
The beginning

I amd my friends were having a movie night.We were about 5 kids, Yes Its was fun and entertaining and we were watching this Sci-Fi movie called "Creation of Annabelle" well some of us were enjoying it amd others were scared.As we were watching the movie i ran out of Popcorn so i decided to go snd get some from the Kitchen.As I was in the Kitchen,i saw something very shiny snd so bright that i had to close my eyes,I wanted to go outside to see what it was but i got scared because it was 12:15am.I drank water to calm myself down and decided to go outside.When i got outside i saw a little crystal ball which was so bright I manage to reach it with covering my eyes a little,I touched it and i felt this sharp painin my index finger,but then the cut on my index finger began glowing.......

To be continued