air from Ary hands.