
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

AlienSen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"What are you all doing?! Get rid of this impudent intruder!" Jacob commanded.

All the guards immediately rushed towards Noah. Their bodies beamed in green light , he could feel a spike in their power and followed by their confidence.

A skill?

Noah made a huge grin on his face. Just his luck, he had really wanted to increase his level to get stronger fast, this guy's should give just that.

Noah didn't let them gang up on him, his body disappeared as he reappeared infront of one of the men with his knee smashing into the man's nose.

Yes, they had used a skill, it was a sort of strength amplification type but it was weak. The boost it gave was miniscule compared to his B+ Bloodlust skill.

Facing such fooders, Noah couldn't hide his big grin.

One taken care of, five to go.

A sword slash came from behind Noah, he however was not was not shaken in the least.

As if having eyes on his back, he went down and sweeped the attacker off his legs. He didn't even know what had happened before his world turned up side down and then black.

Noah pulled out his dagger and looked at the four frozen dudes staring at him with shaking legs.

Looking at them with swords on their hands, he really didn't have to show them any mercy. The fact that they were equipped with swords meant that they were going to kill.

Noah realized that it was the same, no matter where or no matter what world, it would always be kill or be killed.

With a vicious and manic light in his eyes, Noah gripped his dual dagger and shot forward.

Noah wouldn't even consider the idea of being killed, he would much more rather pick kill.

Fear engulfed the guards as their eyes shook in terror. The young man had taken care of two of their comrades and had taken them down with ease, and now, it seems his target was them.

The young man disappeared from his position. Before they knew it, blood gushed out of their necks, all they saw before their death was the silhouette of a devil with a big grin on his face.

"Tskkk! A bunch of useless things, can't even take care of such a simple matter." Jacob glared at the young man who wore a wicked and vicious smile on his face, daggers equipped in both his hands.

"I guess I have to take care of everything myself so please stay put my lady, if you think of running away, just think of your family and what will become of them." Jacob adjusted his glasses as he pulled out a sphere with a vibrant green color from seemingly out of nowhere. The air around him seemed to vibrate the moment he pulled out the sphere.

Nulla furrowed her brows as she felt a spike of mana in the surroundings coming from one position.

'Wh-where did he get that?' Nulla became flustered, her heartbeat hastened.

"I'm giving you one last chance kid. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. If you get down on your knees and beg then I'll chalk all this up to your ignorance." 

Noah's lips rose to a curve, a condescending and mocking light in his eyes.

"You don't sound the least bit convincing with that vicious smile on your face that's telling me you're raring to kill me." 

"HWHAHHAHAHH." Jacob burst into a maniacal laugh. 

"Hahh...You're really turning out to be very interesting." With one hand holding the sphere, Jacob raised his other hand into the air. 

Around six or so arrows completely made up of wind manifested in the air, the sound of whirling wind reverberated in the air. 

With a big manic smile on his face, Jacob brought his hands down gesturing for the arrows in mid-air to attack.

Noah looked at the arrows made out of wind, it was magic!!

He was witnessing a spectacle he could only see in movies on Earth.

The arrows split the air as the sound of whirling wind echoed.

Noah took a step back and dodged an arrow but more were coming already. He ran to the side and slowly rushed towards the casters left side at the same time leaving the wind arrows to hit his tracks.

Even though the wind arrows was also fast, Noah was much faster.

Jacob didn't seem the least bit fazed as he saw Noah with the dual daggers on his hands closing on him from his left. With a confident glint in his eyes, Noah stopped in his tracks as he almost hit a wall of earth that had suddenly uprooted itself from the ground.

Jacob had called forth the earth wall to allow a moment of opening for his wind arrows to hit.

And yes, the moment Noah stopped for a moment when faced with the earth wall, it created an opening as the arrows shot towards him from behind.

That second of opening should have been enough to hit Noah, yet despite the stop, he managed to react fast enough to slash the wind arrows.

Once he did though, unexpectedly, the wind arrow blew apart the moment it made contact to Noah's dagger and sent sharp residues of wind that even Noah couldn't dodge.

Noah's hand that held the dagger he slashed with received a few shallow cuts yet still caused blood to seep out.

Despite the small wound, Noah really didn't have much major reaction, only a bit shocked.

Noah's brow sharpened as more wind arrows were coming.

Noah dodged every arrow that came his way but more and more were being sent by Jacob.

Just as numerous arrows converged towards Noah's position at every angle, the earth below him trembled.

Wind Arrows!!

Earth Spikes!!

Two spells was casted by Jacob who seemed to have infinite mana all pitted against Noah.

Earth Spikes pooked out the earth as they chased after Noah and surrounded him from different angles followed by the numerous wind arrows.

"This is what you get for interfering kid, you should have just stayed ignorant."